EFFECTS OF FEEDING LEVEL ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION MEAT OF RAINBOW TROUT FINGERLINGS (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS, WALBAUM 1792) REARED IN A RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEM Mirela Crețu1, Victor Cristea1, Lorena Dediu1, Săndița Plăcintă1, Alina Antache1, Marian Tiberiu Coadă1 Dunărera de Jos, University, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering-Aquaculture, Enviromental Science and Cadastre Departament, 47 Domnească Street, 800008 Galați, Romania; cretu_mirela2003@yahoo.com AIM The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of feeding level on growth performance and biochemical composition of rainbow trout fingerlings (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792), reared in a recirculating industrial aquaculture system (RAS). MATERIAL AND METHODS This study was made at the experimental recirculating aquaculture system from Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre Department-,,Dunarea de Jos’’ University of Galati. This recirculating system, consist of 12 rearing units, with a volume of 0,132 m3 (36×37,5×98 cm) each and also water quality conditioning units (Figure 1). 360 Trout fingerlings brought from fish farm Prejmer, Braşov were stocked into a rearing tank for two weeks as an adaptation period and then randomly distributed in the rearing units in such a manner to create homogenous groups with similar class frequencies and exemplar number. At the beginning of the experiment the initial average weight±SEM of fish was 34.17±0.11 g. All the fish were fed with extruded pellets with 54% protein content and 18% lipids (feed composition is presented in Table 1), provided from Skretting (Nutra Pro 0). Fish were fed twice daily at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at different feeding levels (FL1-2.5%BW, FL2-,3%BW, FL3-3.5%BW, FL4-,4BW%, FL5-,4.5BW% and to satiety-FL6). All experimental variants were performed in duplicate. The biochemical composition determinations were performed on muscle tissue samples according to AOAC (2000): Proteins were determined with Gerhardt type equipment by using Kjeldahl method, fats were determined by Soxhlet solvent extraction method (petroleum ether) with Raypa extraction equipment, dry matter was determined by heating at temperature of 105±2ºC using Sterilizer Esac and ash was evaluated by calcification at temperatures of 550±20°C in a Nabertherm furnace. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Figure 1. The configuration of the experimental recirculating aquaculture system (P1-P3)- pumps,UV-sterilization lamp, FM mechanical filter , FB-biological filter , BHhydroponics units, 1 – sponge, 2-sand, 4- bactobolt, 5-aeration nozzle (B1-B12) rearing units Table 1. Technological growth performance indicators of rainbow trout fingerlings Experimental variants 22 Decembrie 2012- 4 Februarie 2013 I I I I I I Water quality: Regarding water quality parameter dynamics, no major differences Media±SD* Media±SD* Media±SD* Media±SD* Media±SD* Media±SD* during the day or after feeding were registered. The water quality parameters within Initial biomass (kg) 1026,50±5,73 1022,34±2,33 1026,18±0,30 1025,91±0,84 1028,53±3,22 1019,98±3,19 Initial nuimber of fish 30 30 30 30 30 30 the recirculating system had the following average values: temperature (17,23 Mean initial weight (g/ex) 34,22±5,62 34,08±6,41 34,21±5,32 34,20±4,60 34,28±6,01 34,00±6,41 0 Initial stocking density (kg/m ) 7,60±0,04 7,57±0,02 7,60±0,01 7,60±0,01 7,62±0,02 7,56±0,02 ±0,92 C), dissolved oxygen (7,41±0,20 mg/l), nitrate (142,81±39,49 mg/l), nitrite Final biomass (kg) 2620,0±62,23 2839±18,38 3122±25,46 3457±21,21 3693±38,18 3730±8,49 (0,09±0,05 mg/l), ammonium (0.11±0.06 mg/l ) and pH (6,93±0,20 u.pH). Final number of fish 30 30 30 30 30 30 Mean final weight (g/ex) 87,33±14,18 94,63±15,62 104,07±15,83 115,23±17,35 123,10±23,01 124,33±23,11 Growth and feed utilization: Fish growth performance and feed efficiency are Individual weight gain (g/ex) 53,12±1,88 60,56±0,54 69,86±0,84 81,04±0,68 88,82±1,38 90,33±0,39 presented in Table 1. No mortalities were recorded during the experimental period. Total weight gain (g) 1593,51±56,49 1816,66±16,05 2095,82±25,16 2431,10±20,37 2664,47±41,41 2710,03±11,67 SGR- Specific growth rate (%BW/day) 2,13±0,04 2,32±0,01 2,53±0,02 2,76±0,01 2,91±0,03 2,95±0,01 Final mean weight values of the groups fed at different feeding levels reached at FCR – Feed conversion rate 0,71±0,02 0,74±0,01 0,75±0,01 0,74±0,01 0,76±0,01 0,82±0,02 (g feed /g spor biomasa) 86.92±1.48 g (FL1), 95.40±1.70 g (FL2), 104.53±1.51 g (FL3), 115.23±0.71 g (FL4), PER- Protein efficiency ratio g/g) 2,62±0,08 2,50±0,02 2,46±0,03 2,50±0,02 2,43±0,05 2,25±0,04 121.77±0.61 g (FL5), respectively at 124.17±1.93 g at (FL6). At the end of the experiment feed conversio ratio (FCR) was below 0.7 for all groups, except FL6 were FCR regsitred a value of 0.83 (g/g) but were significantly different between groups (p<0.05). Regarding the protein efficiency ratio (PER) the best values were recorded in FL1 and the lower value was obtained in FL6. Body composition: Significant changes (p<0.05) in ash, lipids and water content were observed at the end of the experimental period (Figure 2), while the protein content registered no significant differences between the experimental variants (p>0.05). The lower protein and lipids content was found in FL1 but increased with the increasig of feeding level. In terms of ash and water content was observed a slight decrease with increasing of the feeding level, the lower values beeing registred in FL6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Water, 84.18% I1 I2 Ash, 1.43% Ash, 1.46% Lipids, 2.30% Water, 83.93% Protein, 12.67% Lipids, 2.40% Water, 83.16% I3 Ash, 1.43% Protein, 12.79% Lipids, 2.40% Water, 81.56% I5 Lipids, 3.39% I6 ASh, 1.24% Ash, 1.27% Protein, 13.65% Water, 80.63% Protein, 14.40% Lipids, 3.62% Protein, 14.75% Figure 2. Biochemical composition of rainbow meat at the end experimental period* CONCLUSIONS În urma rezultatelor obținute se poate concluziona că, odată cu creșterea nivelului de hrănire, se obțin producții superioare atât din punct de vedere cantitativ cât și calitativ, însă alegerea intensității optime de hranire trebuie să țină cont și de eficiența valorificării furajelor (FCR), dar și de faptul că administrarea unor cantități prea mari de furaje poate conduce la deteriorarea calității apei.