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Hematology Quiz: Cell Development, Lymphomas, Leukemia

What is the first type of cell produced by the developing embryo?
1 point
Distinguished from other lymphomas by the presence of REED-STERNBERG CELLS
1 point
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Sezary Syndrome
Hairy Cell Leukemia
In leukemia, which term describes a peripheral blood finding of leukocytosis with a shift to the left,
accompanied by nucleated red cells?
1 point
What influence does the Philadelphia (Ph1)chromosome have on the prognosis of patients with chronic
myelocytic leukemia?
1 point
It is not predictive
The prognosis is worse if Ph1 is present
The prognosis is better if Ph1 is present
The disease usually transforms into AML when Ph1 is present
Rare disorder generally found only as an acute terminal stage in MM
1 point
Plasma Cell leukemia
Hodgkin's lymphoma
What is the mean N:C ratio of a pronormoblast?
1 point
All of the following are true about chronic myelogenous leukemia, EXCEPT?
1 point
There is a presence of a chimeric BCR-ABL gene derived from portions of the BCR gene on chromosome 22
and the ABL gene on chromosome 9.
BCR-ABL is created by a reciprocal (9; 22) (q34; q11) translocation of the so-called Philadelphia chromosome.
This disorder is a type of Myeloproliferative Disorders.
Presence of scattered macrophages with abundant wrinkled, green-blue cytoplasm a so-called sea-blue
Dohle Bodies:
1 point
Represent aggregation of Smooth ER
They are similar with Alder-reilly bodies
Both are Correct
Neither is Correct
A characteristic starry-sky pattern is commonly seen in what precursor B-cell neoplasm?
1 point
Follicular Lymphoma
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
1 point
Produced by the kidneys
Has direct effect to erythrocyte Colony Forming Units (CFU-E)
Both are correct
Neither is correct
T-Lymphocytes constitute _________-% of the Blood Lymphocyte pool in adults
1 point
Accumulation of degraded mucopolysaccharides.
1 point
Auer Rods
Alder Reilly
Toxic Granules
The erythroid precursor can be described as follows: the cell is of medium size compared with other
normoblasts,with an N:C ratio of nearly 1:1. The nuclear chromatin is condensed and chunky throughout the
nucleus. No nucleoli are seen. The cytoplasm is a muddy, blue-pink color.
1 point
Orthochromic normoblast
Polychromatic normoblast
In addition to morphology, cytochemistry, and immunophenotyping, the WHO classification of myelo- and
lymphoproliferative disorders is based upon which characteristics?
1 point
Cytogenetic abnormalities
Carbohydrate-associated tumor antigen production
Cell signaling and adhesion markers
The following are compounds formed in the synthesis of heme: 1. coproporphyrinogen 3. uroporphyrinogen
2. porphobilinogen 4. protoporphyrinogen Which of the following responses lists these compounds in the
order in which they are formed?
1 point
Which of the following can differentiate metamyelocytes from other stages of granulocyte maturation?
1 point
Presence of specific granules
Absence of nucleoli
Color of the cytoplasm
Indentation of the Nucleus
Neutrophils and monocytes are direct descendants of a common progenitor known as:
1 point
Changes in the nucleus:
1 point
Decrease in basophilia
increased diameter of the nucleus as it matures
Both are correct
Neither is correct
Which of the following types of Hodgkin's lymphoma has the best prognosis?
1 point
Nodular Sclerosis
Lymphocyte predominant
mixed cellularity
lymphocyte depletion
A 50-year-old woman who has been receiving busulfan for 3 years for chronic myelogenous leukemia
becomes anemic. Laboratory tests reveal: Thrombocytopenia, Many peroxidase-negative blast cells in the
peripheral blood, Bone marrow hypercellular in blast transformation, and Markedly increased bone marrow
TdT Which of the following complications is this patient most likely to have?
1 point
acute lymphocytic leukemia
acute myelomonocytic leukemia
acute myelocytic leukemia
busulfan toxicity
Which of the following is not associated with hereditary spherocytosis?
1 point
Extravascular hemolysis
Intravascular hemolysis
An MCHC greater than 36%
Increased osmotic fragility
What single feature of the normal RBCs is most responsible for limiting their life span?
1 point
Loss of mitochondria
Increased flexibility of the cell membrane
Reduction of hemoglobin iron
Loss of the nucleus
What would be the most likely designation by the WHO for the FAB AML M2 by the French-American-British
1 point
AML with t(15;17)
AML with inv(16)
AML with mixed lineage
AML with t(8;21)
All of the following are synthesized in the Mitochondria, EXcept:
1 point
Succinyl CoA + D-ALA
Uroporphyrinogen III
The chromosomal abnormality found in patients with AML M3 is found in chromosomes ____ and ____:
1 point
15 and 19
13 and 17
15 and 17
8 and 21
8 and 14
The Hematopoietic stem cell is a _________ stem cell.
1 point
Myeloid Blast cell
Which of the following is the earliest recognizable stage in Granulopoiesis?
1 point
Juvenile Cells
Which of the following types of Non-hodgkin's lymphoma has better prognosis?
1 point
True Histiocytic
Mycosis Fungoides
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias: Burkitt type
1 point
Pelger-Huet Anomaly
1 point
Autosomal Dominant trait
Acquired or pseudo-Pelger-Huet Anomaly is most often seen in Acute Myelogenous leukemia
Both are correct
Neither is correct
One Pronormoblast can give rise to______erythrocytes.
1 point
Manifestations: Visceral involvement, hepatic bone marrow, pulmonary, disseminated bony involvement, skin
1 point
Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 1
Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 2
Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 3
Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 4
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 3
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Stage 2
Many microspherocytes and schistocytes and budding off of spherocytes can be seen on peripheral blood
smears of patients with:
1 point
hereditary spherocytosis
acquired autoimmune hemolytic anemia
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
extensive burns
During the second trimester of fetal development, the primary site of blood cell production is the:
1 point
Bone marrow
Lymph nodes
1 point
It takes approximately 3 days for the pronormoblast to develop into orthochromic normoblast
Reticulocytes are held within the bone marrow for an additional 24 hours before it is released into the
peripheral blood
Both are correct
Neither is correct
Leukemic lymphoblasts reacting with anti-CALLA are characteristically seen in:
1 point
Null-cell ALL
T-cell ALL
Common ALL
B-cell ALL
Small to moderate amount of grayish cytoplasm that has hairlike projections around the outer border of the
1 point
Plasma Cell leukemia
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Leukemic Reticuloendotheliosis
Burkitt's Lymphoma
Naegeli's Syndrome
1 point
The esterase cytochemical stains are useful to differentiate:
1 point
Granulocytic from monocytic leukemias
Lymphocytic leukemias from myelocytic leukemias
Monocytic leukemias from megakaryocytic leukemias
Lymphocytic leukemias from monocytic leukemias
A 15-year-old girl is taking primaquine for parasitic infection and notices her urine is a brownish color. A CBC
shows mild anemia. The laboratorian performing the reticulocyte count notices numerous irregular shaped
granules near the periphery of the RBC. These cellular inclusions are most likely:
1 point
Howell-Jolly bodies
basophilic stippling
Heinz bodies
Pappenheimer bodies
The predominant cell is a poorly differentiated myeloblast without any granulation; nuclear chromatin is fine
with one or more distinct nucleoli; cytoplasm is moderate and amount, and Auer rods are rare
1 point
Nucleus has brainlike convolution, and has a ground-glass appearance.
1 point
plasma cell
Which of the following disorders is associated with ineffective erythropoiesis?
1 point
G6PD deficiency
Liver disease
Hgb C disease
Megaloblastic anemia
Rieder cells are similar to Normal lymphocytes except that the nucleus is notched, lobulated, and
cloverleaf-like. They occur in:
1 point
Niemann-pick and Burkitt’s lymphoma
Natural artifact
Which AML cytogenetic abnormality is associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia with marrow
eosinophilia under the WHO classification of AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities?
1 point
AML with t(15;17)
AML with inv(16)
AML with mixed lineage
AML with t(8;21)
1 point
Exists in 2 forms: Differentiated (M5b) and Poorly differentiated (M5a)
Also known as Di Guglielmo's Syndrome
Both are correct
Neither is correct
A differential was performed on an asymptomatic patient. The differential included 60% neutrophils: 55 of
which had 2 lobes and 5 had 3 lobes. There were no other abnormalities. This is consistent with which of the
following anomalies?
1 point
Which of the following reactions are often positive in ALL but are negative in AML?
1 point
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and PAS
Chloroacetate esterase and nonspecific esterase
Sudan Black B and peroxidase
New methylene blue and acid phosphatase
A MedTech intern saw a mixture of Megalocytes, microcytes, and immature RBCs on the Blood smear of a
patient. Which of the following values will likely reflect the status of the patient?
1 point
RDW value of 15.5 %
MCHC value of 37
RDW value of 14.3%
B and C
Compared to a rubricyte, a metarubricyte looks different because of its:
1 point
Dark blue cytoplasm
Larger size
Pyknotic nucleus
Quiz in Hematology (Seminar 1 and Seminar 2)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is characterized by all of the following except;
1 point
The autohemolysis test is positive in all the following areas except:
1 point
G6PD deficiency
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
G6PD deficiency is a disorder with a (an)
1 point
A structural membrane defect
B erythrocytic enzyme defect
C defect of the hemoglobin molecule
D defect in heme synthesis
A hemolytic crisis may be precipitated in 10% of American Black males suffering from G6PD deficiency
1 point
A fava beans
B primaquine
C quinine
D quinidine
All of the following are usually found in Hgb C disease, Except;
1 point
Bar of Gold crystals
Lysine substituted for Glutamic acid at the sixth position of the alpha chain
Fast mobility of Hgb C at pH 8.6
Which of the following tests is not useful in determining increased erythrocyte destruction?
1 point
A Reticulocyte count
B Total leukocyte count
C Serum haptoglobin
D Unconjugated bilirubin
All of the Following are deficient in Hereditary Spherocytosis, Except:
1 point
Protein 4.1R
Band 3
Beta Spectrin
The characteristic hemoglobin concentration in a patient's silent state with heterozygous ß thalassemia
1 point
A Hb A level normal
B Hb A2 increased
C Hb A2 level decreased
D Hb F level increased
In warm-type autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)
1 point
A IgM usually anti-1, is present
B Rh antibodies are the most frequent cause
C IgM usually occurs in newborn infants
D autoantibodies are present
A patient hematocrit from a morning specimen was 0.35 L/L; later that afternoon it was 0.40 L/L. Both
specimens were collected in an EDTA evacuated tube. Assuming that there should not have been any
significant change in the hematocrit, what is one possible explanation for the discrepancy?
1 point
a. The correct order of draw was not followed
b. The tourniquet was applied too long during the first collection
c. The tourniquet was applied too long during the second collection
d. An improper anticoagulant was used
Which of the following is most true of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
1 point
It is an acquired hemolytic anemia
It is inherited as a sex-linked trait
It is inherited as an autosmal dominant trait
It is inherited as an autosmal recessive trait
Autosplenectomy is characteristic of;
1 point
Sickle Cell trait
Homogenous Hgb C disease
Thalassemia major
Sickle Cell anemia
Heterogenous Hgb C disease
When the bone marrow temporarily ceases to produce cells in a sickle cell patient, a/an __________ crisis has
1 point
In which of the ff. conditions: is Hgb A2 elevated?
1 point
Hgb H
Hgb SC disease
B-thalassemia minor
Hgb S trait
Thalassemia Major
B and D
What estimated percentage of black Americans are heterozygous for Hb S
1 point
A 4%
B 8%
D More than 25
What factors contribute to the sickling of erythrocytes in sickle cell disease crisis?
1 point
A Increase in blood pH and increase in oxygen
B Extremely hot weather
C Extremely reduced oxygen and increased acidity in the blood
D Sickling is spontaneous
Although there are many complications in individuals with thalassemia major, which of the following is the
leading cause of death?
1 point
Cardiac Complications
Bone marrow atrophy
Hemoglobin Lepore
All of the following can lead to Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria, Except:
1 point
Decreased Fixation of C3
Increased complex C5 through c9
Increased ability of complex to penetrate lipid membrane of the cell, which leads to the destruction of RBCs
Only choice A can lead to PNH
Patients with beta-thalassemia: 1. Normocytic normochromic anemia 3. Decreased hemoglobin F 2.
Occasional target cells 4. Increased hemoglobin A2
1 point
1 and 3
2 and 4
1, 2 and 3
1, 2, 3 and 4
All of the following are extrinsic causes of Hemolytic anemia, Except:
1 point
Septicemia (e.g Clostridium)
Zinc Toxicity
Extracoporeal circulation (e.g Open Heart Surgery)
Microangiopathic anemia caused by Eclampsia
The Benin haplotype of sickle cell disease is prevalent in which country or countries?
1 point
Saudi Arabia and Asia
West Africa
Central and South Africa
North Africa and Arabian Peninsula
Cote D'ivoire
All of the following statements are true about Hemolytic anemia caused by Hereditary spherocytosis, Except;
1 point
Most common type of Hereditary Hemolytic anemia in caucasians
Increased autohemolysis in Lab testing; corrected by addition of sucrose
It is an intrinsic cause of Hemolytic anemia
Small dense staining "Bronze" spherocytes lacking central pallor
Which of the following hemoglobin separation methods is used for most newborn hemoglobin screening?
1 point
High performance liquid chromatography
Alkaline Electrophoresis
Isoelectric Focusing
Acid Electrophoresis
Which antibiotic(s) is (are) most often implicated in the development of aplastic anemia?
1 point
What is the majority Hemoglobin in Thalassemia Major
1 point
Hgb A
Hgb A2
Hgb F
Hgb H
All of the following are consistent findings in Intravascular hemolysis, Except:
1 point
Increased plasma hemoglobin
Increased plasma haptoglobin
In sickle cell disease, the cause is
1 point
A a change of a single nucleotide (GAT to GTT)
B the substitution of valine for glutamic acid at the sixth position on the beta chain of the hemoglobin
C not genetic
D both A and B
E both B and C
F none of the statements is correct
The abnormally increased hemoglobin electrophoresis value(s) that would usually exclude the possibility of
alpha thalassemia is (are):1. HbA2 2. HbH 3. HbF 4. Hb Barts
1 point
1 and 3
2 and 4
1, 2 and 3
4 only
One of the two most common monogenic diseases of man is
1 point
A sickle cell trait
B sickle cell disease
C Alpha thalassemia
D Hb SC disease
Of the four clinical states of alpha-thalassemia, which is incompatible with life?
1 point
Alpha thalassemia silent carrier
Alpha thalassemia trait
Hgb H disease
Bart's hydrops fetalis
Hemolytic anemia caused by Hereditary Stomatocytosis can be due to:
1 point
Increased phosphorylation by ATP in RBCs
Decreased red cell K+ and Increased red cell Na+
Rh Null disease
B and C
All of the above
Homozygous Beta thalassemia patients have
1 point
A no manifestations of anemia
B only mild anemia
C moderate anemia
D severe transfusion-dependent anemia
The Na+ - K+ cation pump is an important mechanism in keeping the red blood cell intact. Its function is to
maintain a high level of:
1 point
Intracellular Na+
Intracellular K+
Plasma Na+
Plasma K
Laboratory findings in acute hemolytic anemia: 1. Hemoglobinemia 2. Inc. plasma haptoglobin 3.
Hemoglobinuria 4. Hematuria
1 point
1 and 3
2 and 4
1, 2 and 3
1, 2, 3 and 4
How many amino acids are present in the alpha chain of Hb Constant Spring?
1 point
A patient with hemolytic-uremic syndrome associated with septicemia has a haptoglobin level that is normal,
although the plasma free hemoglobin is elevated and hemoglobinuria is present. Which test would be more
appropriate than haptoglobin to measure this patient’s hemolytic episode?
1 point
Alpha-1 antitrypsin
C-reactive protein
The osmotic fragility test in patient with thalassemia major would most likely be:
1 point
Increased after incubation at 37 deg C
Which of the following conditions is the leading cause of hospitalization for sickle cell patients?
1 point
Acute chest Syndrome
Painful Crisis
Splenic sequestration
Hemolytic anemia is not indicated by a(an):
1 point
Positive urine hemosiderin
Positive fecal occult blood
Increased in plasma unconjugated bilirubin
Decreased serum haptoglobin
Spur Cell anemia:
1 point
Complication of severe liver disease in some patients
Due to defect in lipid component of the RBC membrane
Both statements are correct
Neither is Correct