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Federalism: State vs. National Government Advantages

The advantages of having small state and local government are the ability to focus on a
state’s specific needs, allowing the government to focus on larger issues. Such as the need for
road construction or building schools. “If an act of a particular State, though unfriendly to the
national government, be generally popular in that State and should not too grossly violate the
oaths of the State officers, it is executed immediately and, of course, by means on the spot and
depending on the State alone” (Madison, No. 46). James Madison makes a point that when
allowing states to govern themselves, the different laws will vary from what is viewed as right by
one person to another. Allowing the citizens more freedom over the laws put into effect in each
state. Citizens can make more decisions about local government issues, and how to spend the
money for infrastructure development. This helps to provides a more accurate representation of
the wants and need of the individuals, and makes the people feel closer to their elected officials
by having their voices heard. Since states are more knowing of their local problems than the
national government, issues can be handled more quickly and efficiently.
The advantages of having a strong national government are that the people and states are
united under a single government. Also, the ability to regulate national issues based on a state’s
political views, declare war, issue currency, collect taxes, and protecting the people from tyranny
are all advantages of having a strong national government. Having a strong national government
can also give people a feeling of unity by spreading patriotism throughout the masses. Another
advantage of having a strong national government is by helping the citizens to achieve more
economic and social equality.
The disadvantages of having small state and local governments are that they do not have
any authority over national issues or laws. Nor are they able to participate in wars or dispense
their own currencies. Also, many nationally funded services such as schools or hospitals would
no longer be provided with their funding. Small state and local governments can also have a
problem with keeping up with the issues that need attention immediately. Disadvantages of
having a strong national government are the power struggles between central and state
governments. When one group has more power than another, some people take advantage of that
power and use it for personal gain. Also, the state’s ability to challenge or prevent enforcement
of national laws.
The American Federal System gives citizens the best of both worlds because of the
productive local governments and powerful central government. “The adversaries of the
Constitution seem to have lost sight of the people altogether in their reasonings on this subject;
and to have viewed these different establishments, not only as mutual rivals and enemies, but as
uncontrolled by any common superior in their efforts to usurp the authorities of each other”
(Madison, No. 46). As James Madison stated in Federalist No. 46, the power that the state and
federal governments have can be used in malice ways if not divided and monitored properly. By
allowing the power to be divided equally between the branches, federalism gives representation
and organization in the government for the citizens.