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BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot & Materials Studio: Scientific Innovation

Provides scientific innovation lifecycle management support to research, development, QA/QC
and manufacturing phases of development.
VIAS’ BIOVIA solutions offer a wealth of advancement in the worlds of academic and
commercial applications. Solutions such as Pipeline Pilot and Materials Studio give clients
an end-to-end experience when developing products – without the usual disjointed
communication that often accompanies passing through several departments.
Pipeline Pilot
It automates the scientific analysis of data, enabling users across the enterprise to rapidly
explore, visualize and report research results.
Materials Studio
Materials Studio is modeling and simulation for next-generation materials.
Pipeline Pilot - BIOVIA
Pipeline Pilot is a graphical scientific authoring application that optimizes the research
innovation process, increases operational efficiency and reduces costs for both research
and IT. It automates the scientific analysis of data, enabling users across the enterprise to
rapidly explore, visualize and report research results.
It was designed for data scientists, allowing you to train models in a few clicks, compare
performance of model types, and save these models for use in the future. Further, you can
also embed custom scripts from Python, Perl, or R to maximize its use across the
And because each model is tied to a protocol, organizations are able to see where the data
comes from, how it is cleaned and what models generate the results – thus eliminating the
problems of a “black box” scenario. Predictions can be trusted to augment scientific work with
the latest machine learning techniques.
Pipeline Pilot wraps complex functions in simple drag-and-drop components that can then be
strung into a workflow. The protocols can be shared between users and groups for reuse,
ensuring that solutions are developed faster and standardized across the organization.
The materials modeling and simulation capabilities within Materials Studio are accessible within
the Pipeline Pilot data pipelining environment. This allows you to access analytical capabilities
such as Reflex and Reflex QPA, key functionality of the QSAR Plus package and a utility to
integrate scripting applications developed within Materials Studio’s scripting API into Pipeline
Pilot Protocols.
Materials Studio - BIOVIA
A complete modeling and simulation environment designed to allow researchers in
materials science and chemistry to predict and understand the relationships of a material’s
atomic and molecular structure with its properties and behavior. Materials Studio is
modeling and simulation for next-generation materials.
By using Materials Studio, researchers in a host of industries are able to engineer high
performing materials of all types including:
● Catalysts
● Polymers
● Composites
● Metals
● Alloys
● Pharmaceuticals
● Batteries
● And more…
The “in silico first” approach allows researchers to optimize materials’ performance in a low
cost environment before physical testing. This results in:
● Accelerating the innovation process
● Reducing R&D costs
● Improving R&D efficiency
● Fostering data-driven decisions
To learn more in detail about how we can help you in your area of work, get in touch with
us at info@viascorp.com or visit www.vias3d.com