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Competency Evaluation Form - Social Work Placement

Competency Evaluation
The first section of the evaluation will be used in determining the student's overall field performance,
demonstration of learning outcomes, and final grade. The final comments summary provides the field
supervisor the opportunity to support and clarify the evaluation as well as comment on the student’s
strengths and challenges.
Please note, there may be occasions when the student has not had the opportunity to practice some of the
listed behaviours. The evaluation process is a great opportunity to reflect upon the student’s learning
experience and provide dedicated time and discussion about important skill development.
Using the Evaluation Guidelines
Excellent means that the student is demonstrating the ability to perform the skill independently under
supervision with minimal error. Upon completion of the fall semester, it is expected that with continued
practice the student will achieve sufficient mastery of the skills rated by the end of placement.
Performance exceeds expectation and performance will fall in between 85-100.
Very Good means that the student is developing competence with respect to the criteria involved. With
a rating of very good the student, in fact, requires less supervision than most emerging practitioners with
respect to the item rated, but receives corrective guidance and makes improvement as requested. The
grade range for students who perform in this category would be between 70 and 84.
Satisfactory implies that, although the performance is satisfactory, further development, growth or
improvement is desired. The student requires more supervision than most emerging practitioners with
respect to the item rated and has required repeated corrective instruction to be able to perform the skill
or demonstrate the knowledge required. This rating is the minimum required to pass this item. The grade
range for this category is 50-69.
Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory indicates that the student is performing at a level that
requires significant upgrading with the respect to those criteria. At the midterm of the placement,
performance objectives must be established and an opportunity provided for the student to meet these
objectives within a designated period of time.
Ratings of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory at the final evaluation will result in a failing grade
for the Field Placement semester. The grading range for this level of performance will range between 0
and 49.
Please indicate not applicable ("N/A") in any of the columns in which you are unable to rate.
Space is provided for comments and explanations on this form:
 All students must be successful in the area of “Confidentiality” to pass a placement.
 Please refer to evaluation guidelines when determining performance ratings.
 Both agency supervisors and students are advised to retain a copy of the evaluation.
Student Name:
Supervisor/Evaluator Name:
Communicating ways that will increase confidence in one’s ability to care for others. Has developed the
ability to use advanced interviewing skills and awareness of self over the course of the semester.
Has progressed over the course of the semester to consistently communicate
[ ] Unsatisfactory
[ ] Needs Improvement
[ ] Satisfactory (Pass)
[ ] Very Good
[ ] Excellent
(Concisely with clients and colleagues, has begun to meet the needs of the appropriate audience).
Has begun to consistently respond to written and spoken messages in a manner
that ensures effective communication.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Comments (communication skills):
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
Has begun to demonstrate the use of critical thinking and approaches to
anticipate and solve problems.
[ ] Unsatisfactory
[ ] Needs Improvement
[ ] Satisfactory (Pass)
[ ] Very Good
[ ] Excellent
(Applicable, supportive, and relevant to client group, agency framework, and social welfare policy).
Has begun to use a variety of thinking skills.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
(Anticipate and solve problems as they relate to the client group and/or agency framework).
Has developed the ability to identify barriers to client change and insight into
client patterns over the course of the semester.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Comments (critical thinking and problem solving skills):
Information Management:
Relevant and appropriate documentation and computer literacy. Knowledge of community resources, agency
functions, social service worker systems and policies.
Consistently can search out and locate needed information.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Has begun to demonstrate an understanding of referral and resource networking.
Progressed in this over the course.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Has begun to analyse and apply relevant information from a variety of sources
capacity to do this has progressed over the course
[ ] Unsatisfactory
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Comments (information management skills):
Interpersonal Skills:
Demonstrates the ability to develop professional relationships with clients and colleagues.
Consistently shows respect for the diverse cultures, opinions, values, belief
systems and contributions of others.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Has begun to interact with others in groups/teams in ways that contribute.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
(Effective working relationships and the achievement of personal and organizational goals. Has achieved progress over the
course of the semester).
Has developed the capacity to self-evaluate interpersonal interactions over the
course of the semester.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Comments (interpersonal skills):
Time Management:
Manages time, resources to work punctually and effectively. Has developed the ability over the course of the
semester to work independently, appropriately.
Manages the use of time and other resources to complete projects.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Punctual and uses time responsibly, follows protocol for reporting absences.
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good
Organizes work effectively. Well organized and has begun to consider priorities
Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (Pass)
Very Good