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Data Marketplaces: Trends, Revenue, and Challenges

Publication Name: <Plus Company Updates>
Date: 11-10-2021
Story ID: PCU RLPMN368836
Credit Line: Staff Reporter
Head Line: "Trend Opportunity Profiles - Data Marketplaces" report published
Article Type: News
Subject: National
Dublin,; The "Trend Opportunity Profiles - Data Marketplaces" report has been published. More than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day, of which 90% was generated in the last two years. With this explosive amount of data generation, data marketplaces have immense potential to create new revenue streams by productizing data assets.
Data marketplaces are displacing old data sharing models and significantly altering the way consumers transact with data. They unify governance, Big Data, and security tools into a common, seamless data supply chain. Three different types of data marketplaces monetize data assets: personal data marketplaces, business data marketplaces, and internet of things (IoT) sensor data marketplaces.
Enterprises need to develop a clear understanding of the diverse processes and dataset requirements for each type of data asset. Further, data providers need to adopt a strong strategy around their target customers and the types of value-added data and services they want.
Data marketplaces enable the creation of new digital services and business models. They also address data valuation by taking a free-market approach, allowing data owners to set their prices and buyers to choose from whom to purchase data among the various multichannels and platforms. With data marketplace adoption continuing to grow, multiple revenue models will evolve in the short and midterm.
Marketplaces usually take a commission for each data transaction and charge fees for data marketplace membership, data products listing, storage space, or use of data services. Freemium revenue models also exist, and shifts in data marketplace utilization have already commenced. For example, Snowflake Data Marketplace has users accessing more than 350 datasets from 120-plus data providers, including Heap Analytics, Knoema, FactSet, and Weather Source, across 16 key categories. The impact of disruptive technologies on data marketplaces will rise rapidly in the short term, following the growing adoption of technologies, such as blockchain, and exploration of newer technology architecture in data marketplaces. Globally, governments will move toward regulating data marketplaces to protect consumer data from proliferation and misuse. Data marketplaces will be required to implement strict access controls and police the use and distribution of personally identifiable information. Despite privacy and data security challenges, the current trajectory shows a clear trend toward the development of new trading platforms specializing in the commercial exchange of data, denoting the significance of anonymization and encryption in emerging data marketplaces.