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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
Irenea R. Dela Cruz
Abstract – The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing tool strategy of the
Paperdolls Fashion Company. Specifically, it sought to identify the profile of the respondents, to assess the
level of effectiveness in terms of product, price, place and promotion, and to determine the significant
difference in the respondents’ assessment of the effectiveness of the Facebook as a marketing tool strategy of
the Paperdolls Fashion Company when respondents were grouped by profile.
The researcher used descriptive design wherein a researcher-made questionnaire was employed.
Frequency and Percentage Distribution, Weighted Mean, ANOVA, t-Test, and f-ratio were utilized as
statistical tools.
The respondents’ assessment on the effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing Tool Strategy of
Paperdolls Fashion Company that product, price, and place attained ‘Effective’ remarks from the respondents,
while ‘Somehow Effective’ on the aspect of promotion. There is no significant difference in the assessment of
the respondents on the effectiveness of Facebook as marketing tool strategy of the Paperdolls when they
grouped according to age, civil status, average monthly income, frequency of visit to Paperdolls Facebook
page and by number of years as customer of Paperdolls since P-value was greater than the level of significance
hence, null hypothesis is accepted.
However, the assessment of price, when they grouped according to the frequency of visit to Paperdolls
Facebook page and average monthly income are both significantly different since P-value was less than the
level of significance of 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected..
Keywords – Facebook, Marketing, Marketing Mix Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Facebook is a social network service and website, which
was launched in February 2004 by former-Harvard
student of psychology, Mark Zuckerberg, and his college
roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin
Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Mark Zuckerberg (while
he was studying at Harvard) ran Facebook as one of his
hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo
Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites.
It is a popular free social networking website that allows
registered users to create profiles, upload photos and
videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends,
family and colleagues. The site, which is available in 37
different languages, includes public features such as:
Marketplace which allows members to post, read and
respond to classified ads. Groups that allow members
who have common interests to find each other and
interact. Events that allow members to publicize an
event, invite guests and track those who plan to attend.
Pages that allow members to create and promote a public
page built around a specific topic. And Presence
technology that allows members to see which contacts
are online and chat.
The study describes the social networking site Facebook
as the fastest growing marketing tool currently and looks
at how it is being used effectively. On the other hand, the
practical part analyzes how Paperdolls communicates to
its market using this social network.
Close your eyes and imagine the world just twenty years
ago before the age of such incredible technology.
Landlines were the norm form of communication. Cell
phones were for business professionals only. Computers
did not live in every home and office. Internet was not
something to be browsed. The Yellow pages were used
as a daily resource. In just twenty short years, the way
our society acquires information and how that
information is transmitted has been completely
revolutionized. Today, in the age of smart phones and
global positioning systems, people depend on technology
for day-to-day activities. It is part of our culture. Since
Netscape’s launch in 1994, companies and individuals
continue to develop more and more uses for the internet,
and businesses notice.
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
Facebook does the marketing of companies nowadays. In
the world of marketing, it processes and instills the
interest of certain potential customers and clients in your
products and/or services.
The key word in this marketing definition is "process";
marketing involves researching, promoting, selling, and
distributing products and/or services. It is a huge topic
which is why there are tomes written on marketing, and
why people take a four-year marketing degree for this.
Essentially marketing involves everything business
people want to get their potential customers and pave
way for their products and/or services.
Similarly, the marketing of Paperdolls Fashion Company
includes the basic four key components of a marketing
plan, the 4 P’s namely, Products, Price, Place, and
Background of the study about the Paperdolls Fashion
Company is a production company that imports and
retails ladies’ ready-to-wear apparel and accessories. Its
pricing is at the mid to mid-high range. Also, the
company targets the economic classes A, B and C
markets with distribution primarily as concessionaire
within leading department stores nationwide. Paperdolls
also has its independent boutiques namely Scoop Project
and Pd & Co. as well as another department store brand,
Milly, introducing original wearable pieces and allowing
women to embrace their femininity in classic style. Its
market share comprises mostly of young professional
women, fashionably hip moms, and stylish women who
love to wear statement clothes.
Paperdolls is now using websites and Facebook account
as a competitive advantage to promote globally and
inform public on the quality of products they are
offering. With this, Paperdolls become closer to
customers, easy to reach out to and connect many friends
in the community.
According to a recent survey of marketers, Facebook
remains the single most effective social media marketing
platform out there. Marketing the brand or product will
include different aspects of manufacturing, promoting
and selling products to the customers. Promotion is a key
element in putting the benefits of the product or services
to the customers. Well-designed marketing and
promotional strategies ensure long-term success, bring in
more customers and ensure profitability for businesses.
Updates in Paperdolls have been part of the business as a
marketing strategy among competitors. In the assessment
of many fashion industry marketing activities, customers
are still looking for other unique strategy which really
satisfies their needs and wants that eventually creates
customer relationships and loyalty.
With that said, the researcher wants to assess the
effectiveness and reliability of Facebook as a marketing
tool strategy currently used by Paperdolls.
The objective is to study the social networking site
Facebook as the fastest growing marketing tool currently
and looks at how it is being used effectively. On the other
hand, the practical part analyzes how Paperdolls
communicates to its market using this social network.
The researcher get the names of Facebook followers and
customers of the Paperdolls Facebook page. She selected
among the gathered names based on their activity log on
Facebook; those who are more active are the selected
respondents. Then send to the selected respondents the
survey questionnaire and asked a little time to the
selected respondents to answer the survey questionnaire.
The researcher used descriptive type of research in the
study to meet its objectives. This is the most appropriate
method for the researcher to analyze, describe and
interpret the data that gathered in this study.
As defined by Clause (2003), Descriptive research
methods are used when the researcher wants to describe
specific behavior as it occurs in the environment. This
means that this type of research can only describe the
situation of the research not the cause of it. Thus, the
main goal of this method is to describe the data and
characteristics being studied.
Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique
The population in the study is unknown which stands the
Paperdolls Facebook page followers and customers,
however the unknown population has a minimum sample
size of 385 respondents. And as advised by the
statistician the researcher used 400 respondents as a
sample size. The purposive sampling technique was used
by the researcher to determine and meet the quantity of
the required respondents out of undefined population.
The survey questionnaire distribution is through online
by sending the link to the selected respondents. The data
gathered from the survey was tabulated and interpreted
for presentation, analysis using statistical treatment and
to draw conclusions and recommendations.
Description of Respondents
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
Statistical Treatment of Data
The respondents are the selected followers and
customers of the Paperdolls Facebook page. Starts at the
aged of 18 to 54 years old, as Paperdolls target market
are adult women and based on Facebook analytics of
Paperdolls most of audience are women, with ages 18
years old up to 54 years old.
To provide specific answers on the problem in this study
and statistical treatment on the data gather, the researcher
used the following statistical instruments.
1. Frequency and Percentage Distributions.
Berenson et all (2004), defined frequency as a
summary table in which the data are arranged
into numerically ordered class group. Frequency
Distribution includes selecting the appropriate
number of class groupings for the table,
determining a suitable width of a class grouping
and establishing the boundaries of each class
grouping to avoid overlapping
Research Instrument
This research used online survey questionnaire and the
design is pattern by PUP and MBA Thesis (Madrid,
2017). The researcher made some changes in the profile
of the respondents to suit her qualification of respondents
for this study. Also, the researcher adopted almost all of
the variables found in part 2 of the survey-questionnaire.
Some of the sub-variables were altered based on the
specification and difference of the products of the
company being studied into.
Percentage use to tall and compute questionnaires
together with the table of frequency. The formula is as
Questionnaire has these parts:
P = (n/N) x 100
Part I of the questionnaire looks into the profile of the
respondents, or the followers and customers of the
Paperdolls Fashion Company.
P = Percentage
Part II focuses on the several aspects to measure the
effectiveness of Facebook as marketing tool strategy of
the Paperdolls Fashion Company.
n = Number of Respondents
The researcher used the following Likert scale method as
the criteria that would serve as the basis of verbal
interpretation of the data.
N = Total Number of Respondents
2. Weighted Mean. The researcher will use
weighted mean to quantify the respondents’
assessment on the effectiveness of Facebook as
a marketing tool strategy of the Paperdolls
Fashion Company. Weighted mean score will
obtain using this
Data-Gathering Procedure
The researcher gathered through online by sending the
survey questionnaire on Facebook messenger of the
selected Facebook page followers and customers of
Paperdolls as the respondents on this research.
Fx - sum of the product of the frequency
The researcher attached the approved letter by the
Company owner and by the concerned department of the
company prior to conduct survey and to study the
Facebook page of Paperdolls as marketing tool strategy
of the Fashion Company.
N – Number of respondents
3. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This
formula will use to determine whether there is
any significant differences among the means of
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
(3) three or more independent (unrelated) groups
including the assumptions of the test. The
formula is:
N = Total number of observations
4. T-test. This was used to test the hypothesis. The t-test
looks at the t-statistic, t-distribution and degrees of
freedom to determine a p value (probability) that can be
used to determine whether the population means differ.
5. F- Ratio. It is the ratio of two mean squares. In this
study, it is the value resulting from a standard statistical
test used in ANOVA and regression analysis to
determine if the variances between the means of two
populations were significantly different.
= Annova coefficient
MST = mean sum of squares due to treatment
6. Ranking. It pertains to the relationship between a set
of items such that, for any two items, the first is “ranked
higher than”, “ranked lower than”, or “ranked equal to”
the second. It refers also to the data information in which
numerical or ordinal values are replaced by their rank
when data are sorted.
MSE = means sum of squares due to error
MSE = SST/P -1
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of
Paperdolls Facebook page as a marketing tool strategy.
Specifically, it sought to identify the profile of the
respondents in terms of product, price, place and
promotion and to know the significant difference in the
respondents’ assessment of the effectiveness of
Facebook as a marketing tool strategy of the Paperdolls
Fashion Company when they grouped according to
SST = sum of square due to treatment
P = Total number of Populations
The study adopted descriptive research method which
involved collection of data through online distribution of
survey questionnaire to test the hypothesis and answer
the general and specific questions in the statement of the
problem. Sampling size technique out of selective
respondents was applied to determine the sample size
and the number of respondents was applied to determine
the sample size and the number of respondents from
Paperdolls Facebook page followers and customers.
Prior to this, the researcher sought approval from the
company management of the company to conduct survey
for the study (Appendix 1). Statistical treatment of data
was applied to provide scientific answer to the questions
and statement of the problem such as frequency and
percentage distributions, weighted mean, One-way
analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and independent Sample
of T-test which guide the researcher to formulate the
findings, conclusions as well as recommendation of the
n = Total number of samples in a population
N- p
S S E = ∑ ( n – 1) S
SSE = sum of squares due to error
S = Standard Deviation of the samples
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
remarks from the respondents, while ‘Somehow
Effective’ on the aspect of promotion.
The following were the findings of the study based on the
analyzed and interpreted data:
1. Profile of the Respondents
3. Significant Difference in Respondents’
Assessment of the effectiveness of Facebook as
a Marketing Tool Strategy of the Paperdolls
Fashion Company when they grouped according
to profile.
When the respondents were grouped according to age
that Promotion had F=2.611 with p=.051, Place had
F=0.981 with p=0.402, Product had F=0.769 with
p=0.512 and Price had F=0.172 with p=0.916, hence the
null hypothesis was accepted and not significant.
When the respondents were grouped according to civil
status that Price had t=0.718 with p-0.473, Place had
t=0.009 with p=0.993, Promotion had t=-1.049 with
p=0.295, and Product had t=-1.314 with p=0.190, All the
P value were greater than 0.05, the assumed level of
significance, hence the null hypothesis was accepted.
When the respondents were grouped according to highest
educational attainment that Promotion had F=1.206 with
p=0.307, Price had F=1.089 with p=0.353, Place had
F=0.473 with p=0.702, Product had F=0.244 with
p=0.866, All the P value were greater than 0.05, the
assumed level of significance, hence the null hypothesis
was accepted.
When the respondents were grouped according to
average monthly income that Price has an F=3.830 with
p=.023. The p-value is less than .05, the assumed level
of significance, hence the null hypothesis was rejected.
However, their assessments on Promotion (F=.1.387,
p=.251), Product (F=.1.111, p=.330), and Place (F=.833,
p=.435) was statistically the same.
When the respondents were grouped according to
frequency of visit to Paperdolls page that Price has an
F=2.749 with p=.043 All the P value were greater than
0.05, the assumed level of significance, hence the null
hypothesis was rejected. However, their assessments on
Promotion (F=.674, p=.569), Product (F=.620, p=.603),
and Place (F=.552, p=.647) was statistically the same.
When the respondents were grouped according to
number of years as Customer of Paperdolls, Product has
an F=1.246 with p=.291, Promotion has an F=.745 with
p=.562, Price has an F=.254 with p=.907, and Place has
an F=.177 with p=.950, All the P value were greater than
0.05, the assumed level of significance, the null
hypotheses was accepted.
Most of the respondents in this study who visited
Paperdolls Facebook Page and customers were
18-28 years old which attained 216 or 54.0%
while 13 or 3.3% for 51 years old and above,
Single (169 or 42.3%), while legally separated
got the lowest (2 or 0.5%), college graduate
which were 204 or 51.0% of the respondents
while 16 or 4.0% were Masters/Doctorate
Graduate, with average monthly income PhP
20,000 below which attained 257 or 64.3% while
10 or 2.5% ranged PhP 31,000 to Php 40,000.In
addition, 187 or 46.8% of the respondents
weekly visited the Paperdolls Facebook Page
while 13 or 3.3% on a seldom basis.
2. Respondents Assessment in Level of
Effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing Tool
Strategy of the Paperdolls Fashion Company.
As to place aspect which attained the highest grand mean
of 4.48, Place in terms of ‘accessible by the Facebook
followers and customers’ attained the weighted mean of
4.94 and ranked number 1. Place in terms of store branch
address and contact details are shown by the Facebook
page followers and customers obtained the weighted
mean of 4.03.
As to product aspect which attained the grand mean of
4.28, ‘products are well-explained’ obtained the
weighted mean of 4.65 and ranked number 1. ‘Company
profile information and details are shown/ linked like
slogan, brand, mission and vision, core values, company
owners’ history and its affiliates’ obtained the lowest
mean of 3.43.
As to price aspect which attained the grand mean of 3.89,
Place commensurate with the quality of product,
obtained the weighted mean of 4.55 and ranked number
1. And ‘Prices are well-displayed’ obtained the lowest
weighted mean of 2.79.
As to Promotion aspects which attained the grand mean
of 3.20, ‘create activity that promotes brand awareness
obtained the weighted mean of 4.18 and ranked number
1. ‘Promotional update links/connects/mails directly to
customers’ obtained the lowest weighted mean of 2.69.
And the summary of grand mean in terms of aspects of
product, price and place attained ‘Very Effective’
Table 1. The Arrangement of Channels
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
page to ensure that promotional messages and updates
will be send to the correct customers.
Based on the findings the following conclusions were
2. Ensure that there is a personnel in-charge to handle
costumer’s inquiry or concerns and addressing
complaints immediately in a most polite and
professional manner for video calls or messenger
1. It can be concluded the most respondents visited the
Paperdolls Facebook page and customers were 18-28
years old, Married in status, and College graduate
holder. 64.3% of the respondents have an average
monthly income of PhP 20, 000 and below, most of
them visited Weekly the Paperdolls Facebook page and
4-7 years as customer of Paperdolls Fashion Company.
3. To create a link or connection on the Facebook page
on the total payment / computations or total discount in
purchasing bulk or volume orders. This is for the
customers to easily compute their savings as they are
comparing it to other RTW stores.
2. Three (3) of the four (4) Ps of marketing mix are
verbally interpreted as ‘Effective’ as assessed by the
respondents. These are Product, Price and Place with
corresponding grand mean values of 4.28, 3.89 and
4.48 respectively. However, Promotion is verbally
interpreted as ‘Somehow Effective; which attained 3.20
grand mean.
4. Creating link on the customer personal or company
email after viewing the Paperdolls Facebook page to
ensure that promotional messages and updates will be
send to the correct customers.
5. Management must regularly review all the pricing
strategy of every stock especially for bulk quantity and
the pricing strategy of the competitors to know how it
was negotiated with suppliers. With this management
can competitively adjust the prices and can implement
action plan effectively.
3. There is no significant difference in the assessment
of the respondents on the effectiveness of Facebook as
marketing tool strategy of the Paperdolls when they
grouped according to age, civil status, average monthly
income, frequency of visit to Paperdolls Facebook page
and by number of years as customer of Paperdolls since
P-value were greater than the level of significance
hence, null hypothesis is accepted. However, the
assessment of price, when they grouped according to
the frequency of visit to Paperdolls Facebook page and
average monthly income are both significantly different
since P-value were less than the level of significant of
0.05. Therefore, null hypothesis is rejected.
6. Management may take into consideration the number
of frequency visiting or shopping in Paperdolls
Facebook page and store branches and the reason why
customer is looking for the needed and wanted
products. Paperdolls must ensure that whatever
advertisement posted or updated in Facebook page
must always available in the designated store branches.
Top saleable items must always in complete sizes and
7. Paperdolls has moved forward in its marketing
communication with Facebook. The company created
its official fan page and launched a couple other
advertising campaigns. However, there are still many
opportunities offered by Facebook. Based on the
analysis of Paperdolls’ competitors, here are the
following marketing tips that researcher will
recommend; invite all customers to follow the page,
add more photos and videos and make a frequent
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
researcher has come up with the recommendations in
which Paperdolls Fashion Company may take into
consideration in using Facebook as marketing tool
1. Among the principles of marketing mix, only the
promotion remarked as ‘somehow effective’ (3.20
grand mean). To become more effective or very
effective on this aspect, let the company improve on
executing and enticing the advertisement and
promotional update links/connects/mails directly to
customers. Creating link on the customer personal or
company email after viewing the Paperdolls Facebook
8. Creating a program in ensuring the connection of
Facebook is reachable and accessible 24/7 even on
holidays. This will give immediate attention to the
management how many times the customer failed to
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Volume X, No. X | Month Year
reach or access the Facebook page of the Paperdolls
Fashion Company.
9. If customer cannot extend to spend on their limited
budget, post and highlight on Paperdolls Facebook page
the latest promotion scheme primarily for customers
who are irregularly visiting Paperdolls store and its
Facebook page such as discounts on purchases and
price offs. This is for the customer to spend extra
budget at reasonable price and at the same time to
become regular visit on Paperdolls Facebook page.
10. Setting a clear goal and strategy gives a direction
for Facebook marketing and a way to measure the
success. (like for example, posting a daily photo
featuring a customer who is Paperdolls of the day.
11. Offering a multi or more payment options for the
12. Recommendation for the future researcher to add
profile sex in the study to measure the level of the
effectiveness of social media like Facebook in terms of
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