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Computers in Defense: Applications & Effects

Presentation of how
computers are used in
• Defense industry is one of the vital economic units in most nations. It
produces weapons and special equipment of war. Some nations have
developed their defense industry to the extend of exporting the
equipment to others. In general, defense industry’s outputs can be
categorized into two – hardware and software, just like the ICT
Examples of hardware output from defense industry are:
• Ships such as patrol craft, corvette, frigate, destroyer, multi-purposes
support ship, and air craft carrier.
• Aircraft such as utility and attack helicopter, fighter, interceptor, bomber.
• Land-based weapon platforms such as heavy battle tank (MBT), infantry
fighting vehicle (IFV), tactical vehicle, and etc.
• Logistic equipment in term of all-terrain vehicle (ATV), lorry, four-wheel
drive (4WD) and etc.
• Arms – small and big caliber guns such as assault rifle, artillery pieces,
bombs, and missiles
Examples of software output from defense industry are:
• Various types of radar for land, sea, and air usage.
• Optronic (optical electronics) system.
• Telecommunication system for all levels (Sections, Platoons,
Companies, Regiments, Brigades, Divisions, as well as Corps)
• Electronic countermeasures equipment.
• Battlefield Management System (BMS)
• Defense industry is one of the many industries which are strongly impacted by Information
and Communication Technology. ICT and defense industry have strong correlation. Both have a
direct or positive relationship to one another – advancement in ICT brings benefits to the
development in defense industry and vice versa.
• For example, the Internet – one of the cores of ICT era, was first invented in the late 1950s to
be used in defensive manner upon the former Soviet Union aggression. It was built with the
objective of providing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and United States of
America (USA)’s armed forces generals with unbreakable and hard-to-decipher communication
tool in case of a nuclear war broke out.
• ICT had transformed the industry from producing dumb bombs to smart weapons,
from people-centric to network-centric battlefields management, from aftermath combat
review to real-time combat surveillance, from land and sea to air and outer space superiority,
and from hardware-based to software-based force multipliers.
How are computers used in defense?
• Controlling UAV or unmanned aircrafts e.g. predator
• They are also used on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that
uses GPS and computers to help the missile get to the target.
• Computers are used to track incoming missiles and help slew weapons
systems onto the incoming target to destroy them.
• Computers are used in helping the military find out where all their
assets are (Situational Awareness) and in and in
Communications/Battle Management Systems.
• Computers are used in the logistic and ordering functions of getting
equipment to and around the battlefield
• Computers are used to hold records of personnel and very useful in
field hospitals.
• Computers are used in tanks and planes and ships to target enemy
forces, help run the platform and more recently to help diagnose any
problems with the platforms.
• Computers are used as gateways between different computer
networks and to host security functions (crypto systems).
• Computers help design and test new systems.
• Computers are used to hold documents, maintenance records and
records of events.
Effects of computers in defense
Positive effects
Negative effects
• Computerized artillery and navigation,
• Computers improve the chances of death in
weapons and lot of confidential software’s and
information etc. is maintained by big data
• These computers hold knowledge of
computers. Defense research is a whole lot
dangerous weapons that can be fatal to a lot
dependent on computer and advanced
of nations if it fell into the wrong hands.
technology again for the secretive and security