Uploaded by Taofiq Aziz

Rotator Cuff Training Program

Cohorte 2019
Rotator Cuff Training
Université d'Ottawa
451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8N5
Client ID
Azaan Amlani-Kurji
Online access
Notes :
1 Blackburns
Sets: 3 Reps: 10-15 Freq: 1x/day Hold: 5s
Lie on your stomach, face down with your arms overhead in a Y shape with thumbs pointing
Lift your elbows and hands off the ground, while pulling your shoulder blades down and back.
Let your arms down slowly. Repeat for prescribed repetitions.
Then lower your arms to shoulder level, making a T shape.
With the thumb facing upwards, lift the arms off the ground.
Repeat the movement for the prescribed repetitions.
Then move your arms by your sides with palms facing up.
Slowly lift your arms off the floor.
Repeat for the prescribed repetitions.
2 External rotation at 0° abd
Sets: 3 Reps: 10-15 Freq: 1x/day Hold: 5s
Anchor a resistance band at elbow height at your side and place a rolled towel between your
arm and body.
Keeping your elbow on the towel roll, rotate your arm out against the resistance of the band.
Make sure your elbow does not come away from your body.
Return and repeat.
Keep the elbow bent 90°.
3 Dynamic external rotation press
Sets: 3 Reps: 10-15 Freq: 1x/day
Secure a band in a door and come to a half-kneeling position, facing the band.
Hold the band in your hand and have the same-side knee go down (i.e. right hand, right knee).
With the core braced and shoulder set and secure, press up.
4 Wall Snow Angel
Sets: 3 Reps: 10-15 Freq: 1x/day
Stand up with your back against the wall.
Tighten your abdominal muscles, gently pull your shoulder blades toward each other and the
back of your hands down into the wall.
Without letting your shoulders roll forward, slowly slide your arms on the wall to raise them
overhead""as high as possible with the good posture and without pain.
Do not let your shoulders shrug toward your ears.
5 Shoulder active internal rot.
Sets: 3 Reps: 5-10 Freq: 1x/day Hold: 5s
Lie on your back with your upper arm perpendicular to your body and your elbow bent.
Bring your hand as far down towards the bed as you can.
Return your hand to midline and repeat.
Prepared by Aziz Taofiq | taziz079@uottawa.ca | Oct 13, 2021
© Physiotec 1996-2021. All rights reserved
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Cohorte 2019
Rotator Cuff Training
Université d'Ottawa
451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8N5
Client ID
Azaan Amlani-Kurji
Online access
6 Shoulder external rotation
Sets: 3 Reps: 5-10 Freq: 1x/day Hold: 5s
Lie on your stomach with your elbow at shoulder level and your forearm hanging over the side
of the bed.Place some towels under your arm so that the arm is at shoulder level.Move your
hand up towards your head as high as you can without moving the elbow.Slowly return to the
initial position and repeat.When you move your hand, keep your upper arm in contact with the
bed and perpendicular to your body at all times.To progress, repeat with a weight.
Prepared by Aziz Taofiq | taziz079@uottawa.ca | Oct 13, 2021
© Physiotec 1996-2021. All rights reserved
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