Uploaded by Samrah Iqbal

Exploring Variables Worksheet: Scratch Math

Name: ________________________________________
Scratch ID: ____________________________________
Sep 29, 2021
Exploring Variables: Variable Worksheet
Objective: Today, I will explore how to use variables to chat about math.
Directions: Sonia made this program to calculate area, but she might have made a mistake with the
math. Look at what the program does and decide if the area formula is correct.
Scratch Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/329795278/
Read and think:
Play the project and fill in your input to the computer and the computer’s output to you.
1. Fill in your input for length and width.
2. Fill in the computer’s output.
3. Does the computer output the correct value for the area?
4. Write the number sentence using the length and width input values above and the
correct area value (hint: length * width = area):
Predict the following answers by looking at sprite Ben’s
4. Circle or outline the block that calculated the value of the variable named area.
5. Circle or outline the block that stores the value for the calculated area in the variable named area.
Name: ________________________________________
Scratch ID: ____________________________________
6. Circle or outline the block that outputs the value of the variable named area.
Explore the project! Try some of these changes to Ben’s
7. Select different input values for length and width in the sliders, click the green flag, and notice
what displays as the output value for the variable “area”. Fill in the table.
length (slider value)
width (slider value)
8. Replace
. Use the same input values for length and
width that you used in question 7, click the green flag, and notice what displays. Fill in the
table. (Hint: Make sure when you put the variable in the green oval, the white circle lights up.)
length (slider value)
width (slider value)
9. How are the output values for question #8 different than the values for question #7? Fill in or
highlight the answer.
⃞ smaller
⃞ the same
The output values in problem #8 are: ⃞ bigger
10. Reload the project.
11. Replace
(Hint: You’ll find this block next to the scripts.)
What output is displayed? Fill in or highlight the answer.
⃞ “The area is: _____”
⃞ “The area is: _____ !!!!!”
⃞ “The area is: join _____ !!!!!”