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PPE QI Paper
Samara Schratz
Western Pennsylvania School of Nursing
NSG 303: High Acuity
Mandy Sherma
September 15, 2021
Infection prevention and control is an issue hospitals have to deal with every day. To
either prevent the spread or transmission of a bacteria/virus or other diseases that can be given to
people via airborne, contact, or droplet. Each hospital has standard precaution guidelines they
should follow for any case that may follow under those isolations. Standard precautions should
include hand hygiene and PPE which includes gloves, gowns, masks, and face shields. This can
vary depending on the hospital. Although, this certain approach allows for a high level of
protection for the patients and healthcare providers. Typically a sign should be placed outside the
room that should indicate what precaution it is, and directions for the PPE involved.
I observed 100% compliance, everyone performed hand hygiene and used the gown when
applicable. Everyone is already wearing a mask due to outside circumstances and AHN policy.
Some still wear a face shield so that is another level of protection. “Standard precaution is
infection prevention to healthcare workers to patients that are either suspected or confirmed”
(CDC, 2019). Each case is different and each may require a different precaution. “Best practice
is to maintain hand hygiene (gloves), mask, gown and face shield”.
Throughout the day, I observed a contact precaution due to the patient having MDR
Acinetobacter. I witnessed 6 people go in the room, there was 100 percent compliance for the
PPE requirement. “Donning PPE upon room entry and properly discarding before exiting the
patient room is done to contain pathogens” (CDC, 2016). The proper way to down and doph for
isolation is as follows. You must start with proper hand hygiene then, put a gown on, next face
mask (i.e NN95, N100), secure mask properly, next goggles/ shield, and finally gloves. To do it
first rip the gown away from the body then fold it into gloves discard next remove goggles and
face masks.If PAPR were to be used, find the battery pack and place it in the bottom of the air
pack, next test the connection by making sure it has a full battery and blowing adequate air.
Connect to the hood, place the pack around the waist, then gown, next put the hood over the face
securely around the chin, then gloves. To remove, take the gown ripped away from the body fold
into gloves, next remove hood and air pack. Always hand hygiene after removing equipment and
wipe down with the antimicrobial wipes stationed at the door. “It is unclear which type of PPE
protects best, what is the best way to put PPE on (i.e. donning) or to remove PPE (i.e.
doffing), and how to train HCWs to use PPE as instructed.” (
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, January 7). Transmission-based
precautions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 16, 2021,
from https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/basics/transmission-based-precautions.html.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, July 22). Precautions. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 16, 2021, from
Department of Health & Human Services. (2015, October 8). Blue Book Standard and
additional precautions. State Government of Victoria. Retrieved September 16, 2021, from
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