Uploaded by Princess Edith Jay Amos

Amos (UTS-ACT.)

Sto Nino College of Ormoc
Name: Princess Edith Jay I. Amos
Course: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Year & Section: 1st yr - J
Understand the Self (Activities)
Do you truly know yourself?
1. How would you characterized yourself?
I am generally a very positive person. Whenever I am feeling down and wanted to give up I divert my
thoughts into a positive one. It's part of our life that we encounter difficulties and problems but
according to the law of attraction, positive or negative thoughts bring positive/negative experiences into
a person's life. These suggest that of we look our difficulties as a positive situation then the result will be
Aside from this I have this courage to approach strangers. I am friendly and more comfortable talking
than being silent. That's why some of my close friends calls me talkative. Then, when it comes to time
management I'm very particular of it. I don't want to be late. I always have my booklet where I wrote my
daily schedule.
Lastly, I am a God-fearing person. Every day before I do my daily tasks, I always kneel and pray to God
asking for his guidance to be with me always.
2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?
First of all, I consider myself special from others because of the uniqueness I have. I don't have any
"KAPAREHA" which makes me very thankful to God. I embrace the flaws I have and used this as my
inspiration to develop and shape my personality more.
My family always thought me about the words of God, his teachings and everything about his ministry
here in earth. That's why I feel more stand out and special because I'm already satisfied with the love of
God and love of my parents. It's a blessing to have a family like them who supports me in everything I do.
3. How has your self-transformed itself?
My self has transformed itself by uncovering my real nature ans no self. Mom and dad plays an
important role in my life as I renew the better version of me. I learned to love things that before I hate.
Embracing my imperfections and used it as my strength to move forward. I am well discipline when it
comes to my bad habits and attitudes. To be honest, having a self transformation is not easy, it takes a
lot of effort and commitment.
4.. How is your self connected to your body?
If I would rate it, it will be 8 out of 10.
Body, soul and spirit are inseparable to each other. These three concepts are present in a human being.
We are molded with God's hands (body), give the breath if life to be called a living soul that can make
choices in life and was bound with the Holy Spirit of God to be called as his steward or disciple.
Thus, I make decisions that is good for everyone, not just for myself. Before taking an actions, I
repeatedly make a good judgement out of it. Whenever I'm confused of deciding something, I seek for
my parents help and even ask God to enlighten me. I know that there are lot of things need that need to
be realize. Somehow, I'm still learning and adjusting. There are times that I regretted my decision but I
learned from mu mistakes.
5. How is your self related to other self?
As the saying goes, "No man is an Island" . I'm a person who can't live without talking to everyone. Im
just born this way!
A person can't leave on his own, he or she must have a partner or someone to be accompanied to.
Back to the creation of God he made women named Eve to be the wife of Adam. They are our first
parents. These only means that a mutual relationship exist. We need the so called mutual interaction
because this will help us grow and shape our personalities.
As for myself, I am likely to indulge in any recreational activities where I can socialize with people.
Have fun and talking to them is more interesting than spending time playing online games or reading
watt pad or novels. Interacting myself to other people by doing activities builds healthy social
relationship which avoids stress and depression.
6. What will happen to yourself after you die?
We have different beliefs, costums and traditions which makes us unique to each other. I wanted to
share this verse, John 11:25-26. Jesus said to the women, " I am the resurrection and the life. The one
who believes in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die".
As a Sabbath keeper I believe of the second coming of our God and the resurrection of the dead. On that
day the righteous dead will be resurrected and taken with him to heaven, together with the righteous
living. The unrighteous will die and rot to hell. After I die I will be judge base from my actions. It depends
on how I live on my previous life. If I'm good then I'll receive the reward of eternal and everlasting life.
Then, if I die without repenting my sin, I will be punish to the raging hell.
Were you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which questions did you find easiest to
answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?
Easy/difficult to amswer
What will happen to yourself
after you die?
Easy to answer
I find this easy to answer because since
childhood my religion taught me about
the doctrine of the condition of the
dead before the day of Salvation. Thats
why I didn't doubted to answer the
question. Somehow, this belief I have
help me bring closer to God and
strengthen my faith to him.
What makes you stand out from
the rest? What makes yourself
Easy to answer
How would you characterized
Hard time answering this
Its easy for me to answer because I
have this view in life that no matter
how poor or rich you are, intelligent or
dumb you are? God's eyes is equal
towards us. In that way I don't feel any
insecurities which is the reason why I'm
satisfied and have a place in my heart
that I am a special person. Living in
these world with purpose makes me
more special and unique to others.
I think it is one of the most difficult task
is to describe or characterized yourself.
Simply, adopting some good habits can
help us characterized ourselves but
what about our inner personalities?
Based from the answer I have on this
question is the basic attitudes I have.
Its my weakness to understand and
discover myself more about my inner
How was your self transform
Easy to answer
As I've said in my answer on item
number 3, self transformation takes a
lot of effort to be able to do it. Well, I'm
on ease answering the question
because what I did is that I identify first
the people who has a big role in my life
while having my self transformation.
Then I stated the changes I have for
How is your self connected to
your body?
Easy to answer
Our body is certainly connected through
mind, heart, spirit, emotions and other
connecting ligaments.
Its not hard to answer the question
because I didn't experience the feeling
of being disconnected or detached from
one's body and thoughts. A feeling like
we are observing ourselves from
outside our body which leds to making
irrational decisions.
How is your self related to other
Easy to answer
In relating ourselves with other people,
we tend to make a connection and
strong bond. I think its my expertise to
relate and adjust to other people
building a meaningful attachment. So
the question is really easy for me.
In your own words, state what "self" is for each of the following philosophers. After doing so, explain
how yourconcept of "self is compatible with how they conceived of the "self.
1. Socrates
explained "once we know ourselves, we may learn to care for ourselves but otherwise we never
shall" (First Alcibiades) Analyzing from this statement I can imply that examining one's self is the
most important task one can undertake, for it alone will will give us knowledge necessary to
answer the question how should I live life.
It is the soul or inner being determining the quality of life we wanted to have in the future.
The next part towards self knowledge of how we cultivate oneself is what is right and what is
He famously maintained that our true self is our soul.
2. Plato
is an apprentice of Socrates. Supports the idea of his master that man is dual in nature - body &
soul. He explained that the true self of the human being rational soul, that is the reason that
constitutes the persons soul which is separable from the body.
Famous Plato once said and I do some paraphrasing with it - the body is just a prison house of
the soul.
He has some idea with Socrates that true self is our soul.
3. Saint Augustine
Among all the philosophers, Saint Augustine (AD 354-430) is my favorite philosopher because he
viewd self in connection with Christianity.
Augustine sense self is his relation to our Heavenly Father above.
A person can achieve self realization if he or she recognized God's love and his response to it.
Believe one can't achieve inner peace without finding God's eternal love.
4. Rene Descartes
He conceived human person as having a mind, the cognito the thing that thinks and body the
extension of the mind. So he considered the idea of mind-body dualism.
It is the mind that makes us human. Thus, for Descartes the mind is the real self.
Cognito ergo sum, is also the keystone of Descartes concept of self. According to him the
possibility of being aware of ourselves is that we know of our individual existence as a human
5. Hume
His theory about self is different from the rest of the prominent philosophers. He believed that
through understanding self can only be possible if it sensed and experience. A person can only
attain knowledge by a experience.
Suggest that self is a bundle or collection of perceptions. Our several impressions and ideas are
supposed to have a reference.
6. Kant
Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers. He
has an opposed idea of Hume's philosophy about self.
Describes the inner self of a human being as an empirical self conscious.
7. Ryle
Gilbert Ryle denies the concept of an internal which is non-physical self. For him, what matter is
the behavior of a person as he or she lives here on earth.
Believe that self comes from behavior. He also argued that mind doesn't exist and can't be the
seat of self.
8. Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau Ponty
French philosopher
He says that body and mind cannot be separated from one another. According to him to make
up the subjectivity of self is to first undertands the importance of physical body.
Kining kalibutan dili ni ang atong puloy-anan
Kay ako usa ka lumalabay lamang
Ang atong puloy-anan tu-a sa langit
Sa atong Dios giandam
Igsoon unsa imong gikawilihan
Dinhi sa yuta nga pulos kasal-anan
Puno sa kagubot ug kapakyasan
Igsoon dili ni ang atong puloy-anan
Adto ta sa langit nga arang tang puy-an
Diin wala nay kasakit nga atong matagamtam
Didto ta ninyo mag uban
Kauban ni Jesus sa langit nga puloy-anan
Kung ikaw nahigugma dinhi sa kalibutan
Kay ang imong bahandi daghan pa sa uban
Igsuon sultihan ko ikaw biya-e nang tanan
Ug mag tigum tag bahandi Didto sa langit nga puloy-anan
Adto ta sa langit nga arang tang puy-an
Diin wala nay kasakit nga atong matagamtam
Didto ta ninyo mag uban
Kauban ni Jesus sa langit nga puloy-anan
Adto ta sa langit nga arang tang puy-an
Diin wala nay kasakit nga atong matagamtam
Didto ta ninyo mag uban
Kauban ni Jesus sa langit nga puloy-anan
Didto ta ninyo mag uban
Kauban ni Jesus sa langit nga puloy-anan
Kauban ni Jesus sa langit nga puloy-anan