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Impartiality Essay

Impartiality Essay
Impartiality Essay Example “…Due impartiality Lies at the heart of the BBC. All programs
and services should be open minded, fair and show a respect for truth… The BBC applies
due impartiality to all its broadcasting and services, both to domestic and international
audiences…” From “The BBC’s Charter”
Impartiality is very important for everybody, particularly for reporters. Practically, everyone
aims to achieve impartiality essay writers but only a few can do this. From the philosophical
point of view impartiality is a dualistic notion and it is not always and not by everybody
perceived as something positive. On the one hand, impartiality is good because, for
example, it provides for the audience an objective representation of this or that event or also
it gives a possibility to regard the same problem from different standpoints. On the other
hand, impartiality may be negative, for example, a serial killer, who is definitely seriously ill,
may choose his victims among those who are the most resembling to his favorite celebrity.
His choice may be quite impartial because he may choose his victims taking into account to
what extent their occupation, appearance, habits, etc. are close to those of the celebrity but
such impartiality has nothing in common with a desirable moral impartiality. Nonetheless,
people representing different occupations should avoid such extreme but still I strongly
believe that impartiality is necessary for journalists, reporters or presenters in order to give
an objective highlighting of events or discussion of some ideas or problems.
There are numerous reasons why impartiality is necessary, but achieving such goals is
difficult. As an example, I'd look at the issue with the BBC, one of the most extensively
distributed broadcasting corporations. It is a powerful organization, but it cannot claim to be
completely objective. Furthermore, experts claim that the BBC is extremely subjective in
various areas, as evidenced by recent studies. These studies revealed that the company's
reporters tend to take a pro-Palestinian stance when covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
which, without a doubt, makes it impossible to receive objective and real, in the broadest
sense of the word, information about the conflict, its roots, and potential solutions. It
becomes especially clear when we compare news on coalition troop actions in Iraq with
those about Israeli army actions, which, in fact, deal with identical issues, leading to
speculation that the BBC is discriminating against Israel. Many experts, by the way, regard
some British and American news outlets' coverage of the Iraqi war as incomplete and
Nowadays, it is clear that television and other forms of mass media may be an effective
means of propaganda or at the very least promotion of particular ideas and viewpoints. If we
wish to maintain a democratic society, we must avoid the latter at all costs. As a result, if we
wish to grow as a highly democratic society, reporters and presenters should strive for
neutrality. As a result, I'm going to provide some basic thoughts on what should be done to
supply the public with unbiased news and television programs (though I'm not sure how
impartial these ideas will be). To begin, it is critical to emphasize that all programs or reports
of all genres must include as diverse a range of ideas and viewpoints as feasible. In other
words, impartiality must become the foundation of any broadcasting firm or other kind of
mass media, regardless of the issues it addresses, because there are almost always at least
two sides to any given problem or incident, and reporters must present all of them. As a
result, I believe it would be preferable if reporters or broadcasters did not reveal their
personal views on current events, whether international or national.
Factual programming custom writing, on the other hand, can address any issue and can
focus on any topic. Furthermore, I believe they have the right to provide arguments from one
side, but only if they do so in a fair and impartial manner, which can be achieved by not
discriminating against or deceiving opposing ideas and viewpoints. In any case, any show
must strive to provide all points of view, either directly or through links to other programs, in
order to keep the audience informed. The same may be said for a series of programs that
must either be supported by a follow-up discussion program or be well-planned and convey
a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints throughout the series.
In terms of news shows, I believe that their objectivity is critical since they inform people, and
how they do so often shapes public opinion on various events and issues in society and
throughout the world. As a result, any personal views expressed by presenters should be
strictly prohibited, especially during times of public controversy. They must just give data and
facts as they are, with no emotional or subjective implications. We must also remember all of
the other programs and reports for which impartiality is still demanded.
Finally, I'd want to state that for me, a competent reporter, TV show, or company, as well as
a newspaper, will always be associated with objectivity. It can certainly be done only if the
media is free of political and commercial influence. Otherwise, the primary democratic values
of freedom of speech will be hard to realize, making mass media a tool for attaining the
goals of various political or financial parties. Thus, impartiality must be a moral norm of any
reporter who is a truly self-respecting professional whose goal is to give people an objective
presentation not only of current events but also of any event, idea, or viewpoint that appears
in the world, regardless of national, religious, or other aspects, and it must be a cornerstone
of the ideology of all types of mass media companies. However, this does not imply that he
does not have the freedom to voice his personal opinions. He may do so as long as it does
not violate the norms of neutrality and objectivity, and as long as it allows the public to make
their own opinion on the issue.
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