MAJOR ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF A FINANCE OFFICER is responsible for the financial health of an organization. BASIC FUNCTION: Planning FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS UNIVERSAL BANKS COMMERCIAL BANKS THRIFT BANKS INVESTMENT BANKS RURAL BANKS AND COOPERATIVE BANKS ISLAMIC BANKS TRUST COMPANIES CREDIT UNION Operations FUNCTIONS OF Financial information Risk management DEBT Debt VS. EQUITY pay the investor interest, plus repay the amount borrowed. Equity pay the FINANCIAL Funding MANAGER Third parties based on earnings, *operating decisions if any, after the *investment decision obligations *financial decisions the -Define objectives. -Identify possible courses of action. -Assemble data relevant to the decision. -Assess the data and reach a decision -Implement the decision -Monitor the effects of decisions ROLE OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES is required to make to the company’s creditors are paid. to facilitate the FINANCE is the study of how individuals, institutions, from the investor to the business, or the lender to the governments, and businesses acquire, borrower. spend, and manage money and AREAS CAPITAL MARKETS AND IMPORTANCE OF THEORY Long term goals Short term goals issuer that movement of funds FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INVSESTMENT MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL ASSETS An asset is any other financial assets. BUSINESS FINANCE investor an amount resource that we ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FINANCIAL MARKETS FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS COMPONENTS: financial markets financial intermediaries financial activities expect to provide future benefits and, has economic value TWO TYPES: Tangible intangible