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Maritime Abbreviations and Terms

2.Different types of abbreviations
3.Ambiguous abbreviations
4.Presentation of the List of Navigationrelated Standard Terms and Abbreviations
2.Different types of abbreviations
3.Ambiguous abbreviations
4.Presentation of the List of Navigationrelated Standard Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word (term). Rapid advances in commerce and
technology have led to an increase in specialist subject areas, each of which has
engendered its own set of abbreviations. At times one may experience difficulties in
tracing the abbreviations as there are no special reference books dealing with
abbreviations.Some wellknown (common) abbreviations and terms are:
B.C.- Before Christ
A.D.- Anno Domini (latin-in the year of our Lord) note:A.D. is usually used only for
years before 1000 e.g.A.D.752,but 1752
e.g.- exempli gratia (for example)
i.e.- id est (this is)
p.s.- post scriptum
de facto, de jure; modus vivendi;vice versa;idem
Different types of abbreviations
• 1.Abbreviations where
the initial letters are
pronounced separately
e.g. ETA
• 2.Abbreviations where
the initial letters are
pronounced as if they
formed a word
1.List of common abbreviations spoken as
initial letters,showing the full spelling from
which the initials are taken
• 1.1.the above abbreviations in connection with the
• ETA-estimated time of arrival
• ETD-estimated time of departure
• ETS-estimated time of sailing
• GMT-Greenwich Mean Time
• UTC-co-ordinated universal time
1.2. the above abbreviations in connection with the
IMO-International Maritime Organisation
EMA-Estonian Maritime Administration
ISF-International Shipping Federation
ECSA-European Community Shipowners’Association
ILO- International Labour Organisation
ITF-International Transport Workers Federation
IACS-International Association of Classification Societies
P&I- Protection and Indemnity
UN- United Nations
WTO- World Trade Organisation
ITU-Institute of London Underwriters
1.3. The above abbreviations in connection with the
UHF-ultra high frequency
VHF-very high frequency
VLF-very low frequency
MF-medium frequency
HF-high frequency
LF-low frequency
FM-frequency modulation
1.4.the above abreviations in connection with
PPI-plan position indicator(radar screen)
CPA-closest point of approach
TCPA-time to the closest point of approach
EP-estimated position
LOP-line of position
DF-direction finding(finder)
1.5.The above abbreviations in connection
with the engine room
M.E.-main engine
IHP-indicated horse power
BHP-brake horse power
SHP-shaft horse power
ORB-oil record book
GRB-garbage record book
OWS-oily water separator
IOPPC-International oil pollution prevention cert.
ISPPC-International sewage pollution prevention cert.
1.6.the above abbreviations in connection
with the ship types
ULCC-ultra large crude carrier
VLCC-very large crude carrier
LPG-liquefied petroleum gas
LNG-liquefied natural gas
HSC-high speed craft
1.6.different abbreviations
AC-alternating current
DC-direct current
MCT-moment to change trim
RT-radio telephony
WT-wireless telegraphy
B.L.-Bill of Lading
MOU-memorandum of understanding
PSC-port state control
FSC-flag state control
2.List of abbreviations pronounced as if the
initial letters formed a single word
IALA-International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
LASH-Lighter aboard ship system
RoRo-roll on,roll off
LoLo-lift on,lift off
OBO-oil/bulk/ore ship
Panamax-a vessel capable of passing through the Panama
Satcom-satellite communication
Satnav-satellite navigation
SOPEP-shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
GOFREP-mandatory ship reporting system in the Gulf of
3. Ambiguous abbreviations
s.d.-sea damaged, short delivery,standard deviation
sp.-sample, special
c.-centigrade,collected,carat etc.
A.P.-authority to purchase,authority to pay,average
payable, after perpendicular
a.m.-ante meridiem,associate member,amplitude
P.A.-public address system,PA-position approximate
MP-maritime pollutant,medium pulse
OS-own ship,ordinary seaman
4.Presentation of the Navigation-related
Terms and Abbreviations
• Guidelines