19A017 JATIN KATIYAR SIGNAL AND SYSTEMS LAB NO 6-7 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] CODE % Program for signal synthesis using TFS clc; clear all; T=2*pi; %Time period of the waveform N=100; %Number of harmonics t=0:0.01:3*T; %Plotting range of signal a0=pi/2; %Average value of signal w0=1; 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 d_sin=[];d_cos=[]; for n=1:2:N %For EFS range is –N to N with suitable interval an=-4/(n^2*pi); %Cosine coefficients bn=0; %Sine coefficients a_cos = an*cos(n*w0*t); %Cosine components b_sin = bn*sin(n*w0*t); %Sine components d_cos = [d_cos;a_cos]; d_sin = [d_sin;b_sin]; end x=a0+sum(d_cos)+sum(d_sin); %Fourier series for signal x(t) subplot(333) plot(t,d_cos) %Plot for cosine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Cosine components of waveforms') subplot(336) plot(t,d_sin) %Plot for sine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Sine components of waveforms') subplot(339) plot(t,x) %Plot for waveform xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Synthesized waveform using Fourier series'); ANS GRAPH [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE % Program for signal synthesis using TFS clc; clear all; T=2*pi; %Time period of the waveform N=120; %Number of harmonics t=0:0.01:4*T; %Plotting range of signal a0=(1-exp(-2*pi))/2*pi; %Average value of signal 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 w0=1; d_sin=[];d_cos=[]; for n=1:2:N %For EFS range is –N to N with suitable interval an=(1-exp(-2*pi))/((n^2+1)*pi); %Cosine coefficients bn=((1-exp(-2*pi))*n)/((n^2+1)*pi); %Sine coefficients a_cos = an*cos(n*w0*t); %Cosine components b_sin = bn*sin(n*w0*t); %Sine components d_cos = [d_cos;a_cos]; d_sin = [d_sin;b_sin]; [191𝐴017] end x=a0+sum(d_cos)+sum(d_sin); %Fourier series for signal x(t) subplot(333) plot(t,d_cos) %Plot for cosine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Cosine components of waveforms') subplot(336) plot(t,d_sin) %Plot for sine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Sine components of waveforms') subplot(339) plot(t,x) %Plot for waveform xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Synthesized waveform using Fourier series'); ANS GRAPH [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE % Program for signal synthesis using TFS clc; clear all; T=8; %Time period of the waveform N=120; %Number of harmonics t=0:0.01:5*T; %Plotting range of signal a0=16/3;; %Average value of signal w0=2*pi/4; d_sin=[];d_cos=[]; for n=1:2:N %For EFS range is –N to N with suitable interval 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 an=(64*power(-1,n))/(( pi^2)*(n^2)); %Cosine coefficients bn=0; %Sine coefficients a_cos = an*cos(n*w0*t); %Cosine components b_sin = bn*sin(n*w0*t); %Sine components d_cos = [d_cos;a_cos]; d_sin = [d_sin;b_sin]; end x=a0+sum(d_cos)+sum(d_sin); %Fourier series for signal x(t) subplot(333) plot(t,d_cos) %Plot for cosine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Cosine components of waveforms') subplot(336) plot(t,d_sin) %Plot for sine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Sine components of waveforms') subplot(339) plot(t,x) %Plot for waveform xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Synthesized waveform using Fourier series'); ANS GRAPH [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] CODE % Program for signal synthesis using TFS clc; clear all; T=4; %Time period of the waveform 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 N=200; %Number of harmonics t=0:0.01:3*T; %Plotting range of signal a0=0; %Average value of signal w0=pi/2; d_sin=[];d_cos=[]; for n=1:2:N %For EFS range is –N to N with suitable interval an=sin((n*pi)/6).*sin((n*pi)/2).*sin((n*pi)/3).*(8/(n*pi)); %Cosine coefficients bn=sin((n*pi)/6).*sin((n*pi)/2).*cos((n*pi)/3).*(8/(n*pi)); %Sine coefficients a_cos = an*cos(n*w0*t); %Cosine components b_sin = bn*sin(n*w0*t); %Sine components d_cos = [d_cos;a_cos]; d_sin = [d_sin;b_sin]; end x=a0+sum(d_cos)+sum(d_sin); %Fourier series for signal x(t) subplot(333) plot(t,d_cos) %Plot for cosine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Cosine components of waveforms') subplot(336) plot(t,d_sin) %Plot for sine components xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Sine components of waveforms') subplot(339) plot(t,x) %Plot for waveform xlabel('time t --->') ylabel('Amplitude --->') title('Synthesized waveform using Fourier series'); ANS 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 GRAPH [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE clc; clear all; N=100; T=10; t=0:0.001:3*T; w0=(2*pi)/T; d_exp=[]; for n=-N:1:N cn=1/((n+eps)*pi)*(sin(n*pi/5)*exp((-j*n*pi)/5)); c_exp=cn*exp(j*w0*n*t); d_exp=[d_exp;c_exp]; end c0=1/5; x=c0+sum(d_exp); subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,d_exp); xlabel('time t---->'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('component of wave'); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,x); xlabel('time t---->'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('component of x'); [191𝐴017] ANS GRAPH 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] CODE syms t s; h=exp(-2*t)+2*t*exp(-t)-exp(-t); x1=laplace(h,t,s) y=simplify(x1) ANS nuntitled2 x1 = 2/(s + 1)^2 - 1/(s + 1) + 1/(s + 2) 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 y = (s + 3)/((s + 1)^2*(s + 2)) N=[1,3]; D=[1,4,5,2]; roots(N) [191𝐴017] ans = -3 roots(D) ans = -2.0000 + 0.0000i -1.0000 + 0.0000i -1.0000 - 0.0000i pzmap(roots(D),roots(N)) stable GRAPH 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE syms t s x=((s+3)/s^3+5*s^2+12*s+8); ilaplace(x) simplify(x) N=[1,3]; %Numerator coefficients D=[1,5,12,8]; %denominator coefficients [r, p, k]=residue(N, D) factor(s^3+5*s^2+12*s+8) ANS nuntitled2 ans = t + 8*dirac(t) + (3*t^2)/2 + 12*dirac(1, t) + 5*dirac(2, t) ans = 12*s + (s + 3)/s^3 + 5*s^2 + 8 r = -0.2000 - 0.1500i -0.2000 + 0.1500i 0.4000 + 0.0000i p = -2.0000 + 2.0000i -2.0000 - 2.0000i -1.0000 + 0.0000i k = [] ans = [s + 1, s^2 + 4*s + 8] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE yms t s x=((s^3+8*s^2+24*s+32)/(s^2+6*s+8)); ilaplace(x) [191𝐴017] simplify(x) N=[1,3]; %Numerator coefficients D=[1,5,12,8]; %denominator coefficients [r, p, k]=residue(N, D) factor((s^2+6*s+8)) roots(N) roots(D) % Pole-zero diagram/map pzmap(roots(D),roots(N)) ANS nuntitled2 ans = 4*exp(-2*t) + 2*dirac(t) + dirac(1, t) ans = (s^2 + 4*s + 8)/(s + 2) r = -0.2000 - 0.1500i -0.2000 + 0.1500i 0.4000 + 0.0000i p = -2.0000 + 2.0000i -2.0000 - 2.0000i -1.0000 + 0.0000i k = 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [] ans = [s + 4, s + 2] ans = -3 ans = -2.0000 + 2.0000i -2.0000 - 2.0000i -1.0000 + 0.0000i GRAPH 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 CODE % Fourier transform syms t w tau = 1; trig =triangularPulse(t) % generation of tri(t/2tau) trig_FT = fourier(trig) % Fourier Transform rect(t/tau) t_v= (-3:0.01:3); trig_t = subs(trig, t, t_v+eps); % subs( ) to get the numericaltrig(t/2tau) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t_v, trig_t); % plot of rectangular pulse axis([-3 3 -0.1 1.1]); xlabel('t sec');ylabel('x(t)'); title('triangular Pulse of width 2') w_v = (-20:0.01:20); trig_w = subs(trig_FT, w, w_v+eps); %subs()to get the numerical value of FT subplot(2, 1, 2); plot(w_v, abs(trig_w), w_v, angle(trig_w) );%magnitude and phase spectrum legend('Magnitude spectrum','Phase spectrum') xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');ylabel('X(\omega)') title('Sinc Pulse of width 2\pi') ANS jatinkatiyaruntitled2 trig_FT = -(exp(-w*1i)*(exp(w*1i) - 1)^2)/w^2 GRAPH [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 USING HEAVISIDE FUNCTION (JATIN KATIYAR 191A017) % Fourier transform syms t w tau = 1; trig =(t+tau).*heaviside(t+tau)-2*(t).*heaviside(t)+(t-tau).*heaviside(t-tau); % generation of tri(t/2tau) trig_FT = fourier(trig) % Fourier Transform rect(t/tau) t_v= (-3:0.01:3); trig_t = subs(trig, t, t_v+eps); % subs( ) to get the numericaltrig(t/2tau) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t_v, trig_t); % plot of rectangular pulse axis([-3 3 -0.1 1.1]); xlabel('t sec');ylabel('x(t)'); title('triangular Pulse of width 2') w_v = (-20:0.01:20); trig_w = subs(trig_FT, w, w_v+eps); %subs()to get the numerical value of FT subplot(2, 1, 2); plot(w_v, abs(trig_w), w_v, angle(trig_w) );%magnitude and phase spectrum legend('Magnitude spectrum','Phase spectrum') xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');ylabel('X(\omega)') title('Sinc Pulse of width 2\pi') ANS jatinkatiyaruntitled2 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 trig_FT = 2/w^2 + exp(-w*1i)*(pi*dirac(1, w) + 1i/w^2)*1i + exp(w*1i)*(pi*dirac(1, w) + 1i/w^2)*1i - pi*dirac(1, w)*2i GRAPH 191A017 CODE [191𝐴017] syms t w 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 x= t*exp(-t^2); r=5*sinc((5*t)/pi)+10*sinc((10*t)/pi); X=fourier(x,w) R=fourier(r,w) Y=ifourier(X,t) S=ifourier(R,t) subplot(2,2,1); ezplot(X,w); subplot(2,2,2); ezplot(Y,t); subplot(2,2,3); ezplot(R,w); Y=ifourier(X,t) subplot(2,2,4); ezplot(S,t); ANS GRAPH 191A017 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Lab -03 191A017 jatin katiyar 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] close all; n=-10:10; x1=impseq(0,-10,10)+2*impseq(2,-10,10)+3*impseq(-3,-10,10); x2=impseq(0,-10,10)+2*impseq(2,-10,10)-6*impseq(-2,10,10)+8*impseq(7,-10,10)-5*impseq(-5,-10,10); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x1);grid on; xlabel('discrete n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 1(a)'); subplot(2,2,2); stem(n,x2);grid on; xlabel('discrete n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 1(b)'); 191A017 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] n=-12:12; x1=stepseq(5,-12,12)-stepseq(11,-12,12)+2*stepseq(-8,12,12)-2*stepseq(2,-12,12); x2=n.^2.*(stepseq(-5,-12,12)-2*stepseq(6,12,12))+10*stepseq(0,-12,12)+20*(0.5).^n.*(stepseq(4,12,12)-stepseq(10,-12,12)); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x1);grid on; 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR xlabel('discrete n'); [191𝐴017] xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 1(a)'); subplot(2,2,2); stem(n,x2);grid on; xlabel('discrete n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 1(b)'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR n=-12:12; x1=-impseq(-1,-12,12)-2*impseq(-2,-12,12)-3*impseq(-3,12,12)-4*impseq(-4,-12,12)-5*impseq(-5,-12,12)+impseq(1,12,12)+2*impseq(2,-12,12)+3*impseq(3,-12,12)+4*impseq(4,12,12)+5*impseq(5,-12,12); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x1);grid on; 191A017 xlabel('discrete n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 3)'); % subplot(2,2,2); % stem(n,x2);grid on; % xlabel('discrete n'); % xlabel('discrete signal'); % title('exercise 1(b)'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR n=-12:12; x1=impseq(-8,-12,12)+impseq(-7,-12,12)+impseq(-6,12,12)+impseq(-5,-12,12)+impseq(-4,-12,12)+impseq(-3,12,12)+2*impseq(-2,-12,12)+3*impseq(-1,-12,12)+4*impseq(0,12,12)+3*impseq(1,-12,12)+2*impseq(2,-12,12)+impseq(3,12,12)+impseq(4,-12,12)+impseq(5,-12,12)+impseq(6,12,12)+impseq(7,-12,12)+impseq(8,-12,12); x2=stepseq(-8,-12,12)+stepseq(-2,-12,12)+stepseq(-1,12,12)+stepseq(0,-12,12)-stepseq(1,-12,12)-stepseq(2,12,12)-stepseq(3,-12,12)-stepseq(9,-12,12); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x1,'r');grid on; xlabel('distance time n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 4'); % subplot(2,2,2); hold on; stem(n,x2,'g');grid on; legend('x1','x2'); xlabel('discrete n'); 191A017 xlabel('discrete signal'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR title('exercise 1(b)'); subplot(2,2,3); stem(n,x1,'r');grid on; xlabel('distance time n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 4'); subplot(3,3,1); stem(n,x2,'g');grid on; legend('x1','x2'); xlabel('discrete n'); xlabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 1(b)'); 191A017 close all; n=-30:30; x1=n.*stepseq(10,-30,30)-n.*stepseq(0,-30,30); x2=15*(exp(-n+10).*(n.*stepseq(10,-30,30)-n.*stepseq(20,30,30) ); x3=20*cos(0.1*pi*n).*(n.*stepseq(20,-30,30)-n.*stepseq(30,30,30) ); plot(n,x1);grid on; xlabel('time n'); ylabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 5)'); hold on; plot(n,x1);grid on; xlabel('time n'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR ylabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 5'); hold on; plot(n,x1);grid on; xlabel('time n '); ylabel('discrete signal'); title('exercise 5'); hold on; legend('x1','x2','x3'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR LAB NO.2 (191A017) jatin katiyar JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] Code (a)close all; clc; t=0:0.01:0.99; y=4*cos((5*pi*t)-(pi/4)); plot(t,y) xlabel('continous time t'); [191𝐴017] ylabel('amplitude'); title('cosine function','fontsize',12) JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 (b)t=-1.5:(3.5/99):2; y=cos(4*t)-2*sin(8*t); plot(t,y); xlabel('continous time t'); ylabel('amplitude'); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] (a)n=linspace(0,1,100); y=4*cos(0.1*n*pi); grid on; stem(n,y); xlabel('discrete plot'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('cosine plot','fontsize',12); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] (b) t=linspace(0,0.99,100); w=linspace(-10,10,100); y=5*exp(-j*w.*t); y1=real(y); y2=imag(y); subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,y1,t,y2); grid on; xlabel('continuoes time t'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Exponential Function') legend('y2 Imagenary','y1 real'); subplot(2,2,2); plot3(t,w,y); grid on; xlabel('continuoes time t'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('3-d Exponential Function') JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] t=-1:6/599:5; y=(exp(-2*t)).*(cos(6*pi*t)); %subplot(2,2,1); figure(1); plot(t,y); xlabel('t sec'); ylabel('f(t) volts'); axis([-2, 7, -10, 10]); n=-1:6/599:5; y=(exp(-2*n)).*(cos(6*pi*n)); %subplot(2,2,2); figure(2); stem(t,y); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 xlabel('t sec'); ylabel('f(t) volts'); axis([-2, 7, -10, 10]); [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 t=-1:6/599:5; y=(exp(-2*t)).*(cos(6*pi*t)); subplot(2,2,1); % figure(1); plot(t,y); xlabel('t sec'); ylabel('f(t) volts'); axis([-2, 7, -10, 10]); title('difference between plot and stem'); n=-1:6/599:5; y=(exp(-2*n)).*(cos(6*pi*n)); subplot(2,2,2); % figure(2); stem(t,y); xlabel('t sec'); ylabel('f(t) volts'); axis([-2, 7, -10, 10]); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] t1=-8:-3; x1=0+t1*0; t2=-4:2; x2=(t2+2)+t2*0; t3=3:8; x3=(t3-2)+t3*0; t=[t1 t2 t3]; x=[x1 x2 x3]; plot(t,x) xlabel('t sec'); ylabel('x(t) volts'); title('exercise 4'); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] n1=-8:-3; x1=0+n1*0; n2=-4:2; x2=(n2+2)+n2*0; n3=3:8; x3=(n3-2)+n3*0; n=[n1 n2 n3]; x=[x1 x2 x3]; stem(n,x) xlabel('n sec'); ylabel('x(n) volts'); title('exercise 4'); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] t1=0:10; x1=-20+4*t; JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 t2=10:20; x2=20+t2*0; t3=20:23; x3= 9.74.*10^9.*exp(-t3)+t3*0; x=[x1,x2,x3]; t=[t1 t2 t3]; plot(t,x);grid on; xlabel('time'); ylabel('continous signal'); axis([-3 30 -5 30]); JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 Signals & Systems Lab: Experiment # 4 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] Code with user define function n=-3:4; x= [1, 1,-3, 4, 6,-5,8,10]; subplot(3,2,1); stem(n,x); x2=sigfold(5*x,n); subplot(3,2,2); stem(n,x2); x3=sigshift(3*x,n,-2); subplot(3,2,3); stem(n-2,x3);grid on; 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR subplot(3,2,4); x4=sigfold(-2*x3,n); stem(n+1,x4);grid on; signfold.m function function [y,n]=sigfold(x,m); n=-fliplr(m); [191𝐴017] y=fliplr(x); signshift.m function function [y,n]=sigshift(x,m,k); n=m+k; y=x; graph 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR Code n=-2:10; x=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]; subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); title('plot of x function'); x1=sigshift(2*x,n,5); x2=sigshift(3*x,n,-4); n1=3:15; [191𝐴017] n2=-6:6; n3=-6:15; x3= sigadd(x1,n1,x2,n2); subplot(2,2,2); stem(n3,x3);grid on; xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); title('plot of y function'); function sigadd.m function [y,n]= sigadd(x1,n1,x2,n2); m1=min(min(n1),min(n2)); m2=max(max(n1),max(n2)); n=m1:m2; y1=[zeros(1,abs(min(n1)-m1)) x1 zeros(1,abs(max(n1)-m2))]; y2=[zeros(1,abs(min(n2)-m1)) x2 zeros(1,abs(max(n2)-m2))]; y=y1-y2; graph 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] Code n=-4:8; x=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]; subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); title('plot of x function'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR n1=-5:7; n2=-2:10; x1=sigshift(x,n,2); x2=sigshift(x,n,-3); x3=sigfold(x2,n1); x4=x1.*x; subplot(2,2,2); stem(n2,x4); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); title('plot of x4 function'); n4=-2:8; x5=sigadd(x2,n1,x4,n2); n3=-5:10; subplot(2,2,3); stem(n3,x5); grid on; xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); title('plot of y function'); Function function [y,n]= sigadd(x1,n1,x2,n2); m1=min(min(n1),min(n2)); m2=max(max(n1),max(n2)); n=m1:m2; y1=[zeros(1,abs(min(n1)-m1)) x1 zeros(1,abs(max(n1)-m2))]; y2=[zeros(1,abs(min(n2)-m1)) x2 zeros(1,abs(max(n2)-m2))]; y=y1+y2; Graph 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] Code n=-10:10; x=exp((-.1+j.*0.3).*n); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,abs(x)); title('magnitude plot'); xlabel('discrete n'); 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); subplot(2,2,2); stem(n,angle(x)); title('phase plot'); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('phase in y'); x2=sigfold(x,n); [191𝐴017] x3=0.5*(x+x2); subplot(2,2,3); stem(n,x3); title('even plot'); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); x3=0.5*(x-x2); subplot(2,2,4); stem(n,x3); title('odd plot'); xlabel('discrete n'); ylabel('amplitude in discrete'); Function function [y,n]=sigfold(x,m); n=-fliplr(m); y=fliplr(x); Graph 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR Code 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR t=-13:13; x1=2*stepseq(-10,-13,13)-2*stepseq(5,-13,13);; subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,x1); grid on; xlabel('time t'); ylabel('amplitude '); title('plot of x1 function'); x2=0.66*(t.*stepseq(-3,-13,13)+t.*stepseq(3,13,13)+3*stepseq(-3,-13,13)-3*stepseq(3,-13,13))1.33*t.*stepseq(0,-13,13); subplot(2,2,2); plot(t,x2);grid on; xlabel('time t'); ylabel('amplitude '); title('plot of x2 function'); subplot(2,2,3); x3=sigfold(x1,t); plot(t,x3);grid on; xlabel('time t'); ylabel('amplitude '); title('plot of x3 function'); [191𝐴017] Function function [y,n]=sigfold(x,m); n=-fliplr(m); y=fliplr(x); Graph 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer Signal and systems tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas Lab 5 dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc Jatin katiyar 191a017 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] Code clc; clear all; n1=input('Enter range of first Sequence :'); n2=input('Enter range of second Sequence :'); x1=input('Enter first Sequence :'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] x2=input('Enter second Sequence :'); n=(min(n1)+min(n2):max(n1)+max(n2)); subplot(3,1,1); stem(n1,x1); xlabel('n1'); ylabel('x(n)'); title('First sequence'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(n2,x2); [191𝐴017] xlabel('n2'); ylabel('h(n)'); title('Second sequence'); p=length(x1); for i=1:p hm=[zeros(1,i-1) x2 zeros(1,p-i)]; H(i,:) = hm; end y=x1*H; JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] disp('Convolution Sum y(n) = ');y subplot(3,1,3); stem(n,y); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('Convolution Sum'); [191𝐴017] ans Enter first Sequence :[3,11,7,0,-1,4,2]; Enter second Sequence :[2,3,0,-5,2,1]; Convolution Sum y(n) = y= 6 31 47 6 -51 -5 41 18 -22 -3 8 2 Graph JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] CODE clc; clear all; n1=input('Enter range of first Sequence :'); n2=input('Enter range of second Sequence :'); x1=input('Enter first Sequence :'); x2=input('Enter second Sequence :'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] n=(min(n1)+min(n2):max(n1)+max(n2)); subplot(3,1,1); stem(n1,x1); xlabel('n1'); ylabel('x(n)'); title('First sequence'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(n2,x2); xlabel('n2'); ylabel('h(n)'); title('Second sequence'); [191𝐴017] p=length(x1); for i=1:p hm=[zeros(1,i-1) x2 zeros(1,p-i)]; H(i,:) = hm; end y=x1*H; disp('Convolution Sum y(n) = ');y JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] subplot(3,1,3); stem(n,y); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('Convolution Sum'); [191𝐴017] ANSWER nter second Sequence :-5:50; Convolution Sum y(n) = y= Columns 1 through 16 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -9 -12 -14 -15 -15 -14 -12 -9 -5 5 Columns 17 through 32 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 Columns 33 through 48 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 325 JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] Columns 49 through 64 335 345 355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425 435 445 455 414 372 329 Columns 65 through 80 285 240 194 147 99 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 81 through 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Columns 97 through 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 >> GRAPH JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] [191𝐴017] CODE n=-25:25; x1=cos((pi*n)/4).*(stepseq(-5,-25,25)-stepseq(25,-25,25)); x2= power(0.9,-n).*(stepseq(0,-25,25)-stepseq(20,-25,25)); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] n2=-10:10; w=stepseq(-10,-10,10); x3=round(5*w); % subplot(2,2,1); % stem(n,x1); % xlabel('n1'); % ylabel('x1(n)'); % title('plot of input x1(n)'); % % subplot(2,2,2); % stem(n,x2); [191𝐴017] % xlabel('n1'); % ylabel('x2(n)'); % title('plot of input x2(n)'); % % subplot(2,2,3); % stem(n2,x3); % xlabel('n1'); % ylabel('x3(n)'); % title('plot of input x3(n)'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] [y1,m1]=conv_sum(x2,n,x1,n); [y2,m2]=conv_sum(x3,n2,y1,m1); subplot(2,2,1); stem(m1,y1); xlabel('m1'); ylabel('y1(n)'); title('plot of input y1(n)'); subplot(2,2,2); stem(m2,y2); [191𝐴017] xlabel('m2'); ylabel('y2(n)'); title('plot of input y2(n)'); [y3,m3]=conv_sum(x3,n2,x1,n); [y4,m4]=conv_sum(x2,n,y3,m3); subplot(2,2,3); stem(m4,y4); xlabel('m4'); ylabel('y4(n)'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] title('plot of input y4(n)'); GRAPH JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] CODE clc; clear all; a=[1]; b=[1 -1 0.9]; n=-10:120; h=impz(a,b,n); subplot(2,1,1); stem(n,h); xlabel('n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('impluse response'); x=[zeros(1,10),ones(1,121)]; u=filter(a,b,x); subplot(2,1,2) stem(n,u); xlabel('n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('unitstep response'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] CODE clc; clear all; n=-3:4; x=[3 8 7 2 0 -3 4 5]; w=rand(1,length(n)); [x2,n2]=sigshift(x,n,2); [y,m]=sigadd(x2,n2,w,n); [x1,n1]=sigfold(x,n); [y1,m1]=conv_sum(x,n,x1,n1); [y2,m2]=conv_sum(y,m,x1,n1); subplot(2,2,1); stem(n,x); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] xlabel('n1'); ylabel('x(n)'); title('plot of input x(n)'); subplot(2,2,2); stem(m,y); xlabel('m'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('plot of input y(n)'); subplot(2,2,3); stem(m1,y1); xlabel('m1'); ylabel('rxx(n)'); title('autocorrelation'); subplot(2,2,4); stem(m2,y2); xlabel('n1'); ylabel('rxy(n)'); title('crosscorrelation'); JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] GRAPH JATIN KATIYAR [191𝐴017] 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS LAB NO.01 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 Signals & Systems Lab: Experiment # 1 Exercise#1 (a) Generate a matrix of size 4x4 of normally distributed random numbers. (b) Change the value of the 3rd column to [6 9 2 5]. (c) Delete the 2nd row. [191𝐴017] code a_17=randn(4,4) a_17(:,[3])=[6 9 2 5] a_17(2,:)=[] ans a_17 = 0.5377 1.8339 -2.2588 0.8622 0.3188 -1.3077 -0.4336 0.3426 3.5784 2.7694 -1.3499 3.0349 0.7254 -0.0631 0.7147 -0.2050 0.3188 -1.3077 -0.4336 0.3426 6.0000 9.0000 2.0000 5.0000 0.7254 -0.0631 0.7147 -0.2050 a_17 = 0.5377 1.8339 -2.2588 0.8622 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 a_17 = 0.5377 -2.2588 0.8622 0.3188 -0.4336 0.3426 6.0000 2.0000 5.0000 0.7254 0.7147 -0.2050 Exercise#2 (a) Start with the 4-by-4 square, A. (b) Then form B = [A A+32; A+48 A+16] (c) What’s the size of B? Code a=[1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8;9,10,11,12;13,14,15,16] b=[ a, a+32 ;a+48, a+16] s=size(b) ans a= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 b= JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 1 2 3 4 33 34 35 36 5 6 7 8 37 38 39 40 9 10 11 12 41 42 43 44 13 14 15 16 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 17 18 19 20 53 54 55 56 21 22 23 24 57 58 59 60 25 26 27 28 61 62 63 64 29 30 31 32 s= 8 8 [191𝐴017] Exercise#3 Define the following discrete time signal using concatenation code n1=0:9; x1=0.8+n1*0; n2=10:19; x2=0+n2*0; n3=20:30; x3=n3.^0.2+n3*0; JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 n=[n1 n2 n3]; x=[x1 x2 x3]; stem(n,x) ans JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 Code JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 a_17=[2 -2;-1 2] b_17=[1 -1;0 2] c_17=[1;-2] d_17=a_17+b_17 %e_17=a_17+c_17 invalid f_17=b_17+d_17 g_17=b_17*c_17 h_17=a_17*b_17 i_17=a_17/d_17 %j_17=(c_17*c_17)*a_17 invlid %k_17=(c_17.*c_17)*a_17 invalid Ans a_17 = 2 -2 -1 2 b_17 = 1 -1 0 2 c_17 = 1 -2 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 [191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 d_17 = 3 -3 -1 4 f_17 = 4 -4 -1 6 g_17 = 3 -4 h_17 = 2 -6 -1 5 i_17 = 0.6667 0 -0.2222 0.3333 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 Code a_17=1:2:5 x=size(a_17) b_17=[a_17' a_17' a_17'] y=size(b_17) c_17=b_17(1:2:3,1:2:3) z=size(c_17) d_17=a_17+b_17(2,:) t=size(d_17) e_17=[zeros(1,3) ones(3,1)' 3:5] r=size(e_17) ans a_17 = [191𝐴017] 1 3 5 x= 1 3 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 b_17 = 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 y= 3 3 c_17 = 1 5 5 2 2 z= d_17 = 4 6 8 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 1[191𝐴017] JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 t= 1 3 e_17 = 0 0 1 9 0 1 1 1 r= >> JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 3 4 5 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017 JATIN KATIYAR 191A017