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CEO Interview Questions - Helderberg Village

Registration No. 1993/003665/08
Introduction / Experiences / Motivations – R Machanick
Tell us about your upbringing and how it shaped you as a person.
What motivates you? What fears do you have?
What are your inspirations professionally and personally?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Strategy and Vision – R Jennings
What is your approach to making big-picture decisions?
- Evidence on how to manage the bottom line;
- Ability to formulate their decision-making process; and
- Signs of a focus on people.
Give an example of how you implemented a change in corporate strategy?
What has got in the way of you leading the achievement of these goals?
How have you overcome barriers you’ve encountered in the past to attaining these goals?
- Evidence of strategic thinking;
- Management skills to carry out change;
- Evidence of understanding the change process and understanding and dealing with the emotions change generates; and
- History of leading transformation.
How do you choose the priorities that will guide a Company?
How would you ensure that all levels of goals are aligned and integrated, from organisational, to department, to individual employees?
- Experience setting corporate priorities;
- A well-conceived approach to goal setting;
- Look for the ability to cascade strategic imperatives into operational goals: and
- Previous directions in which the candidate took a company
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Growth – M Stuyck
How have you developed core competencies in Managers & Supervisors?
Describe an instance where you have driven a business to accelerate growth?
- Innovative
- Methodical, well-informed approach that recognizes a variety of factors at play.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Culture – M Langenegger / M van der Merwe
What type of corporate culture do you promote, and how do you create that culture?
- A strong statement of principles; and
- Measures taken to implement culture.
How would you rate the importance of transparency in a CEO role? What method would you use to promote transparency from the top down?
- Leadership capabilities;
- Emphasis on transparency;
- Understanding of the CEO role vs the role of the board and the importance of keeping them informed; and
- Emphasis on lower-level employee satisfaction.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Leadership – R Jennings
What is your overall philosophy for leading an organisation?
Give an example of when you had a gap in skill and / or experience that made you less effective and what did you do to grow in this area?
What would your staff say are your strengths as a leader?
Describe your management style, give us an example.
How have you connected with people at every level of your organisation?
How have you acted on the constructive feedback you received from the Board, your team and your customers in the past?
What kind of mandate would you want from the Board if you are the successful candidate?
- Evidence of actions backed by principles;
- Looking for an adaptable style to fit each situation;
- A strong set of management philosophies; and
- Flexibility to consider new principles.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Budget Management and Finance - P Searle / M Fell
Briefly describe how you manage budgets and the P&L.
Can you explain the difference between net income and cash flow?
How do you interpret a balance sheet?
Describe how you’ve used cost benefit analysis to decide on a course of action?
How have you reduced costs in your position?
How have you navigated tough decisions regarding budgets cuts, restructuring or reallocating resources?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contract Management – M Stuyck
Can you tell us about your protocol for negotiating the terms of a contract?
When you find it necessary to enforce a contract that is not being met, what approach do take?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Risk Management – P Mahony / J Radnay
How do you stay up-to-date with the best practices of risk management?
Can you describe the most problematic situation you have dealt with regarding risk control?
What is your understanding of Sectional tile?
What would you see as the three major risks faced by Helderberg Village?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Process Improvement – P Mahony / J Radnay
How do you identify problems in an organization?
How have you guided your team to successfully implement large-scale process change?
How do you measure the success of the change?
What are the main areas that you will focus on to strengthen internal controls and communication?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Performance Management – M Langenegger / M van der Merwe
How do you hold your leaders accountable to develop their leadership skills?
- Looking for evidence of goal setting which covers financial, marketing, business processes, HR
How do you measure the performance of the departments?
Describe a time when one of your direct reports did not meet your expectations and what you did about it.
Describe a time when you took over a team from someone who had led it for a long time, what were the challenges?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Conflict Management – M Langenegger / M van der Merwe
Provide us with an example when you had to handle a challenging customer.
Describe how you have resolved conflict between your team.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Technology – M Fell
How have you selected and implemented technology improvements?
How would you ensure that the organization is investing in and leveraging the correct technology while being careful to balance cost with ROI?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The First 90 Days – R Jennings
If you are hired, what would be your priorities in your first 90 days?
How would you build trust, generate buy-in, and develop a plan during your first 90 days?
How would you learn our business?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Miscellaneous / Personality – R Machanick
What is important to you, to reach job satisfaction?
What aspects of this role would be the biggest challenge for you?
What skills, traits, and experience make you a good fit for this position?
Looking back, what is the biggest failure in your career to date?
Describe your proudest achievement?
Why do you want to work for Helderberg Village?
Why do you want to leave your current positon?
What is your notice period?
What is your opinion about splitting up your remuneration package into a guaranteed portion and a portion at risk?
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________