Uploaded by Julius Javillonar

Monty Hall Problem: Reflections and Questions

Javillonar, Julius Kelly D.
Mathematics in the Modern World
Week 8 (October 15, 2021)
1. Name three (3) things that I significantly learned from the video clip.
 I learned that math we must also consider all the 3 doors when computing for the chance
we can pick the car.
 I learned that chances will really improve when we switched doors.
 I learned that the Monty Hall Problem is a simple way to show and explain how probability
2. Name three (3) things that are still unclear to me.
 I would like to know more about the effectiveness of the solution of the Monty Hall
 It is still unclear to me why most people decide that it is a 50/50 chance because I also first
assumed that it is a 50/50 percent chance of winning.
 I would like to know more if we can still apply the solution shown on the video if some
things or conditions are changed.
3. used to think that …
 I used to think that problems like this have 50/50 percent chance of winning and are luckbased, but after watching the explanation of the video, it really opened up my mind.
4. Give three (3) questions that I want to ask about the video clip.
 Who discovered the correct solution to the Monty Hall Problem?
 How did they know the correct solution to the problem?
 When the problem first appeared, did they know that choosing the other door has a 66%
chance of winning or it was only perceived as a 50/50 percent chance?