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Theories of Aging Essay: Ms. Foster Case Study

My reaction to the article on Theories of Aging by Virginia Richardson. I am
going to be writing about three theories of aging and connecting them to my learning
partner. Learning about Joan Erikson that expounded on theorist Tornstam’s ideas to
the eight stages. Joan Erikson is important because of psychological stage of
gerotranscendence. Finding that my learning partner has understanding of herself.
Ms. Foster attends church on the regular basis the last ten years; says tomorrow
is not promised to anyone. The activity theory in which I believe is what Ms. Foster
views as successful aging. “Who leads active lives higher level of self-esteem be more
satisfied and happier” (Richardson 2010 pg.37). Ms. Foster friendships are more than
two decades. On a regular basis she has dinner with her friends. Since the Covid-19
pandemic Ms. Foster has learned to use the internet to search for information.
Moreover, YouTube for learning new recipes to prepare, focused on Thailand
people, foods, and customs. Now, the social-psychological theory via role theory. Ms.
Foster spoke of a scenario in her head, how would we make it. Ms. Foster sought out
a coach to alleviate the early departure of her husband, states no regrets. “Prefers to a
person’s ability to understand life” (Richardson 2010 pg.32). Attended pre-retirement
classes on how to enjoy retirement. Hearing the copious amount of monthly income;
stated that she was going to live comfortably and do whatever she wanted.
Compelling story about the emotions of what retirement meant for her from
Unemployment. Years later people still call or ask her questions; still seen as the
lady who worked for unemployment. Ms. Foster states this affects her identity. She
is looking forward to live up to100 plus, eager to learn and travel. The changes
noticed with age is no longer being able to move as fast, and drinks wine. She has
adapted and continue to adjust with changes associated with growing older.
Ms. Foster became a widow at the age of fifty-two. However, being able to
cope with loss of a significant other. She had the ability to move forward due to her
perspective and interpreted the experiences of loss, leaving a job. These are some of
life stage transitions that we as people do experience. Ms. Foster positive inner
growth is clearly part of healthy aging and introspection was done to accomplish.
Having distinctive patterns consequential of behavior, thoughts, emotion that has
allowed her to adapt to situations of life challenges.
Ms. Foster seems to be having a good quality of life while aging.