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Technological Maps: Definition, Purpose, and Examples

So, what is a technological map? This is a document that contains all
instructions and necessary information for personnel who perform
maintenance of the facility or some technological process. If the
technological map is correct, then it should contain answers to the following
What kind of operations do you need to perform?
In what order should the operations envisaged by the technological process
be performed?
How often or at what frequency do you need to perform actions (concerns
cases in which a repetition of operations is required)?
How long will it take to perform a specific operation?
What should be the result of this operation?
What materials and tools are needed to effectively perform the operation?
Develop and implement technological maps in such cases as:
High degree of complexity of the operation.
In the presence of ambiguities and controversial points in the proposed
When it is necessary to clearly define the labor costs for the high-quality
operation of the facility
It should be noted that, often technological maps are made for a specific
object and made out in the form of a table. This documentation is prepared
directly by the technical service of the enterprise and is approved solely by
the management of the enterprise
Examples of the technological map and its compilation. Example of
filling in process maps
Examples of the process map are any production, be it an aircraft factory
or a catering station. This standardized document is mandatory in the
enterprise, but the form and the type differ from industry to industry.
What is this
Examples of the process map include Required information for
employees performing a specific operation. It can take the form of a
procedure or instructions, be presented in the form of text, tables, graphs,
recipes, action plans and so on.
What it should be like
In whatever form the examples of the technological map were made, it
should answer the following questions:
1. What to do (which operations or procedures).
2. How to perform (describe the specific steps in a certain order and
3. How often should they be produced (regulated regularity, periodicity).
4. How long should the implementation take (how long can the holding
of any stage of the operation take and all of them combined, and often a
"fork" from and to).
5. What is expected at the output (the result, after the procedure).
6. Resources required for production (a list of the necessary tools,
materials and other resources for each stage of the operation).
Main functions
Examples of the routing are not necessary only for passing the
commissions of Rospotrebnadzor. They carry and practical meaning in the
enterprise. Such a document greatly facilitates the work of personnel and the
verification of special instances.
This requirement is based on the understanding that specialists of
completely different (including rather low) qualifications can be used in the
same production. In order to ensure a sufficient level of competence of the
employees involved in the departments, an example is provided of drawing
up a technological map of the enterprise. Thus, their first function is
The second task is to regulate a certain the order of actions where it is
possible to apply different work options. Often, the most rational methods
are chosen by the developer specialists.
The third challenge is to ensure that as soon as possible involve in the
new process and improve the skills of professionals already working. A
planned well-written instruction will help them in this.
It follows that thebe designed in such a way that the most low-skilled
employee of the enterprise could intuitively understand it, and competent
specialists could find the required tips for their work.
Where applicable
It should be noted that often this document is developed for each
individual enterprise object.
Today, an example of filling out technological maps for almost all types
of production is developed. One sample can be used to develop any
instructions and recipes.
Who is being developed
This document is compiled by the specialized departments of the
organization and passes approval at the level of the management of the
In small companies the document can be compiled by any technically
competent specialist.
They are compiled not only by specific firms and factories for their own
needs, but also by consulting companies and specialized institutes on order.
How is the
Often a technological map is compiled separately for each division of
the enterprise. In one document it is allowed to take into account different
schemes of operations, if the execution procedure is similar.
Technological maps recommend the development and form in the form
of tablets, graphs, clearly structured text. You can use any visual tools
designed to ensure understanding and proper execution of operations and
Features of compilation
Each technological map is individual. It should take into account not
only the specifics of the industry, but also the requirements of the market, the
region in which the enterprise operates, the qualifications of employees and
functional communications within the company. This is the difficulty of
using ready-made examples.
However, considering that this is a standardized document, it should be
compiled using the usual structure for your field of activity.
Examples of compilation
To begin with, a technological map of the excursion will be considered.
This example is taken as one of the fairly common and at the same time
relatively clear in the preparation.
The technological map of the excursion (an example of the structure is
given below) will include such components:
1. Introduction (includes a general description of the routing, the
enterprise). You can include here the history of the establishment of a
sightseeing agency. Describe how the business units are interconnected, how
the documentation structure is structured.
2. Scope of application. In this section, it is already necessary to clearly
and reasonably describe which procedures and operations are covered by the
technological route map, an example of which is being considered.
3. Normative documents. List here everything that might concern your
activities, from legislative acts to internal instructions. Please note that this
section is your peculiar cheat sheet. It is to him that you can apply in case of
any issues not described in this map.
4. Terms and definitions. Also, meticulously and painstakingly include
everything that occurs in the text. Do not forget the names of the companies
you work with and that are mentioned in the document. Perhaps you use the
services of hired motor vehicles, then be sure to specify who falls within the
definition of the carrier. If your routes have separate names, be sure to
decipher them. Remember about abbreviations. They should also be included
in this section.
5. General provisions and the main text of the technological map. This is
the most extensive section of the document. It includes a description of the
organization of the process, technological features, routes. This also includes
the requirements for the quality of work and methods for assessing this
quality. Describe all the materials and resources that you need to organize
the process. Not only finance, but also personnel (human resources), office
equipment, rented or own property, transport, if required for excursion
activities, should be referred to them. The technological map of the route, the
example of which we are considering, is described as much as possible here.
The calculation of the duration is one of the required graphs.
6. Description of safety requirements can be allocated in a separate
section, and can be included in the previous one, - at the discretion of the
developer and management.
7. Calculation of expenses Also it is carried out in a separate section at
will compilers. At the same time, it is often included in section 5. Neither
one nor the other option will be considered an error. When calculating costs,
do not hesitate to resort to the help of professionals and accountants.
8. The order of development and approval. If many technological maps
are created in your company, it may be advisable to put it in a separate
The documentation can also often be found definition of "routetechnological map". An example of it will not differ much from the one
discussed above, since this is one of the terms describing the sequential
progress of the entire technological process.
A similar principle of compilation can because in the case when you
need an example of a technological map of food, construction, agricultural
operations and other projects. You will never cook the right dish unless you
follow a clear recipe (proportions, sequences, products).
The examples of they are present in any production, be it a bakery or a
local cafeteria. This standard document is mandatory in institutions, but its
form and type differ depending on the industry.
«Изготовление кронштейна»
№ Наименование операции Инструменты и приспособления
Разметить заготовку
Чертилка, линейка, циркуль
кронштейна по чертежу
Вырезать и вырубить
Ножовка, зубило, молоток,
заготовку кронштейна по
крейцмейсель, слесарные тиски
Опилить заготовку
Набор напильников
кронштейна по контуру
Проверить размеры
Линейка, штангенциркуль
заготовки кронштейна
Разметить центры
Чертилка, линейка,
отверстий, накернить
штангенциркуль, кернер, молоток
Сверлить отверстия
Вертикально-сверлильный станок,
диаметром 6 мм
набор сверл, плоскогубцы
Зачистить отверстия
Набор напильников
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15 мин
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15 мин
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10 мин
15 мин
5 мин