Yes. To have a colorblind daughter, the man would have to have the colorblind allele himself. Men get their X chromosome from their mother. Yes. A colorblind daughter must receive the colorblind allele from each parent. XBXb XBY XBXb XbY XbXb Yes XHXh x XhY XH Xh Xh XH Xh Xh Xh Y XH Y Xh Y 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 XHXh XhXh XHY XhY 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 normal (carrier) female hemophiliac female normal male hemophiliac male ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ XHXh 4 BbXbY bbXBXb B Xb BY b Xb bY B XB Bb XBXb Bb XBY bb XBXb bb XB Y B Xb Bb XbXb Bb XbY bb XbXb bb XbY b XB Bb XBXb Bb XBY bb XBXb bb XBY b Xb Bb XbXb Bb XbY bb XbXb bb XbY 2/16 8/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 8/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 Bb Xb Xb Bb XBXb Bb Xb Y Bb XBY bb Xb Xb bb XB Xb bb Xb Y bb XBY 2/16 Brown-eyed colorblind female 2/16 Brown-eyed carrier female 2/16 Brown-eyed colorblind male 2/16 Brown-eyed normal male 2/16 Blue-eyed colorblind female 2/16 Blue-eyed carrier female 2/16 Blue-eyed colorblind male 2/16 Blue-eyed normal male BBXBY bb XbXb Bb XBXb and BbXbY (Bb XBXB and BbXbY) B Xb BY b Xb bY B XB BB XBXb BB XBY Bb XBXb Bb XBY B XB BB XBXb BB XBY Bb XBXb Bb XBY b XB Bb XBXb Bb XBY bb XBXb bb XBY 2/16 2/16 4/16 4/16 2/16 2/16 BB XBXb BB XBY Bb XBXb Bb XBY bb XBXb bb XBY 6/16 Brown-eyed carrier female 6/16 Brown-eyed normal male 2/16 Blue-eyed carrier female 2/16 Blue-eyed normal male b XB Bb XBXb Bb XBY bb XBXb bb XBY XBXb XBY XB Y XB Xb XBXB XBXb XBY Xb Y 1/4 XBXB 1/4 XBXb 1/4 XBY 1/4 XbY 2/4 Female with normal vision 1/4 Normal male 1/4 Colorblind male The woman is most likely XH XH and is not carrying the recessive allele for colorblindness. If she carried one copy of the recessive allele, it is probable that half of her sons would have hemophilia. The daughter is most likely XH XH as well. Man = XHY Woman = XHXH There is no chance of the trait appearing in their children. XBXb XBY Xb Xb Xb Y XBXb Xb Y If the brother has hemophilia, their mother was a carrier for the disease. The daughter could be XHXH or XHXh. If the daughter is XHXH there is no chance of producing a child with hemophilia. If the daughter is XHXh , she might produce a son (25% chance) who has hemophilia. If the man has normal vision, he could not produce a daughter with the disease. He could use this as evidence. He is not the child’s father. XBY XBXb Xb Y XBXb XBXB XBY Xb Y XBXb XBY See last page for these answers set up in genealogy table format. Xr Y XR XR Xr XR XR 2 2 2/4 0 2/4 0 XR Xr XR Xr Y X RY X RY 2/4 XR Xr 2/4 Red-eyed females 2/4 XRY 2/4 Red-eyed males XRY XR Xr XR Xr or XR XR XRY Xr Y Xr Xr XRY XR Xr and Xr Y XRXr x XRY XR Y XR XR XR X RY Xr XR Xr Xr Y 1/4 XR XR 2/4 Red-eyed females 1/4 XR Xr 1/4 Red-eyed males 1/4 XRY 1/4 White-eyed males 1/4 XrY Nn XrY N Xr nn XRXr NY n Xr nY n XR Nn XR Xr Nn XR Y nn XRXr nn XRY r r r r r n Xr Nn X X Nn X Y nn X X nn XrY n XR Nn XR Xr Nn XR Y nn XRXr nn XRY n Xr Nn Xr Xr Nn XrY nn XrXr nn XrY 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 2/16 Nn XR Xr Nn XRY Nn Xr Xr Nn XrY nn XR Xr nn XRY nn Xr Xr nn XrY The father of the liter is XbY which is yellow in color. There are two fathers. One father is XbY and the other father is XBY. The genotype of the mother is XbXb. The genotype of the father is XBY. The yellow kitten would have to be male and has the genotype XbY. Question 12 set up in genealogy table format. Mom = XBXb XbY Dad = XBY XBXb XBXb XBXB XbY XBY XBY