INED 7660 1 Multi-Level Unit Plan Template Name: Kiara Fernandez Content Area: Grade Level: NARRATIVE Knowledge of Student Characteristics/Academic Performance (Rubric Criterion 1, 2) The students in my classroom are 100% African American and are eligible for free or reduced lunch. All the of the students in my classroom have an IEP in place. The disabilities of my students vary and are listed, Autism Spectrum, Other Health impaired, significantly developmentally delayed and ADHD. My students require frequent breaks, preferential seating, adaptive paper and writing utensils, and sensory items. Various students are currently receiving occupational therapy and therefor have difficulties with letter formation, number formation and drawing. In addition to writing difficulties several students are receiving speech therapy which can affect their pronunciations. These students show an area of need in decoding and letter sounds. According to my students MAP growth scores they score in the 1% of the nation. Among my students their learning modalities are varied but they seem to retain the most information when lessons include a mix of visual/auditory and kinesthetic aspects. My students do not have any behavioral objectives, but have objectives in math, reading and writing. Among their goals they have goals to add and subtract, read sight words, or decode single syllable words. Knowledge of Student Needs is Used to Inform Instruction (Rubric Criterion 3, 13) Given the information that was available to me by the MAP growth scores, I was able to identify the specific needs of each student. With the needs of each student identified I was able to create specific groups and create targeted interventions for each group. The MAP Growth assessment for math, identified students who need to learn their shapes and other who are working number identification, which is reflected in some of their IEP goals. My lesson plan includes grade level instruction and then a specific allotted time for targeted intervention. INED 7660 My students' accommodations include preferential seating, extra time for completion and frequent monitored breaks. All these accommodations are built into my lessons daily, my students know that they can grab any flexible seating option around the room and we have a classroom timer that is used for the monitored breaks. Unit Goals/Objectives (Rubric Criterion 4) The Big Picture Provide a summary of what the students will know upon completion of the unit stated as student outcomes that are observable and measurable (SMART Goals/Objectives). Provide a listing of the Georgia standards/benchmarks that you address in your unit and how the student outcomes link to Georgia standards. Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to count and associate that amount to its number with 80% accuracy. MGSE1.NBT.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to identify 2D, 3D shapes and their prepositional place in space with 80% accuracy. MGSEK.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to. Instructional Planning: Overview (Rubric Criterion 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) Instructional Approaches Provide a clear overview of the instructional cycle (Continuous Teaching Model) as it pertains to your unit. Include information on routines and practices that support classroom procedures. Address the variety of approaches used and how they promote higher order thinking and problem-solving skills. Describe each of the research-based instructional strategies you will be using. Include: (1) the name of the strategy; (2) a description of the strategy; (3) a synopsis of the research, appropriately cited, supporting its use. Note: This section informs the rationale in your lesson plans. Literacy Provide a comprehensive summary on how you have demonstrated systematic integration of literacy strategies to scaffold comprehension (think-alouds, questioning strategies, etc.) and vocabulary development (academic language). Cite accordingly. Universal Design for Learning Provide a description of how you have incorporated the elements of Universal Design in your Unit. Describe specifically how you have differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students with a clear connection to the learning needs of students with disabilities. Cite accordingly Provide a comprehensive description of the accommodations used in your unit. Include why they are needed linked to specific student needs they address and possible benefits for other students. Cite accordingly. Accommodations/Modifications Provide a comprehensive description of the accommodations/modifications used in your unit. Include why they are needed and the specific student needs they address. Cite accordingly. 2 INED 7660 3 Diversity Families Colleagues Technology (Rubric Criterion 7, 9) Use of Instructional Technology (including Assistive Technology) Provide a comprehensive summary of how you have addressed diversity in your unit. (This includes ethnic and racial backgrounds, age, gender, language, physical and cognitive abilities, family status, socioeconomic status, religious and spiritual values, and geographic location [CEC, 2008]). Your plan should reflect culturally responsive practices focused on student characteristics. Cite accordingly. Describe how you will collaborate with and engage families in the education of their children. Describe how you will collaborate with colleagues throughout the unit. Provide a comprehensive summary of how you have implemented instructional technology throughout your unit. How does the technology support UDL and student engagement? Cite accordingly. If appropriate, provide a description of the assistive technology (High: e.g., AlphaSmart, word prediction software, books on tape, or text to speech on the computer; Low: e.g. pencil grip, timer, chart paper) you have included in your unit, clearly connected to student need. Assessment (Rubric Criterion 12) Provide a detailed description of the assessment procedures (pre-post; for instruction, of instruction; progress monitoring, etc.) you and your students will use to gauge needs, set goals, monitor progress, provide feedback, assess thinking and processes, reflect on learning throughout the learning cycle, and change or enhance instructional strategies and/or learning goals. (These might include graphic organizers, journal prompts, anecdotal notes, checklists, conferences, questioning, and rubrics.) Also describe the artifacts of student learning that you will assess, such as products, presentations, written documents, or performances and the assessments you use. Cite accordingly. References (Rubric Criterion 14) Provide a reference sheet using appropriate APA format for all cited material and any other resources used to inform your unit (e.g., lesson plan obtained from the Internet which has been adapted to meet the needs of your students, evidence-base from peer-reviewed research articles). Reflection 16 ) Provide an in-depth, insightful reflection of your conceptualizing and planning of the unit. Include challenges, successes, lessons learned, how this experience will inform your future instruction, and connection to your own professional development. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND REQUIRED ARTIFACTS Assessment Data Copies of the district assessment report with all identifying information (Rubric Criterion 1) redacted Class Profile to include: Eligibility for 504 Eligibility for ESE o Disability o Academic objectives (if applicable) o Behavioral objectives (if applicable) Other information (e.g., student interests) 4-Week Matrix Comprehensive overview of how you have structured instruction over the 4(Rubric Criterion 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, week period clearly demonstrating: 11, 12) Subject matter mastery Scope and sequence of instruction Systematic integration of scaffolding development of comprehension skills and cognition (think-alouds, questioning strategies, etc.) INED 7660 4 Five Lesson Plans (All criterion) Progress Monitoring Probe and Visual Representation (Rubric Criterion 12) Assessments (Rubric Criterion 12) Demonstration of integration of major literacy strategies (reciprocal teaching, rereading, etc.) Systematic integration of vocabulary development In your Appendix include the following: Five fully developed lesson plans selected from your unit. Each lesson plan must be completed using the lesson plan template. Note the following: Lessons need to demonstrate a clear understanding of student needs and characteristics through appropriate differentiation / accommodations / adaptations and/or modifications. Lessons must utilize evidence based best practices (i.e., concept maps, graphic organizers, flexible grouping, etc…) and the rationale for strategy selection including supporting research. Lessons must contain knowledge of varied cultures and linguistic backgrounds and culturally responsive teaching. At least one lesson must incorporate the use of technology by your students (i.e., development of a PowerPoint presentation, searching the Internet to research a topic, use of a spreadsheet to analyze data, student publication in the form of a newsletter or brochure). In your Appendix include a sample of how you will do some type of progress monitoring of a particular skill within the overall unit using some type of daily probe and visual display (i.e., charting process). Describe how the skill connects with your instruction. Specifically provide: A description of the skill An example of a daily probe for the identified skill An example of a completed chart Sample rubric to assess one of the lessons in your unit plan.