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Article · May 2019
2 authors, including:
Steve D Harbour
Riverside Research
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Dr. Krishnamurthy V. Vemuru
Riverside Research
2900 Crystal Dr., Arlington, Virginia 22202
Dr. Steven D. Harbour and Dr. Jeffrey D. Clark
Riverside Research,
2640 Hibiscus Way, Beavercreek, Ohio 45431
We propose a novel theme of aviation with the injection of AI in the form of a
reinforcement learning (RL) agent that learns flying skills by observing the pilot’s
psychological reaction and flight path in a simulator. The pilot and the RL agent
learn flying skills simultaneously, forming a symbiotic relationship. The episodes
for training the reinforcement learning agent can be simulated by a pilot flying in
a simulator, or unmanned using a game on a computer. In a typical episode, the
reinforcement learning agent provides a sequence of actions for the pilot to
follow. These instructions produce one of the two types of results, either success
or failure. The agent observes the psychological reaction of the pilot as well as the
flight environment and receives a positive or negative reward. The trained RL
agent represents a novel form of AI that assists the pilot for various phases of
Human error is causal to most aircraft accidents; consequently, technologies have
emerged to issue alerts when the aircraft’s travel trajectory is irregular (Chang et al., (2018)). For
example, detecting the aircraft’s behavior is one approach to measure the safety of the aircraft.
Continuous monitoring and analysis of flight operations is another approach to detect hazardous
behavior from a pre-defined list. Li et al., (2016) have reported data mining methods such as
cluster analysis of digital flight data using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) that are employed
by safety analysts to identify unusual data patterns or anomaly detection and latent risks from
daily operations. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), human-autonomy teaming can
be an efficient way to minimize human error and further increase aviation safety records. Zhao et
al. (2018) have used Reinforcement Learning (RL) as an adaptive online learning model to
identify common patterns in flight data and to update the clusters for GMM using recursive
expectation-maximization algorithm. The resurgence of interest in AI has attracted applications
in aviation systems, in particular, air-traffic management (ATM), air traffic flow management
(ATFM) and unmanned aerial systems traffic management (UTM). Kistan et al., (2018) have
explored a cognitive human-machine interface (HMI), configured via machine learning, and
examined the requirements. They postulated that increased automation and autonomy through AI
will lead to certification requirements and discussed how ground-based ATM systems can be
accommodated into the existing certification framework for aviation systems. The recent
developments in AI open up possibilities in autonomous aviation for introducing a high level of
safety by replacing pilot’s actions with robotic functions and further research on how AI can be
incorporated into autonomous aviation is highly desirable. Our motivation is to show that AI
frameworks can be developed by incorporating RL into pilot training simulators.
In this work, we propose a novel theme of aviation with the injection of AI in the form of
an RL agent that learns flying skills by observing the pilot’s psychological reaction and flight
path in a simulator. A unique feature of this AI framework is that the pilot and the RL agent learn
flying skills simultaneously, forming a symbiotic relationship. The proposed approach is
somewhat similar to how two non-experts comprising of a trainee pilot and an RL agent may
learn to play a game by using their joint score as a metric. It is expected that the RL agent will
learn a value system i.e., which combinations of states and actions are more rewarding and which
ones are not. As the number of game episodes increases, the agent will balance between the
exploration of new state-action pairs and the exploitation of known high rewarding state-action
pairs until an optimal solution is achieved. RL algorithms usually slow in learning and typically
require longer training times, which increase with the size of the state space.
In this context, identifying suitable methods for detecting pilot behavior is the key to
developing an AI based on reinforcement learning. Pilot modeling technologies have played a
crucial role in manned aviation and control models of human pilot behavior have been
developed. Control models are used to analyze the characteristics of the pilot-aircraft system for
guidance in the flight control system. Anthropomorphic models of a human operator, which
covers the central nervous system, neuromuscular system, visual system and the vestibular
system, can represent a pilot’s behavior. Recently, Xu et al., (2017) have reviewed control
models of human pilot behavior. These models reflect the dynamics of a human sensory and
control effectors. AI in the form of computer vision can be coupled with these models to detect
non-linear characteristics of human pilot behavior for training the RL agent.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a type of semi-supervised learning inspired by the way animals
learn. It relies on the definition of state space, actions for transitions between states and an
associated reward structure in a Markov decision process. In a typical application of RL, an
agent makes multiple attempts at a goal and learns from its failures and successes based on a
reward structure that has both negative and positive types of rewards. In some of the simple
forms of RL, an agent learns the optimal policy by evaluating the value functions V(s) or by
Q(s,a) learning, where is s is the current state and a is the action taken in state (s), from episodes,
which are attempts by the agent for reaching the goal (Watkins and Dayan (1992). In a game
setting, the episodes can be either successful or unsuccessful attempts of playing the game. The
game-like situations are realized in many daily life examples, including attempts of a pilot in
flying an aircraft.
Flight Simulation Game Framework
Flight simulators are used in pilot training and research on the relationship between
emotional intelligence and simulated flight performance to understand how emotional factors
affect flight-training performance. Pour et al., (2018) have used a human-robot facial expression
reciprocal interaction platform to study social interaction abilities of children with autism.
In this framework, a computer vision system captures the psychological reaction of a
pilot undergoing training in a simulator for finding out the result of a pilot’s reaction on a flight
path following the pilot’s operational action. To train the RL agent, we design a flight simulator
framework, which is like a game for the pilot to play using his actions, a and express his/her
gesture, which is representative of the result of his/her actions in the simulator. We represent the
gesture, g as a two state variable; with values ‘happy’ () or ‘unhappy’ (). The state space of
the flight simulator, s consists of five variables: altitude, A, speed, S, heading, H, turn, U and
roll, R. Table 1 lists the range of these five action variables.
Table 1.
The five variables that define the state s and their ranges.
State variable MinimumMaximum
Altitude, A 0 ft 35,0000 ft
Speed, S0 mph550 mph
Heading, H 0˚ 360˚
Turn, U0˚ 360˚
Roll, R0˚ 360˚
Flight Path Analysis
A reliable flight path analysis can be obtained by real-time computation of the gradients
of state space variables, namely altitude gradient dA/dt, speed gradient dS/dt, heading gradient
dH/dt, turn gradient dU/dt and roll gradient dR/dt. A rule-based model compares the gradients
with a predefined range to determine, if the maneuver is safe or risky and calculate a dynamic
reward. Table 2 shows the gradients and the initial guess values of their ranges. The minimum
and maximum of the range can be set as tunable parameters to improve the values iteratively.
Table 2.
Ranges of gradients of the state variables that define the safe operational zone. These ranges will
be used in a rule model to dynamically determine the reward for the flight maneuvers.
Gradient of State Variable Minimum,Maximum
Altitude gradient, dA/dt 0 ft/s 1,000 ft/s
Speed gradient, dS/dt0 mph/s20 mph/s
Heading gradient, dH/dt 0˚/s 3˚/s
Turn gradient, dU/dt0˚/s 3˚/s
Roll gradient, dR/dt0˚/s 2˚/s
Pilot’s Gesture Assignment
An example computer vision system can consist of a digital video camera, a neural
processing unit such as Myriad 2, and a single board computer can be integrated for reading
pilot’s gesture. The computer vision system can be trained using a face detection machine
learning algorithm for real-time monitoring of the ‘happy’ or ‘unhappy’ facial expression of the
pilot. The agents who play the game of flying the plane in the simulator are particularly advised
to show a happy gesture () while their actions result in a safe operation and to show a unhappy
gesture () when their actions result in a risky or unsafe or catastrophic operation. The computer
vision system can be as simple as a Google AIY kit, which operates with a Tensorflow machine
learning model to detect a smile.
Reinforcement Learning Agent – Learning from Pilot’s Actions
We first consider a human in the loop approach to develop an RL agent that can use artificial
intelligence to determine a human pilot’s gesture and calculate rewards. This type of RL agent is
trained with the episodes that are generated when a pilot is flying an aircraft in a simulator i.e.,
on a computer. In a typical episode, the RL agent provides a sequence of actions for the pilot to
follow. These instructions produce a result, which is either success or failure. The agent receives
two types for rewards: one reward depends on the observation of the psychological reaction of
the pilot and the other reward depends on the flight dynamics. The RL agent receives a first
reward of +1 when the pilot’s gesture is ‘happy’ or a reward of -1 when the pilot’s gesture is
‘unhappy.’ The RL agent receives a second reward of +1 when the flight state variables and their
gradients are in the safe range or a reward of -1 otherwise. The episodes can be used to train the
RL agent with different reward structures to select the most suitable reward structure for Qlearning. The training process is repeated until convergence of the learning process. After
training the agent using a sufficiently large number of episodes, the knowledge acquired by the
RL agent is expected to represent a novel form of AI that directs the pilot with accurate
instructions for various phases of flight. Fig. 1 shows a learning framework of a RL agent along
with its interactions with the flight simulator and the computer vision system that detects the
pilot’s gesture for receiving rewards to update Q(s,a) function and the policy π(s,a).
Figure 1.
A framework for the Reinforcement Learning (RL) Agent and its interactions with its
environment consisting of the flight simulator and the pilot’s gesture recognition system.
Flight Simulator Game Framework
Fig. 2 shows a game framework in a flight simulator for generating the states, actions,
rewards, the Q function and the policy. The flight simulator game framework has an additional
local reward and a long-term reward compared to the reward structure of the RL agent. The
Game RL agent in the flight simulator game framework receives as additional reward of -1 for
each instance of state variable’s gradient falling outside the safe range. An optional long-term
reward of +2 is also awarded to the Game RL agent when the total time taken to reach the
destination is below a preset value. The RL agent will receive a reward of +1 when all of the
state variable’s derivatives are within the safe range. The choice of rewards is arbitrary and can
evolve to a more realistic structure based on episodes. A game simulator module initiates the
game by extracting actions using the current policy to simulate the flight dynamics. Then, two
other modules evaluate the flight dynamics and the gesture of the pilot to identify the rewards.
Then, the Q(s,a) function is calculated and updates for each state-action pair and the associated
reward. The policy π(s,a) is then recalculated from the Q(s,a) values and updated.
Figure 2.
The framework for flight simulator as a game for obtaining the states, actions, rewards, Q(s,a)
function and policy.
In summary, we have proposed a novel framework of autonomous aviation with the
application of artificial intelligence in the form of a reinforcement learning agent which learns
flying skills by observing a pilot’s psychological reaction and flight path in a flight simulator.
The framework consists of a gaming module that works as a flight simulator, a computer vision
system that detected pilot’s gesture and a flight dynamics analyzer for verifying the safety limits
of the state space variables during a simulated flight and a module to calculate the Q-function
and the learned policy. With sufficient training within the proposed framework, the RL agent is
expected to learn to fly the aircraft as well as to guide the pilot for safe aviation. It would be
interesting if present work can attract the attention of game programmers and training tools
developers in the AI domain for exploring prototypes based on the proposed frameworks.
Finally, an alternate approach to RL is Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) from expert pilot’s
operations and behavior. This method will require a significant amount of training data in the
form of expert pilot’s simulator data.
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