Krakatau Steel (B) Situation Krakatau Steel has been claimed as the biggest steel company in Indonesia. Indonesia’s citizen also presumes Krakatau Steel as one of the valuable asset for Indonesia. However, Krakatau Steel must take another step to became the Global Company. By having corporation with POSCO, the biggest steel company in South Korea to make a joint venture to make a joint venture which requires 388 hectares land, has shown that Krakatau Steel is ready to go to the next level. Therefore Anto, a financial analyst in PT Krakatau Steel, would like to see the position and the opportunity of PT Krakatau Steel to compete with other global steel companies. This assessment will also be used as a mean to find an appropriate company as a benchmark. Anto will used 3 reputable global steel companies which come from different region in the world. The steel companies are Arcelor Mittal (Luxembourg), POSCO(Pohan Iron and Steel Company, South Korea), and U.S Steel (United States Steel Company). Anto also use PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk and PT Jaya Pari Steel Tbk as a local comparison. Anto ask the help of Moody’s Corporation too analysis this. Analysis Moody’s corporation is a reputable company which provides credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contributes to transparent financial markets. Moody’s also creates financial rating for steel industry that is used to measure the financial performance of steel industry globally. This measurement is made to help investors and others to assess the financial performance, specifically the credit risk of a steel company. Using moody’s global steel measurement people can also assign rating to each company and rank it. In this rating methodology, there are 4 categories that Moody is focusing : 1. 2. 3. 4. Size and Business Profile Operating Performance and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength The four categories will be broken down into 10 sub factors. Key rating factors including the weight score of each category: To analyze using Moody’s there are 7 ratings categories. The result is PT Krakatau Steel Size and Business Profile Operation g Performan ce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) Weight Krakatau Steel ed 25% B 1.74 10% A 5 1 0.25 4 0.40 6.20% Ba 2 0.20 5% 7.22% Baa 3 0.15 10% 4.46% Aaa 6 0.60 15% 10% 47.15% Baa Caa 3 0 0.45 0.00 2 0.10 10% 5.85 5% Ba 3.01 5% 7.77% Caa 0 0.00 5% -4.95% Caa 0 0.00 100% 2.15 Ba2 div 8 9414 2 9 1378 72 10 148402 PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Weighted Size and Business Profile Operatio ng Performa nce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) Gunawan Dianjaya Steel 25% 0.20 Ca a 0 0.00 10% 3 Ba a 3 0.30 10% 9.70% Ba a 15.01% Aa 3 0.30 5 0.25 1.98% Aa a 6 0.60 39.91% A 4.03 B 4 1 0.60 0.10 5.04 3 0.15 0 0.00 3 0.15 5% 10% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% Ba a 4.45% Ca a 11.61% Ba a 100% 2.45 Ba1 PT Jayapari Steel Size and Business Profile Operatio ng Performa nce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) Weighted Jaya Pari Steel 25% 0.05 Ca a 0 0.00 2 0.20 10.65% Ba a 13.38% A 3 0.30 4 0.20 10% 11.37% Aa a 6 0.60 15% 10% 27.02% Aa 2.04 Ba a 64.76 Aa a 54.28% Aa 5 3 0.75 0.30 6 0.30 5 0.25 56.04% Aa a 6 0.30 10% 2 Ba 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 100% 3.20 Baa1 POSCO Size and Business Profile Operatio ng Performa nce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) Weighted POSCO 25% 53.43 Aaa 6 1.50 10% 7 Aa 5 0.50 10% 11.93% Baa 3 0.30 10.22% A 4 0.20 10% 10.27% Aaa 6 0.60 15% 10% 48.64% Baa Baa 2.94 3 3 0.45 0.30 Aa 5 0.25 5% 19.87% Ba 3 0.15 5% 10.90% Baa 3 0.15 5% 5% 11.12 100% 4.40 A1 Arcelor Mittal Size and Business Profile Operatio ng Performa nce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) Weighted Arcelor Mittal 25% 78.03 Aa a 10% 7 6 1.50 5 0.50 Aa 10% 5.50% Ba 2 0.20 5% 4.12% Ba 2 0.10 10% 9.68% Aa a 6 0.60 15% 10% 2 0 0.30 0.00 5% 52.31% Ba 7.21 Ca a 2.55 Ba 2 0.10 5% 12.18% B 1 0.05 5% 1.29% B 1 0.05 100% 3.40 A3 U.S Steel Weighted Size and Business Profile Operatio ng Performa nce and Volatility Financial Policies Financial Strength Net Consolidated Sales ($USD billions) Operational Diversity, Regional Diversity, Import Threat/Export Reliant EBIT Margin (3 year average) Return on Average Tangible Assets (3 year average) Volatility based on the Coefficient of Variation of CFO/Net Sales Debt / Capital Debt / EBITDA (3 year average) EBIT / Interest (3 year average) CFO-div / Debt (3 year average) FCF / Debt (3 year average) U.S Steel 25% A 4 1.00 10% 6 A 4 0.40 10% 2.49% B 1 0.10 5% 2.82% B 1 0.05 2.33% Aaa 6 0.60 74.91% Ba Caa 12.19 5% B 2.49 5% 3.64% Caa 2 0 0.30 0.00 1 0.05 0 0.00 5% 1 0.05 17.37 10% 15% 10% 1.04% B 100% Conclusion From the table we can conclude that PT Krakatau Steel has strength is in Operating performance and volatility, but weak in its Financial Strength. The size and business profile and Financial policies is not good but not bad also. If compared to the other company Krakatau is still not ready yet to go global. The Krakatau steel can see the POSCO company as a benchmark for going global. Because the POSCO companies has the 2.55 Baa3 highest rating in from 4 categories that moody is focusing in steel industry.