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Ecological Retreat Centre Design Thesis

I hereby declare that this thesis report has been undertaken solely by me and is an original and not
a duplicate or plagiarised work. It has resulted from thorough research and logical analysis and
synthesis under department staff supervision.
I hereby declare that this work is an original research undertaken by my student and has been
done under my supervision.
As the Head of Department of Architecture, Knust, I declare that the student under supervision
wholly executed the dissertation.
Prof. S.O. Afram
This thesis is dedicated to my parents for their support and inspiration throughout my educational
My profound gratitude goes to the almighty God for giving me strength to complete this thesis
work successfully.
Am also highly indebted to Prof. S.O.Afram for his role as academic tutor for my entire years of
study (6 years), God richly bless you Sir.
Further thanks to Mr George Olympio for his support and objective criticisms throughout the
project and the time he dedicated for supervising my work.
I also wish to thank all the lecturers in the Department of Architecture, mainly Dr. Kootin Sanwu
for his continuous advice and correction throughout this project, and also to Mrs Christine
Asmah; may God richly bless you all.
Architecture, defined as the art and science of building construction has helped transformed the
raw natural landscape of our earth into great cities and abodes suitable for modern day residential
and business purposes; amidst its initial quest is the desire to transform landscapes into built
environments of interesting quality through the use of materials and technology. Conversely
meteorological figures warning of impending global warming dangers keeps increasing with most
of the blame pointed at the design and construction industry amid the ever increasing population
figures of the world and the demand for more buildings. This thesis therefore focuses on
investigating the relationship between buildings, their landscape and history. Thus it attempts to
explore the possibility of enhancement of the relationship between buildings and their ecological
environment through the application of the fundamental principles of ecological science. The
main aim of this research work is to develop a concept model for the design of An Ecological
Retreat Centre through a methodical study of the principles of Ecological Architecture on the
Tanoso basin near Sunyani. The origination of this concept is based on the applied principles of
sustainable architecture. On-site research was done within a period of one year and the study of
two local and international retreat Eco-lodges were carried out including interviews of design and
construction professionals and ecologist. Intrinsically, this thesis is directed at serving as
contribution to the broader scope of knowledge on the formulation of possible solutions to
unsustainable developments and the shifting of focus of stakeholders towards sustainable
development and professional architectural practise that has the ecological environment at heart.
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5.1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………100
5.2 SITE STUDIES………………………………………………………….………………100
5.3 SITE STUDIES AND SELECTION……………………………………………………103
5.5 DESIGN PROCESS………………………………………………………………….….110
5.6 DESIGN VISUALIZATION……………………………………………………………110
5.7 CONCLUSIONS…………..……………..……………...…………………….………....122
Table 3.1 Research methods Used………………………………………………………………75
Table 4.1 Frequency Table of Respondents Age group ……………………………………..….78
Table 4.2: Educational background of respondents……………………………………..…..…..80
Table 4.3: whether or not workers’ co-operations go on retreats in a working year……..…......80
Table 4.4: Frequency of Respondents anticipating facilities at a Retreat Centre…………..…...81
Table 4.5: Respondents response on building design and construction integration with site…..81
Table 4.6: Building integration with site and its impact ……………………………………....82
Table 4.7: How decisive site selection could be to ecological sustainability………….……..….83
Table 4.8: The assessment of the sourcing of natural resources for construction projects…..…84
Table 4.9: Views on the assessment of energy usage on construction sites in Ghana……..........84
Table 4.10: Impact of materials handling on construction projects….……………………....…85
Table 4.11: Assessment of the existence of possible schemes …………..………………….…86
Table 4.12: How water and water resources are been managed on construction sites………....86
Table 4.14: Possibility of using other sources of water supply in Ghana………………...…….87
Table 4.15: How construction waste products are managed on sites in Ghana…………….…...88
Table 4.14: Respondents views on how waste is managed in the municipality…………………88
Table 4.15: Difference between indoor and outdoor air quality…………..…………….……...90
Table 4.16: Whether indoor air quality affects human and environmental health………….….90
Table 4.17: Presence or absence of adequate urban infrastructure………………………...…...91
Table 4.18: Views on how landlords manage their buildings………………………….....…....92
Table 4.21: Effective building management on built environment sustainability…………...…..93
hether or not workers’ co-operations go on retreats in a working year………
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