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CIS 51 Syllabus: HTML5, CSS3, Accessibility

Santa Monica College
Fall Semester 2021
CIS 51: HTML5, CSS3, and Accessibility
Section 1519
ISBN: 978-0-13-480114-8
Required textbook: Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 9th Edition, by Terry
Felke-Morris, Pearson, ISBN: 978-0-13-480114-8, 2019
Office Hours:
Fariba Bolandhemat
Thursdays, 8 – 9pm in Canvas Chat area
Certificate Information: CIS 51 is one of the courses in Website Software Specialist, Website Creator
certificates. For more information on these certificates, please visit our
department Website at: http://www.smc.edu/csis
Transfer: CSU
Prerequisite: CIS50
Course Description: HTML5 is the next generation of HTML. This hands-on course will explore the
differences between HTML5 and XHTML, validating pages to current Web
standards and using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) exclusively to control the look
and feel of a site. Students will create and enhance Web pages with links,
graphics, tables and forms. Proper use of HTML5 and CSS3 can provide true
separation of content, structure and presentation in Web pages, making them
structurally sound, easier to maintain, and more consistent with legal requirements
for accessibility.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
Create Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents containing text, links,
images, lists, tables and forms.
Identify usability and accessibility issues in Web design.
Design valid HTML and CSS code.
Apply CSS to separate style from content and allow for effective use of assistive
Create inline, embedded and linked style sheets applying the structure, rules and
inheritance factors of CSS.
Validate Web pages and style sheets.
Publish Web pages to a server.
Students Learning Outcomes:
1. Given content information, students will use HTML5 documents, and create inline, embedded, and
linked style sheets to control the separation of content, look, structure, and feel of a Web site.
2. Acting as a Web page developer, students will rewrite HTML which adheres to HTML5 standards,
validate pages to current Web and accessibility standards, and use CSS to manage site-wide content
in Web sites, making them easier to maintain and more accessible to everyone.
Assignments (11 assignments each 10 points)
Quizzes (11 each 10 points)
Discussions (8 each 2 points)
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = 0 - 59%
Students with Disabilities: I am happy to make academic adjustments for students with documented
disabilities. Please contact the Center for Students with Disabilities if this applies to you. The Center for
Students with Disabilities is located in Room 101 of the Admission/Student Services Complex, next to
Admissions. For more information, call (310) 434-4265 or (310) 434-4273 (TDD).
Enrollment Deadlines:
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Important Day or Deadline
Monday, October 25
Deadline to withdraw and receive REFUND (2nd 8 week session).
Saturday, October 30
Deadline to withdraw and AVOID "W" (2nd 8 week session).
Wednesday, November 3
Deadline to apply for Pass/No Pass (2nd 8 week session).
Sunday December 5
Veterans Day Holiday
Friday, November 11
Deadline to withdraw and receive GUARANTEED "W" (2nd 8 week
session). No further enrollment transactions allowed after this
deadline. From this point on, students must use the late withdrawal
process which requires faculty approval based on extenuating
Sunday, December 5
Second 8-Week Session Final Exam:
Finals should happen at last class meeting this week.
Monday, December 13
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Thurs & Fri, November 25 & 26
End of Second 8-Week Session.
Sunday, December 19
Grades due from Faculty: No later than one week after the last day of Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Course Policies and Procedures: CIS 50 is a formal advisory for this course, therefore, the
student is expected to have a working knowledge of Windows Operating Systems preferably Windows 7
or 10 and file management in Windows environment, familiarity with WordPad, MS Word, and Notepad,
working knowledge with Email, how to attach files to an email, and above all ability to follow step by
step the instructions that is provided throughout the course.
Important Note: Each student is 100% responsible for his/her computer hardware, software, and
This CIS51 is completely online course and is presented using the SMC Canvas Learning
Management System. Please note that our weekly course work deadline is based on Pacific
Time. Therefore, you must pay attention to Quizzes, Assignments, Discussion, Project, and
Final Exam availability and their deadlines.
This online class does not require that you need to be online at any particular time. Instead you
log on and complete the quizzes, assignments, and participate in Discussions at a time that is
convenient for you. Just remember to stay on schedule. No late assignment will be
accepted. Quizzes, Discussions, Project, and Final Exam are available for a limited time only.
The Fall CIS51 online class is 8 weeks long with Final Exam in Week 8. Final Exam will be
available on Thursday December 17 - Friday December 18 at 11:59pm. In this class each week's
schedule is represented by its corresponding week number. Use Modules to access weekly
coursework. For example, "Week 1" represents the first week of class. Students interact with each other
and the instructor through email and Discussion. Each week has a Discussion that can be used to send
and receive questions regarding that week's topics. Much of the course content is from the textbooks. I
provide you with PowerPoint slides files in PDF format for the chapters in your textbook. These files are
placed in Course Files area in Canvas Module. To view them, make sure to download each file on
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your computer and then open them. Additionally, I have the data files for your textbook is available in
Course Files area. Click on the links and download zip file to your computer before expanding. Make
sure to review “Canvas Student Guides” at: www.smc.edu/OnlineEd to become familiar with
Canvas navigation tools.
Assignments: There are 11 assignments and each is worth 10 points. Assignments are due by the
Sunday of the same week, 11:59pm Pacific Time. NO LATE ASSIGNMENT WILL BE
ACCEPTED. Incomplete assignments will not be graded. Students found cheating on any part of an
assignment will receive "0" points for the total assignment and any student caught cheating may
be assigned a failing grade for the course. You will submit your assignments in each assignment.
Your assignments will be graded by the following Wednesday. You can review your grades in
Grades. Please note some assignments are submitted in Canvas and some into a storage area on
Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosting site. I inform you for each assignment.
Quizzes: There are 11 quizzes, ten questions per quiz, 1 point per question, each quiz is worth 10
points. Quizzes are due by the Sunday of the same week, 11:59pm Pacific Time. The structure of
each quiz will vary. Questions may be any combination of: true/false and multiple choice from
your textbook. Any student caught cheating on a quiz will receive a zero on that quiz and may
face further disciplinary action. Quizzes can be taken only during the week in which they are assigned
(Monday - Sunday 11:59pm Pacific Time). Your quizzes will be graded by the following Tuesday. To
review any quiz's answers, click on a quiz grade in the Grades.
Discussions: There are 8 Discussion areas, one per week. Each Discussion is worth 2 points. I
strongly encourage you to participate in each week's Discussion area. I will check the
Discussions Monday - Saturday of each week, for your questions that you may have from your
weekly readings. If you have a question regarding your weekly course work, please make sure to
post it by Saturday at 5pm. Discussions are only available from Monday – Sunday at 11:59pm of
each week. Weekly Discussions will be graded by the following Tuesday.
Project: There is one project for this course and is worth 50 points. The project is assigned in Week 5
and it is due in Week 8, Wednesday December 15, 2021 at 11:59pm Pacific Time, the last week of
your class. Your project will be graded by Sunday December 19.
Final Exam: It is a cumulative objective test based on the weekly quizzes from your textbook.
The exam contains 50 questions; multiple choice and/or true/false. Each question is worth 1 point for a
total of 50 points. Any student caught cheating on the Exam may be assigned a failing grade for the
course. Final exam is available only on Thursday December 16 - Friday December 17 at 11:59pm
Pacific Time. Any student who failed to take the Final Exam will be assigned a failing
grade for the course. You MUST take the Final Exam to receive a grade in this course.
Announcements: Make sure to check course announcements everyday and read and follow the
Checking your Email: Make sure to check your SMC email and Canvas inbox on daily basis and
read my replies to your email carefully. Also, read my email that I send you.
Contact your instructor: To contact me directly, send an email via Canvas Inbox. Please make a
note to type the topic of your question in the subject line of your message.
NOTE: Failure to participate actively in weekly quizzes, assignments, or discussions will
result in excluding the student from this class.
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Tentative Class Schedule (CIS 51)
Week 1
Oct25- Oct31
Introduction to course
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web
Chapter 2: HTML Basics
Chapter 3: Configuring Color and Text with CSS
Chapter 4: Visual Elements and Graphics
Chapter 5: Web Design
Chapter 6: Page Layout
Chapter 7: More on Links, Layout, and Mobile
Chapter 8: Tables
Project is assigned
Chapter 9: Forms
Chapter 10: Web Development
Chapter 11: Web Multimedia and Interactivity
Accessibility – Designing with Web Standards
Project Due
Final Exam (Chapters 1 - 11) on Thursday December 16 Friday December 17
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Assignment 7
Assignment 8
Assignment 9
Assignment 10
Assignment 11
Project Due
Technology Resources
Students are responsible for their own computer, software, internet access and email account. For
technical issues accessing eCollege, go to www.smconline.org and click on the Tech Requirements link.
Academic Honesty
The academic honesty policy of Santa Monica College will be strictly enforced. See Code of Academic
Conduct in the Student Planning Guide for Success.
Being Dropped due to lack of Substantive Participation Substantive Participation is controlled by
Administrative Regulation 4320. In our course, substantive participation shall be defined as follows:
· Students who do not successfully complete the first Module's assigned work may be dropped without
· Students who miss any two consecutive modules' assigned work may be dropped without notice
Nonetheless, it is a student's responsibility to drop/withdraw from class by the Admissions posted
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