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Sample Speech Outline: Benefits of Sports

Sample Informative Speech Outline
Include citations in your outline and provide a Works Cited page listing your citations at the end
of the outline in MLA format.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: I’m sure we all know that getting active is a great way to improve your
health and fitness.
B. Connection to the Audience: But most people would rather run around endlessly during a
game of some sort than work up a sweat in a hot and sweaty gym.
C. Thesis = Today I am going to inform you all of the benefits of playing sports for all ages.
D. Preview Statement: I am going to cover the health and psychological benefits of being
involved in a sport, while also explaining why sports don’t just benefit children and teens, but
adults too.
Transition to Point 1: With that being said, let’s start with our first point, the health benefits.
Body (You can have between two to four main points)
According to aspenprojectplay.org, regularly getting involved in physical activity benefits
your health in many ways.
a. Helps to maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.
b. Can improve sleep.
c. Can reduce stress.
So we know that movement and physical activity is good for the body, but it is also good for
the mind.
a. Can positively affect aspects of personal development
b. Can build self esteem.
c. Can teach children a lot about teamwork, leadership, and good competition.
3. Playing sports as an adult is beneficial too.
a. Can build weekly commitment
b. Can motivate and inspire younger people
c. Keeps you in shape as you age.
III. Conclusion
A. Transition to Conclusion: In conclusion, playing sports is a wonderful thing as it as so many
benefits for all.
B. Summary: It benefits your health, mind, and can be done by anyone.
C. Thesis Restated: Those were some of the ways that sports can benefit people, but there is so
much more.
D. Restate Audience Connection: This is why most people would rather participate in sports than
working out in a gym.
E. Final Thought: ??
Works Cited:
“Youth Sports Facts: Benefits.” The Aspen Institute Project Play,
Walsh, Colleen. “Keeping Adults in the Game.” Harvard Gazette, Harvard Gazette, 5 June
2018, https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/07/keeping-adults-in-the-game/.
“15 Health Benefits of Sports: Insports Centers.” Insports Trumbull, CT - Adult & Youth
Leagues - Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, 11 Dec. 2019,