Uploaded by Louis Liu

Personal Statement: Pre-College Program Application

also submit a personal statement, which will help us to get to know you
better. What distinguishes you from your classmates and peers? What do you
expect to gain from Summer College and to accomplish during the program?
I am an international student currently in Woodward Academy. I am a student with passion and
excitement for new thing, which helps me get used to a new environment faster. Meanwhile I
always look forward to learning new things and getting experience from it. For example, when I
first came to the United States, the new high school, new host family and the whole new
environment seemed totally strange to me. However, I overcame my fear and unfamiliarity by
myself. Also, I had to deal with different types of issues with my teachers and host family about
academics and daily life. During that period of time I significantly improved my communication
skills. Despite my communication skills and academic skills, my taste is quite different from
others. For example, I like listening to 70s, 80s and 90s rock music and classic music instead of
popular songs other people listen to. I am a big fan of The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Guns N’
Roses and other famous rock bands. In Pre-college program, I wish I can learn several new
things about computer science such as design, coding and artificial intelligence and maybe
business. Meanwhile I intend to make more friends with peers from different states and different
countries. I would love to share my experiences and stories with them and hear their stories.