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US Imperialism: Monroe Doctrine, Spanish-American War

1.Why or why not should the US be an imperialist country?
Pros: We could build our economy
Overall help the government and people in our country
Cons: Attacking/prejudice towards other native countries and people
Taking away precious land to their rightful owners
2.Define the Monroe Doctrine
The monroe doctrine is the best known U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere. President
Monroe made this doctrine to warn European countries that they would not tolerate further
colonization and/or puppet monarchy.
3.How did the Monroe Doctrine impact the US policy on imperialism? It prohibits foreign and
European forces from entering or colonizing the western hemisphere and other US territories. It
gives the US complete control of these certain places.
4.Summarize the Spanish American War, why is the US involved?
The Spanish-American War was a battle in 1898, the U.S got involved due to the USS Maine
explosion in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, which eventually led to the war of Cuba’s
5.Summarize Seward’s Folly, why was it a blessing? This is a name for the purchase of Alaska,
many people considered it as a mistake, but many natural resources such as gold and oil have
now been found there, making it very valuable.
6.Why did the US push for the Open Door Policy in China?
In 1899, The U.S. pushed for an open door policy with China to establish a worldwide equality of
privileges with whoever trades with China, as well as helping support their territorial and
administrative integrity.
7.Describe the imperial takeover of Hawaii from a native’s perspective.
Planters were going to rise up against the Queen of England, they asked the US for help and
protection. Marines stormed the islands and they raised the USA flag in Hawaii. The US took
control of the island and took advantage of the opportunity. They then took control of products.
8. Decide and explain whether Teddy Roosevelt was a president who took advantage of the
times or if he pushed the US into the imperialistic world. Use specific examples ⬇️
Roosevelt did many things that led the U.S. to a great imperialistic time. This could be proved as
taking advantage, but between revolutionizing the Panama Canal, and issuing the Corollary for
police that would still be used today, he provided good assets to Imperialism, which can also be
seen as selfish. What do you think?
9.Explain everything you know from this cartoon, use learned knowledge from today’s
discussion and research
The little kid is representing the U.S., trying his best to block Germany and Britain (left to right)
from getting into the country and colonizing it.
10.Explain everything you know from this cartoon, use learned knowledge from today’s
discussion and research
The United States took over the eastern and western hemisphere. The person on the bike is the
USA and it shows how they now control both. Those behind the wall are other countries that are
mad that they cannot go into the western hemisphere. The USA has complete control and no
one else can control the “bike” that they are on. By having both hemispheres the USA economy
is balanced and they are “coasting”. Uncle Sam left the old horse, which was the old economy
behind and jumped on a faster more profitable economy/vehicle.