I tJ.Ltl I Qairo University Fhculty of Engineering j.,b ,@, Mechanical Power Dept./prog. Turbomachinery I (MEP 405 A) Midterm Exam Nov. 9, 2015 Question 1(15 points): (.$) a. Define: (i) Polytropic efficiency (ii) Total-tototal efficiency (iii) Totatto-static efficiency (Use the h-s chart for a compressor to demonstrate your answer) : ( tO)O. An.8 stages axial flow air compressor operates at 15000 rpm and produces a pressure ratio of 4. The compressor has an efficiency of 0,86, and equal pressure ratio per stage. \-/ i. Find the polytropic efficiency and specific work for both first stage and compressor. ii. 27 "C, Poo = 1.0 baQ. lf compressor speed was changed to 20000 rpm, find the specific work required for the compressor. (Too = _Question 2 (15 pointsl: \-./ @ Y-/ lsignificanceofspecificspeed?SupportyouranSwerwithrelations for both axial and radial turbomachines. b. A c.entrifugal pump with an impeller of 20 cm diameter gives at maximum efficiency point a discharge of 3 m3/min of water at 1500 rpm againsl a head of 5 m. The maximum overallefficiency is 80 %. i. What should be the percentage increase in pump speed of rotation if a similar impeller is used, with 50 7o increase in size, to give 20 m3/min of water? ii. calculate the head and pumping power for the second pump. iii. Calculate the pumping power of the second pump when running at the same speed. Assume 2 points drop in pump efficiency. comment on your result. Good Luck Page 111 rd O P"lgtropic "l{;*\"o @ fs flna tv,r-a, o.orody*o*ic ull.fli"f zle*in** flr-', efpt glP*^*. Yatto.. ft r. u*rJ df ve"tX4 For Go,*p arit6 tlo*"' po1ft"t tto@-el fr turto ,*chinos y,fov Kinq df d'tfl"i*t prcss. rrotio€. 4 " 2: hl Z;'ft P )f trr a, Ce* fye ssov -. ep(E.d) 7: cp (lrJ,) -r*tsr O*o-#"tktqr, SS - wblr- ho"-t, 2 - W- htr i.;tt -ho1 (h*-h,) t(*sr-) 5 2;',+" en t . b) +xt"f -/ al*, co*?ressor z= B Z"ruftn. s+.6t $ = | Sao,.o rp (..''Tco - z7 L, ?o.zl.o L*) fl = 9,qooo TT*=4 l.p.^ M}-:? m /4*- o,9{ TI"1 = r \^9- K=t .1 ,k:zgt{/t1-x CF= l.oo qs*vl TMy. =cot' 74 TL: ru; = t.l8 ? 2 A. --u,,r ilr+ -l 1: t#-t l-r ts;ff 4r,= W-: , ltt q o.&B4z I k_l .fT. r#-., €H 1LLI[* I I tf,ssS. 3o {3 T / @ I7qlgs.psyt T/ft @ r 3 o2,f18.0703 3; vrh r ttL rq -'l + TL: -rB *.6o4? @ %d pn "tJc"{ sry*f $"^.na 4 sF.}#+" =prJ€ {^f d*"nt * Ns l. o y*or^t* si;Jq\r '/,rf*" *^0s * u*.J{_Kn*, h.&w" ,,nq"h,r" .*b,4te- f Ao,*rw: ,$ fr gnh"c rentri ",r* {rThn., it JtFr o * For ovl "l O c&. n/tth &,y*!*o oF,-*, th4 e,voludle*. ,P, N" *-hdr .&*& ls "v.uJl"fr r\t"( Nsc( V-d eqtr, ueJ to a+gl,*tt,--fuet#,sTru.- tut4cthf nos z (## tvo,,htnos: m# ld! 2.b\ -q =- 2o R4 O Gr,r : 3 G/n.tn N, : lsoo rP* Qr 20, Q :5M I z: 2o o,9 a\ +N z ;2?62.?63 rDt/ ry, G\ Nr-N, __-_,ooI ANZ F Nr g*. sso/ t 3+-1, yr \ W, 9 -e (o*=rFDr :3."4 G/ @ \=0, &=?^;" @4,,u =? z:o,xB ,* H' Attr} Y?^ @ @ S&hrer 'u, O, .0 \-lt\ -) SlJ3Dt/t Sr'r?O t / Xr :3o ds. dzl v\/ = tW4z3. B68s TZ 2tit *F* il@ Ad^,"e- ?wf sp*J, go'utainfl,s yrfis t9- qccc"."J.ft- W t*J *^J [1*^,^, wf l,l gvu*yi,q=h*lJ iucr*,4 p7*i +ua"*r_"_ "Mr;r,_,