Uploaded by Joaquin Garcia


Joaquin Garcia
Your Answer
Remote Learning
Assigned Reporter in the class
You forgot the answer in your quiz
Locked down due to the pandemic
Being the leader in your group
Reasons for my responses
For my answer to the first situation, I picked “boring” because I am not used to this setup
aside from the environment where I study. Even before this pandemic, I do not study at home since
I do anything related to academics at school from reviews to assignments and I can tell that this
method is much more efficient for me. Also, I think I have chosen the response “boring” since I
am motivated by the atmosphere of competition that I can find in a school context. Next, I
responded “honored” because I like expressing my thoughts on a certain topic but my only problem
with this is how I will explain things since I am not fond of communication with others. For the
third situation, I selected “disappointment” because I am afraid of getting a low score and even if
it is only a single point, I feel sad. However, this disappointment of mine is dependent on whether
I did my best or not because I do not feel sad when I know that I did my best. I think this
disappointment I get comes from regret since I have long accepted that even if we do our best, it
may not always be enough. My answer to the fourth situation which is “hopeless” is probably
because I am scared that I will fail especially that there is so much pressure coming from my
scholarships which are requiring me to achieve a high grade. In the last situation, I answered
“proud” because I like challenges and I think being a leader is a challenge especially for me, an
introverted person. Even though I picked “proud”, I seem to always fail this challenge not in terms
of work outcome rather my social skills because I usually tend to do all the work since I do not
dare to tell them to stop slacking off.
On why I am inclined to be distressed
If based on my previous answers, I think I am more prone to having a distress situation
since the answers show how dependent I am on my surroundings including the people in it. It is a
given truth that people change, as a matter of fact, everything changes but I, however, remain
stationary and in denial. Even though I like challenges, I tend to think that it will soon end, and
things would be boring again aside from the fact that I feel alone when facing these challenges. It
seems that even if I am the one who begs to have a companion on my journeys, I am still afraid of
the expectations that will build up from these relations. Overall, these statements all tell that I am
unstable and never contented which is why I am more likely to have distress situations.
Effects on Health and Wellness
Stress has many effects on our health because it can lead to certain undesirable events. It
affects our social, physical, and psychological state. From having no sleep to hurting oneself, these
can be the effects of stress on our bodies and this also includes how it threatens one’s physical
health. It can also change our behavior and rational thinking which can directly affect how we deal
and talk to other people. Adverse effects on people can range from having short tempers to the
occurrence of nervous breakdowns which leads to anger and sadness. One of the reasons why
stress can harm us is because it directly targets the mind which influences everything on our body.