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Harvard Referencing 1st Year (2021)

Harvard Referencing Style
Citing in-text & the REFERENCE LIST
• All sources are cited in-text by referring to the surname of
the author and the year of publication and page number.
• This is done whenever you directly or indirectly refer to
their work/words.
• It is done at the point in the text of our assignment, that is
why it is called “in-text citation”.
• Each “in-text citation” has a corresponding entry in the
 Note: You need only enter the REFERENCE LIST entry once,
even if you reference this source at numerous times in your text.
• The “in-text citation” is the short version, which links the
reader to the full source details in the REFERENCE LIST.
Here are what the in-text citations
typically look like
When referencing in-text the following rules should be adhered to.
• If the source has only One author, the following applies:
 (Author, date:page)
• e.g
• (Ferreira, 2016:2)
Two authors
 (Ferreira & Perks, 2016:20)
Three and more authors
 First time citing authors
 (Ferreira, Perks & Oosthuizen, 2015:80)
 Thereafter
 (Ferreira et al., 2015:83)
Please note et al. is in italics
Examples of In-text citations
Below the student wanted to use the authors surname as part of his text so it
will look as follows:
Ferreira (2016:1) stated South Africa experienced an increase in violent crime
in 2015
• OR, below the student wanted to just state the author not using their name
in their sentence.:
In 2015, South Africa experienced an increase in violent crime (Ferreira,
• So we now have seen how the “in-text citation” looks
and is usedn namely as part of your text/writing.
• Next we will look at how they are accompanied by their
detailed entry in the REFERENCE LIST.
• Note: Students need to realise that the “in-text citation”
and its accompanying REFERENCE LIST entry work
• In-text citation is the “short hand” that points the reader
to the more detailed REFERENCE LIST entry.
Textbooks entries in the REFERENCE
• When citing books, it should be indicated as follows in the Reference List:
Surname, Initials. Year of publication. Title of book. Place of publication:
Publisher name.
Perks, S. 2015. The value of internet marketing. Cape Town: Van Schaik.
Websites entries in the REFERENCE
In the case of articles found on the web where the name of the author is available, the
entry in the Reference List is as follows:
Author surname, Initials. Year. Title of article, [Online]. Available: give full web address.
[Access date].
Ferreira, D. 2016. How political climate influences the growth of tourism. [Online]. Available:
http://www.suntimes.co.za/article.aspx?ID=297072. [Accessed: 10 December 2016].
Notice that the URL address (the http:// above is not left as a hyperlink)
News paper entries in the
In the case of newspaper articles or magazine articles found on the web where
there is no author indicated, the entry in the Reference List is as follows: :
Name of article. Year. Newspaper title, journal title or name of website, date of
publication. [Online]. Available: give full web address. [Access date].
Forbes. 2016. Five challenges for tomorrow's global marketing leaders. [Online].
Available: http://www.forbes.com/sites/onmarketing/2012/08/21/fivechallenges-for-tomorrows-global-marketing-leaders-study/#5afa802212d7
[Accessed: 10 December 2016].
Journal Article entries in the
• When citing journal articles, it should be indicated as follows in the
Reference List:
Surname, Initials. Year of publication. Article title. Name of Journal, Vol
(Issue): pages.
Ferreira, D., Perks, S. & Oosthuizen, N. 2016. Travellers’ perspectives of
travel constraints and travel booking channel preferences. African
Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(4): 1-23.
Casas-Arce, P., Martinez-Jerez, F.de A. & Narayanan, V.G. 2016. The impact of forward-looking metrics on
employee decision-making: The case of customer lifetime value. [Online]. Available:
http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2785561 [Accessed: 12 October 2016].
Ekinci, Y., Uray, N. & Ülengin, F. 2014. A customer lifetime value model for the banking industry: A guide to
marketing actions. European Journal of Marketing, 48(3/4):761-784.
Kahreh, M.S., Tive, M., Babania, A. & Hesan, M. 2014. Analyzing the applications of customer lifetime value (CLV)
based on benefit segmentation for the banking sector. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109:590-594.
Pansari, A. & Kumar, V. 2016, 25 – 28 June. Modeling customer lifetime value of a fashion retailer customer, in
Proceedings of the Global Fashion Management Conference: Renaissance of Marketing and Management in
Fashion. Florence, Italy. 573-573.
Zhang, H., Liang, X. & Wang, S. 2016. Customer value anticipation, product innovativeness, and customer lifetime
value: The moderating role of advertising strategy. Journal of Business Research, 69(9): 3725-3730.
Notice they are in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname.
Notice the correct indent and spacing.
Journal Article Example
• Title – The influence of technological development on
the marketing environment
• Authors – Perks, S. Ferreira, D., Zeka, B.
• Journal – Journal of Modern Marketing
• Year - 2015
• Volume – 10
• Issue – 5
• Pg – 10 – 15
• The above details came from the journal article’s front
cover…see the next slide.
Text books
When looking for
the details of a
textbook to use in
making the
entry this can be
found in the first
few pages of the
textbook. Here is
and example of
such a page in a