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Special Education Field Experience Documentation Form

Candidate’s Documentation of Field Experiences
As part of the requirements for the M.Ed. in Special Education General Curriculum, candidates are required to have experiences in the
following settings: primary (K-2), intermediate (3-5), middle (6-8), and high school (9-12). These experiences encompass one full day
of observation in each setting. If you are a practicing teacher, your current setting can be one of the locations of your observation. For
this activity, the goals are to experience multiple service delivery models (e.g., resource, inclusion, self-contained) for meeting the
needs of students with disabilities, observe various instructional approaches, and reflect on what you learn during these observations,
and how this aligns with what you are learning in the program. We recommend that you observe multiple teachers in each location as
this will provide you with a broader understanding of the field of special education. Please note that you will need to obtain the
signatures of all teachers you observe. At least one teacher in each of the grade band settings must meet the Mentor Teacher
requirements (i.e., the teacher should have the same certification that the student is seeking (Masters in Special Education)
and have taught for at least three years in a special education setting).
If you need assistance finding a teacher to observe, please contact the Clinical Experiences, Placements and Partnerships office
(CEPP): https://bagwell.kennesaw.edu/units/cepp/contact-us.php
Setting (i.e., primary, intermediate, middle, or high)
Name of Teacher(s) Observed and Contact Information:
Grade Level and
Delivery Model
Name of Teacher(s) Observed and Contact Information:
Grade Level and
Delivery Model
Name of Teacher(s) Observed and Contact Information:
*Add more rows if necessary
Grade Level and
Delivery Model
M.Ed. in Special Education Observation Notes and Reflection
For each setting in which you observed complete the following:
Context: Provide a brief description of the context in which you observed. This would include
service delivery model, number of students, specific student characteristics, classroom
environment, content area taught.
Instruction: Provide a brief description of the type of instruction that was utilized.
Classroom Management: Provide a brief description of classroom management techniques.
Overall Reflection
Reflect on your observations being sure to connect what you observed/experienced with what
you have learned in the program in general and in the courses you are taking this semester
specifically (cite accordingly). Discuss what you learned, list any questions/concerns you may
have, and detail how you will apply what you learned in your own practice.