Uploaded by Julia Bernards

Resilience Exercises

Resilience Exercises
Power pose for 30 seconds
Do a loving-kindness meditation
Give yourself a hug or pat on the back
Listen to a song you love (dance for bonus!)
Notice and take a minute to enjoy something
that makes you happy (penny pleasures)
Write down 5 things you appreciate
Write down 3 things that went well today
and why it went well
Engage your senses outside for 5 minutes
Practice Safe Space imagery
Watch something that makes you laugh
Smile for a full minute
Be still for 5 minutes. Just be still. Think,
observe, feel, listen, whatever you like.
Drink a full glass of water
Take a brisk walk outside (5 minutes)
Eat a serving of vegetables
Stop eating when you are not hungry
Dance to a song you like
Stretch all your major muscle groups
Practice deep breathing
Take the stairs
Eat a fruit instead of a sweet
Do pushups or sit-ups until you can’t do any
Eat a healthy protein with breakfast
Text or email someone to share what you
appreciate about them
Snuggle a living creature for 5 minutes
Give/get a hug (at least 20 seconds)
Start a conversation with someone
Smile at people you see in a public place
Greet someone by name
Give a compliment
Invite a friend to do something with you
Give an act of service
Read 15 min. or a chapter of a book you like
Do 15 minutes of homework
Research a topic of interest
Practice a new skill (10 min)
Practice something you want to improve
Game-plan how to respond to a stressor
Notice and challenge a negative thought
Spend 10 minutes in a mindfulness practice
Watch a TED talk or Khan Academy video
Listen to a podcast