PHIL 210 Week 1 – Monday Chapter 1 and 2 of Part I and Chapters 4 and 5 of Part II of textbook and Chapter 3 of Part I (introduce them early) - No associated practice questions on Carnap Associated problems in textbook Deductive logic --> repeated practice is essential Notion of proof == deductive logic, concerned with: - Correctly deducing a conclusion from given premises And thus what is often called a valid inference or argument Premises of the argument which the arguer thinks will lead to relevant conclusion Deductive Logic == Formal Logic - Certain patterns, certain forms of argumentation that do or do not preserve truth Under what conditions can we know that an argument leads to a true conclusion – that is the conclusion “truth preserving” Interested in preserving the truth of the premises General form of an Argument: 1. One or more premises 2. One conclusion When judging that the conclusion (what is being argued for) does follow from the premises: - The conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises Or that the conclusion follows logically from the premises Sum up premises and conclusion together by saying: - The argument (or inference) if logically valid Interested in the validity of the argument Example: Where does Sanji live? - Sanji lives in Calgary or Edmonton. Sanji doesn’t live in Edmonton We can conclude decisively about where Sanjiv lives, guaranteed by the truth of the premises. Conclusion is guaranteed to be true by a rule of inference and disjunctive syllogism Argument 1 Sanjiv lives in Calgary or in Edmonton. Sanji doesn’t live in Edmonton. Therefore, Sanjiv lives in Calgary. - Note a few things o Individual sentences but also some ways of putting them together o For instance, in the first line, we have put together two sentences (Sanjiv lives in Calgary, Sanjiv lives in Edmonton) with what we call a connective, the ‘or’ o The first of these appears again in the conclusion which follows the ‘Therefore’ ‘Therefore’ marks the conclusion also which indicates the claim that the conclusion (supposedly) follows from the premises - Usually write the three dots instead of therefore The two sentences before the Therefore are called the premises The individual sentences used are all the kinds that are true or false and sentences of this kind are called ‘assertoric’ because they make assertions - The sentences must be declarative Truth-Functional Logic - Knowing we are working with assertoric/declarative sentences are either true or false, gives cluses to this logic Function: given a certain input and certain rule, determine output If we know the truth-values of the premises, we can determine the truth-value of the conclusion Developing the system by looking for the smaller assertoric parts that are repeated o Example: ‘lives in’ is repeated but is not an assertoric sentence itself == serve as inputs the system - Argument 3 would be valid, if we took the ‘or’ as exclusive – what we usually refer to as an ‘either, or ‘situation But if the ‘or’ is inclusive (always in this course) then invalid Definitions: Case: hypothetical; scenario in which each sentence (so premises and conclusion) in an argument is either true or false An Argument is valid if there is no case where all its premises are true and the conclusion is false An argument is invalid if there is at least one case where all its premises are true and the conclusion is false (i.e. if its not valid) In this latter circumstance, we call such a case a ‘counterexample’ to an argument We don’t need to run through all the possible cases, or rule out counter examples - Sufficient to just now about the form of the argument to know if its valid or invalid Valid Argument Forms Disjunctive Syllogism: Modus Ponens Modus Tollens Hypothetical Syllogism Only Interested in the pattern Symbolizations key - Basic language when working in TFL - Those five connectives are very common Not clear that if we have used any of the connectives in terms of TFL (for later) - The premises and conclusions are as before sentences The sentences we use here are again as before declarative The conclusion seem inevitable given the two premises No case where the premises are true and the conclusion is false (def of validity) No counterexample Invalid Inference Example: - Fill in P, Q, a with other examples - The argument does not preserve the truth of the premises all the way down to the conclusion The premises are true, but the argument does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion Specifying with the whale is a counterexample that shows the inference is invalid Complicated to work with properties, so a lot of work to do to build up to first order logic The counterexample shows that nothing in the premises does not determine that he is a whale In this case, if the conclusion is true, what premises would have to be false The validity/invalidity of an inference has got NOTHING to do with the question of whether the premises or conclusion are true When the premises contain a contradiction, the inference is automatically valid If you play with a valid inference, Formal Logic: - Logic is the science of what follows from what; logic investigates what makes the first 2 arguments valid and the third one invalid Chapter 1: Arguments can follow different structures: - - - 2 premises and a conclusion o Either the butler or the gardener did it. o The butler didn’t do it. o The gardener did it. Single sentence, complete argument o The butler has an alibi; so they cannot have done it. Conclusion then premises o The gardener did it. After all, it was either the butler or the gardener. And the butler didn’t do it. Conclusion in the middle o The gardener did it. Accordingly, it was the gardener, given that it was either the gardener or the butler. When approaching an argument we want to know whether or not the conclusion follows from the premises. First sperate out the conclusion from the premises. - Conclusion Indicator Words: so, therefore, hence, thus, accordingly, consequently Premise Indicator Words: since, because, given that Only interested in sentences that could be declared as true or false Questions, imperatives (commands, Wake Up!), Exclamations (Ouch!) are usually not sentences in logic Example: If the driver did it, the maid didn’t do it. The maid didn’t do it. Therefore the driver did it. - If the first premise is true and the second premise is true, then then there is only one conclusion following the premises. There arguments are valid If the driver did it, the maid didn’t do it. The maid didn’t do it. Therefore the driver did it. - If the premises are true, the conclusion is not guaranteed that it is also true Could be a case where the two premises art true but the conclusion is not true. This argument is invalid We determine invalidity by determine a counterexample (a scenario where the premises are true but the conclusion is not) - If there is a counterexample to an argument, conclusion is not a consequence of the premises For the conclusion to be a consequence of the premises, the truth of the premises must guarantee the truth of the conclusion Valid = conclusion is consequence of premises Invalid = not valid, has counterexample Depending on what kinds of cases we consider as potential counterexamples 1. Nomologically Valid: no counterexamples that don’t violate the laws of nature 2. Conceptually Valid: no counterexamples that don’t violate conceptual connections between words Formally Valid: When considering various cases to determine validity of argument, assumes few things; 1. Every case makes every sentence true or not true a. Any imagined scenario which leaves it undetermined if a sentence in our argument is true is not considered a counterexample i. Ex. Scenario where Priya is a dentist but not a ophthalmologist Sound Arguments - Validity only rules out the possibility of if the premises are true and the conclusion is not true at the same time; doesn’t rule out the conclusion by itself Example: Oranges are either fruit or musical instruments. Oranges are not fruit. Therefore, oranges are musical instruments. - Conclusion is BAD, but it follows the premises If both premises are true, then the conclusion just has to be true; valid argument London is in England. Bejing is in China. Therefore Paris is in France. - Premises and conclusion are true but argument is invalid If Paris declared independence, it would no longer be true There is a case where premises are true without the conclusion being true; invalid argument Validity is not about the actual truth – about whether it is possible for all the premises to be true and the conclusion at the same time Sound Argument: argument is sound if it is both valid and all its premises are true Inductive Arguments Example: Every winter so far, it has snowed in Calgary. Therefore, it will snow in Calgary this coming winter. - Inductive arguments: Argument generalizes based on past cases to a conclusion about all (future) cases INVALID argument, even if it has snowed in Calgary every winter, it remains possible it will not Not even good inductive arguments are not deductively valid Argument to be valid: it is impossible for all the premises to be true AND the conclusion to be false. Valid - It is impossible for the premises to be true Don’t have enough arguments to say the sentence is false so the argument is true If the premises is not true, we can’t definitively say that it is false Example: o If it rains today, everyone is pink. o It didn’t rain today. You can’t say for sure that what we said above is false. Chapter 3 Jointly Possible: sentences are if there is a case where they are all true together Example Jointly Possible: Jane’s only brother is shorter than her. Jane’s only brother is younger than her. Example Jointly Impossible: There are at least four giraffes at the wild animal park. There are not more than two Martians at the wild animal park. Every giraffe at the wild animal park is a Martian. Example: 1. It is raining. 2. Either it is raining here or it is not. 3. It is both raining here and not raining here. Sentence 1 is contingent - A sentence which is capable of being true and capable of being false Sentence 2 is necessary truth - Regardless of circumstance, it is true Sentence 3 is necessary falsehood - You don’t need to check to determine if it is true or not, it must be false John went to the store after he washed the dishes. John washed the dishes before he went to the store - Both contingent, might not have gone to store/washed dishes If either of the sentences is true, then they both are; If either of the sentences are false, then they both are Necessarily Equivalent: when two sentences have the same truth value !!! CHECK OUT G AND H of CHAPTER 3!!! Chapter 4 Validity in virtue of form A If A then C ∴C A or B Not A ∴B Not (A and B) A ∴ not B TFL == symbolizing arguments that show that they are valid in virtue of their form - Sentence letters; basic building blocks of which complex sentences are built o Used to symbolize certain sentences by providing a symbolization key Example: Example: A: It is raining outside C: Jenny is miserable Chapter 5: Make use of logical connectives in TFL to build complex sentences Negation Example: 1. Mary is in Barcelona 2. It is not the case that Mary is in Barcelona 3. Mary is not in Barcelona Sentence 1 represented by symbolization key ‘B’ Sentence 2 becomes ‘¬B’ Sentence 3 is also ‘¬B’ 1. The widget can be replaced 2. The widget is irreplaceable 3. The widget is not irreplaceable Sentence 1 is represented by R Sentence 2 can be represented by ‘¬R’ Sentence 3 can be represented by ‘¬¬R’ Conjunction Example: 1. Adam is athletic 2. Barbara is athletic 3. Adam is athletic, and also Barbara is athletic Sentence 1 is represented by symbolization key A Sentence 2 represented by symbolization key B Sentence 3 is represented by ‘(A ∧ B)’ - 1 and 2 are conjucts If we say something like Barbara is athletic and energetic - We can’t say ‘B and energetic’ - Represent E as ‘Barbara is energetic’ Represent as ‘(B ∧ E)’ Although Barbara is energetic, she is not athletic - Paraphrase to ‘Both Barbara is energetic and it is not the case that Barbara is athletic’ Represent to ‘(E ∧ ¬B)’ TFL does not deal with contrastive such as Adam is athletic, but Barbara is more athletic than him - Have to create new symbolization key R to symbolize ‘Barabra is more athletic than Adam’ And then represent as ‘(A ∧ R)’ Brackets are necessary to keep track of things like scope of the negation Disjunction Example: 1. Either Fatima will play videogames or she will watch movies. 2. Either Fatima or Omar with play videogames Symbolization key used: F : Fatima will play videogames. O: Omar will play videogames. M : Fatima will watch movies. - Sentence 18 represented by ‘(F ∨ M )’ Sentence 19 represented by ‘(F ∨O)’ In TFL, the or is inclusive, it could be both just at least one of them has to be true 1. Either you will not have soup, or you will not have salad. 2. You will have neither soup nor salad. 3. You get either soup or salad, but not both. - Sentence 1 can be represented with ‘(¬S1 ∨ ¬S2)’ Sentence 2 can be represented with ‘¬(S1 ∨ S2)’ Sentence 3 can be represented with ‘( (S1 ∨ S2) ∧ ¬(S1 ∧ S2))’ o Exclusive or situation o ‘∧’ can be used for but Conditional Example: 1. If Jean is in Paris, then Jean is in France. 2. Jean is in France only if Jean is in Paris. Symbolization key used: P : Jean is in Paris. F : Jean is in France - - Sentence 1 can be represented with ‘(P → F )’ o P is called the antecedent o F is referred to as consequent Sentence 2 can be represented with o Paraphrase as ‘If Jean is in France, then Jean is in Paris’ o Represented with ‘(F → P )’ Conditionals don’t say anything about the causal connection, just that the antecedent is true, then the consequent is true Biconditional Example: 1. Laika is a dog only if she is a mammal 2. Laika is a dog if she is a mammal 3. Laika is a dog if and only if she is a mammal Symbolization key used: D: Laika is a dog M : Laika is a mammal - Sentence 1 can be represented with ‘(D → M )’ Sentence 2 can be paraphrased as ‘If Laika is a mammal then Laika is a dog’ o Represented with ‘M → D’ Sentence 3 can be represented with ‘(D ↔ M )’ o You can use a biconditional here if it amounts to stating both directions of the conditional o Can represent also as ‘(D → M ) ∧ (M → D)’ Unless Example: 1. Unless you wear a jacket, you will catch a cold. 2. You will catch a cold unless you wear a jacket. Equivalent sentences; using the symbolization key J : You will wear a jacket. D: You will catch a cold. - Can be represented in a lot of ways o ‘(¬ J → D)’ o ‘(¬D → J )’ (If you did not catch a cold, you must have worn a jacket o ‘( J ∨ D)’ (either you wear a jacket or you get a cold) Week 1 - Tuesday Chapter 5-6 of Part II and Chapter 9 of PART II, Chapter 7 Part II Curly letters when we talk about things like the form of an argument - A, B, C is the place-holder for a sentence (‘object-language’) when operating inside the language Cursive A,B,C, is the place holder for a place-holder (meta-language) and when you see this front we are ‘outside’ the language Symbolization Keys: replacing whole assertoric sentences with single letters; list that pairs sentence letters with the basic English sentences they represent - Usually upper case letters and sometimes with subscripts Fundamental ways of putting sentences together are with the connectives Cannot break down a ‘basic sentence’ represented by sentence letters by using any one of these connectives o Symbolization key should only contain atomic sentences ▪ Ex. Mandy likes skiing or hiking. (bad translation key) Successful symbolization sometimes requires first paraphrase to ensure basic sentences appear explicitly - Watch out for use of pronouns and the tracking of the references - ‘and’ and ‘or’ are ways on joining sentences Paraphrasing connectives - English uses many ways of connecting sentences but in symbolization only 5 Not all English connectives can be rendered in any reasonable way by these Negation - Conveyed by the word ‘not’ First paraphrase grammatical negation (‘is not’ does not’) using the corresponding basic sentence prefixed by ‘it is not the case that’ Conjunction - First paraphrase sentences contained ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘even though’, and ‘although’ using ‘both A and B’ or just ‘A and B’ Symbolize ‘A and B’ as ‘(A ∧ B)’ Disjunction - First paraphrase sentences containing ‘or’ or ‘unless’ using ‘either A or B’ or just ‘A or B’ ‘(F ∨ M)’ Conditional - First paraphrase any of these sentences o ‘If A, B’ o ‘If A, B’ o ‘A only if B’ o ‘B if A’ o ‘B provided A’ Using ‘If A then B’ - Symbolize ‘If A then B’ as ‘(A → B)’ If and only if - First paraphrase sentences containing ‘if and only if’ or ‘just in case’ using ‘A if and only if B’ can abbreviate this as ‘A iff B’ Symbolize with ↔ Mixing Connectives Connectives and Truth-Conditions - ‘True’ and ‘false’ are used to denote what we call truth-values, abbreviate with ‘T’ and ‘F’ Assume that it is just atomic values have truth value and using connectives to connect atomic sentences generate new truth-values Propositional logic == truth-functional logic 1. Negation 2. Conjunction 3. Disjunction 4. Conditional 5. Biconditional Double Negation - A will always return the truth value back to that of A and so on - Even number of occurrences of negation symbol applied to A will give the same values as A itself (A) Odd number of occurrences with gives the value opposite of A (¬A) - TFL - - Syntax o Sentence letters o Five connectives o Round brackets Notion of the sentence of TFL o Every sentence letter is a sentence (atomic sentence) o If A is a sentence then ¬A is a sentence o If A and B is sentences then - Every sentence is either atomic or built using the five connectives o There can only be one main connective TFL Syntax Rules: (-H/\-S) and -(H\/S) are the same Either... or... = A ∨ B Neither... nor = ¬A ∧ ¬B OR ¬(A ∨ B) - Neither is it the case that Apple is the most popular tech company nor that Microsoft is the most famous only if Tesla is the fastest-growing car company. o ((-A /\ -M) -> T) o (-(A \/ M) -> T) Inclusive vs Exclusive OR - Exclusive is (A ∨ B) ∧ ¬(A ∧ B) If... then... = A → B … only if.. = 'if A, then B' = A → B ...unless... = 'A unless B' = 'A, if not B’ = ¬B → A Example: Calgary is in Canada unless it's not snowing in Paris. (-S -> -P) If bachelors are unmarried men, then Miranda is taller than everyone in the room even though she dances wonderfully. (B -> (R /\ D)) Either the professor is working in her office or Apple is the most popular tech company unless the TV is on. ((C \/ A) \/ O) OR (-(C \/ A) -> O) Chapter 6 Formal definition for a sentence of TFL In TFL, we decompose sentences into their simpler parts and once we get down to sentence letters, we know that we are good Main Logical Operator: dealing with sentence other than sentence letter, some sentential connective that was introduced last when constructing the sentence - ‘¬¬¬D’, the main logical operator is the first ‘¬’ ‘(P ∧ ¬(¬Q ∨R))’, the main logical operator is the ‘∧’ Rules of finding the main logical operator: The scope of a connective (in a sentence) is the subsentence for which that connective is the main logical operator for - Example: (P ∧ (¬(R ∧ B) ↔ Q)) scope of the negation is just ‘¬(R ∧ B)’ With brackets, we can omit the outermost brackets of the sentence; for example just writing ‘Q ∧ R’ instead of ‘(Q ∧ R)’ - But if we want to embed that sentence into more complicated sentences, we have to put the brackets back in We can also use square brackets, no logical difference Example: ( ( (H → I ) ∨ (I → H )) ∧ ( J ∨ K)) IS SAME AS [︁ (H → I ) ∨ (I → H ) ]︁ ∧ ( J ∨ K) Chapter 7 Ambiguity Sentences can have structural ambiguity and lexical ambiguity TFL tries to avoid ambiguity by making symbolization keys that do not use ambiguous words or disambiguate them if a word has different meanings - e.g., your symbolization key will need two different sentence letters for ‘Rebecca went to the (money) bank’ and ‘Rebecca went to the (river) bank.’ Scope Ambiguities - Depend on whether or not a connective is in the scope of another Example: ‘I like dishes that are not sweet and flavorful’ ‘send me a picture of a small and dangerous or stealthy animal’ Example: ‘Avengers: Endgame is not long and boring’ Could be Either: 1. Avengers: Endgame is not: both long and boring. 2. Avengers: Endgame is both: not long and boring. Use Symbolization Key: B: Avengers: Endgame is boring. L: Avengers: Endgame is long. Sentence 1 can now be ‘¬(L ∧ B)’ Sentence 2 can now be ‘¬L ∧B’ Example: ‘Tai Lung is small and dangerous or stealthy’ Could be Either: 3. Tai Lung is either both small and dangerous or stealthy. 4. Tai Lung is both small and either dangerous or stealthy. Use Symbolization Key: D: Tai Lung is dangerous. S : Tai Lung is small. T : Tai Lung is stealthy. Sentence 3 can now be ‘(S ∧ D) ∨ T ’ Sentence 4 can now be ‘S ∧ (D ∨T )’ Wednesday- Week 1 Chapter 10 and 11, 12.4 - 12.5 Exercises from Chapter 11 of Part III but also C, I, J from chapter 12 of Part III Truth-value assignment for a TFL is assignment of T or F to each basic sentence letter - Every sentence of TFL receive a truth-value under any given assignment of values to sentence letters Nothing else is a sentence other than atomic sentences and complex sentences are with logical connectives There is a way of computing the truth-value of the non-atomic sentences - These are based on the character truth table (the tables are above on this doc) Computing Truth-Value (partial true value not focused on this course) Example (extended (but partial) truth-table – where its already predetermined that H is T and S is F): Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. * do the main connective last* Step 4. Step 5. Step 6 – Connect the 2 main Connectives In this case, the negation is the main connective In truth value, you need 2n lines with n standing for the number of atomic sentences in your target sentence - get used to the following procedure: under your first atomic sentence, fill in the first half as T, and the second half as F. Then under the next atomic sentence, list the first quarter as T, the second quarter as F, list the third quarter as True, and the fourth quarter as F, so on and so forth until you hit the last atomic sentence. Your last atomic sentence should have an even number of alternating T and F. Example: - In this example, alternate between every 4, every 3 and every 1 Testing for Validity Using Truth-Tables Validity in TFL - Valid if there is no case where all premises true and conclusion is false Case must make every basic sentence true or false (and not both) Any assignment make every sentence letter true or false (and not both) Example --- Disjunctive Syllogism: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Everything checks out here, it is valid Import Validities to Check: Example – an Invalid Argument -- Affirming the Disjunct: Similar Steps to Disjunctive Syllogism (Except Last Step) The valuation where we find the atomic sentences are both assigned to the value true is a counterexample of the argument Import Invalidities to Check: Affirming the Disjunct and Denying the Conjunct can be logically equivalent, but later on we can see how we can test for equivalence Chapter 10 Truth-Functional - A connective is truth-functional iff the truth value of a sentence with that connective as its main logical operator is uniquely determined by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s) o Evert connective in TFL is truth-functional When treating a TFL sentence as symbolizing an English sentence, we are stipulating that the TFL sentence is to take the same truth value as that English sentence Chapter 11 - Valuation is any assignment of truth values to particular sentence letters of TFL In a truth table, each row of truth table represents a possible valuation; complete one represents all possible valuations Example: - the column underneath the main logical operator tells you the truth value of entire sentence Complete Truth Table - Has a line for every possible assignment of True and False Size of the truth table depends on the number of different sentence letters in the table Complete truth table with n different sentence letters has 2n lines Chapter 12.4 Entailment Testing for Entailment Example: ‘¬L → ( J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬L’ entail ‘ J ’ Check whether there is any valuation which makes both ‘¬L → ( J ∨ L)’ and ‘¬L’ true whilst making ‘ J ’ false Entailment is present ENTAILMENT PRESENT MAKES IT VALID Thursday- Week 1 Read rest of Chapter 12 of Part III and Chapter 3 Part I (Did we read?) Should be able to do Practice Problems (4) (5) Exercises from Chapter 12 Entailment So if there is entailment, that means the conclusion is valid - Way of stating validity - The highlighted is a counterexample where the premises are True and the Conclusion is false This would make it invalid because a counterexample exists The premises does not entail the conclusion Example: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. - In the A --> -not C, the --> is the main connective, which means you do the negative first and then compare the A (T or F) with the negation one Step 5. - In every assignment, at least one premise is false or the conclusion is true; which means the argument is valid and the entailment is correct (no counterexample) Equivalent Sentences (truth-functional) equivalence) - A and B agree in truth value under every valuation Material Implication (a type of equivalence) - Equivalent because every line is equivalent in truth value A counterexample to the equivalence is when the truth values are different --> could be eliminated, you can replace with each other!! Completely interchangeable Other Important Equivalences Other connectives that are not included in the five are in one of these two categories: 1. Can easily find truth-functional equivalents 2. Those which we can’t deal with truth-functionally at all Exclusive ‘Or’ - You can choose either (the one possibly excludes another, can't have both) Can already be written by the connectives we already have - The same as Neither... nor... - Can be paraphrased using ‘both ‘[︁it is not the case that A ]︁ and [︁it is not the case that B]︁’ ¬A ∧ ¬B OR ¬(A ∨ B) Unless - ‘(¬ J → D)’ OR ‘( J ∨ D)’ -- simplest way The Material Conditional - ‘--->’ simply a statement of the way the truth-values of the sentences involved are linked and nothing more By itself it does not say anything about why the sentences are linked in that way == became known as ‘material conditional’; just states the matters of fact about the connection When A ∧ B is true, A → B is true and B → A is true A → B doesn’t mean the two have to be logically linked in natural language Truth Conditions of Conditionals If X is drinking alcohol (A) , then X is over 18 (B) - - “If A then B” can only be false if o A is true: we check that the age if X is drinking beer (A true) and we don’t bother if X is drinking soda (A false) o B is false: so we check drink if X is underage (B false), we don’t bother if X is over 18 (B true) ‘If A, then B’ is true if: o A is false (we don’t bother checking pop) o Or B is true (we don’t worry about the drink if X is over 18) o (or both) Non- Truth Functional Connectives - Only focuses on the cause and effect relationship Cannot be represented simply by ‘→’ (implies) cannot fully capture the meaning behind The situation changes everything and the cause might not always be the cause that led to the outcome ‘because’ or ‘would have’ No one size fits all translation of words like ‘because’ A →B will be inadequate Equivalence and Entailment Linked Tautologies Example: Laws of Tautologies - Law of Excluded Middle - Law of non-contradiction - Implications Dialetheism contradicts Law of Non-Contradiction A is a contradiction iff it is false on every evaluation (false on every line of truth table) Example: ‘[︁(C ↔ C ) → C ]︁ ∧ ¬(C → C )’ is a contradiction - ‘A is entailed by anything’; if A is a tautology, then we always have B is entailed by A, whatever B is All F in its truth table would be a contradiction (reserve notion of a tautology) o If B is a contradiction, then we always have B entailed by A, whatever A is Example: ‘(H ∧ I ) → H ’ is a tautology Joint Satisfiability Example Finding a counterexample amounts to showing a certain joint satisfiability Tautologies and Joint Satisfiability (no contradiction) Validity (Check Every Assignment) ≠ Satisfiability(finding at least one assignment) ≠ Tautology Week 2 Monday Chapter 15 of Part IV and Section 1,3, 4 of Chapter 16 Week 2 Practice Problems (Up to Question 10) Week 1 Practice Problem (5), 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 System of proof: getting logical consequences from a given starting point to prove or deduce conclusions from premises 1. A proof consists of a finite number of steps a. First step (first line) and has definite end after finite number of steps b. If there are n premises to start from, these should be listed as the first n lies/steps 2. The move from each line/step to the next one should take place according to one of a fixed, finite number of rules a. Rules of Inference Because there is only one main connective for each sentence, there is only a small number of rules of inference - Rules of inference can be regarded as mini-proofs (each application of a rule just is a valid inference) Deduction/derivation is put together as succession of mini-proofs Example: - - The first horizontal Line separates the premises (Line 1 and 2) Once you go below the horizontal line, can only put down a new line if we can justify it by one of a fixed number of rules, rules which represent as mini proofs o Example in Line 4, the justification (to the right) consists of 2 things: ▪ Citation of a rule (here ‘--> E’) ▪ Citation of earlier lines which the rule calls on (in this example lines 1 and 3 – the appropriate number of liens to cite is part of using the appropriate rule) The second horizontal line represents the assumptions (A on line 3 -- no need to prove that) Line 4 and 5 are valid inferences from Line 1,2,3 Vertical line at the left tracks the beginning to the end == “main scope line” Second scope line (In example from lines 3-5) == Subproof We always end with something, sentence on line 6 (conclusion) Proof of the sentence ‘Q’ from the assumptions (premises) P1 to Pn - Single turnstile - When we have a proof of ‘Q’ without calling on any premises, it is represented by Our immediate aim is to set up a proof-system which respects valid inference or entailment, guarantees that: - When obeyed, proof system is sound We want to build a sound derivation system Example Informal Proof: Formal Proofs – Fitch System of Natural Deduction Contains: 1. 2. 3. 4. Numbered lines containing sentences of TFL A line may be a premise It it’s not a premise, it must be justified Justification involves a. A rule b. Prior lines (referred to by line number) Rules of Natural Deduction - Rules should be: o Simple – cite must a few lines as justification o Obvious --the justification for the rules should be perfectly clear and simple based on valid inferences - - o Schematic—can be described just by forms of sentences involved o Few in Number – want to just have a few rules Rules based on the connectives Two rules per connectives o Introduction rule (usually represented as ‘I’) o Elimination rule (usually represented as ‘E’) Every line that’s not a premise will be justified Eliminating ‘/\’ USING P/\Q , you can justify that With the informal proof example above, for line 4, -S /\ -M can be used and getting –M, you can conclude that “Marisuz doesn’t enjoy hiking” Introducing ‘/\’ To justify P/\Q, Example, If you had “Sara doesn’t enjoy hiking” and “Marisuz doesn’t enjoy hiking”, conclude that “Neither Sara nor Marisuz enjoy hiking” Rules for ‘/\’ ‘Simplification’ As long as you have justified in a previous line of P /\ Q (where the conjunction is the main connective) you can use that line to simplify; only requires one line to justify its use - The rule is /\ -E ‘Conjunction’ - Need two conditions P & Q either given to us or derived Requires two lines to justify its use Rule of /\-I Examples: Eliminating ‘-->’ To justify using a conditional in the form of ‘P --> Q’ - To extract information from a conditional, you need the antecedent Principle behind it is Modus Ponens: Introducing ‘-->’ To justify ‘P --> Q’ (for example from some premise R), You need a proof that mirrors Show that If we can prove the second, then we can prove the first statement - Known as Semantic Deduction Theorem - If R, P is entailed by Q then every valuation makes one of R and P false or it makes Q true If there are no counterexamples to the claim R being entailed by P --> Q that means the entailment holds Subproofs - - - Our aim will be to justify adding the sentence ‘P --> Q’ by giving a proof of the sentence ‘Q’ with ‘P’ as an extra premise The Fitch Solution: add P as an extra assumption and try to prove Q, but keep track of this P and what depends on it by further indenting with a vertical line o Separating the P as a subproof by indenting with another vertical line (with smaller horizontal line showing that as an assumption) o Won’t have access to that extra assumption once you close the subproof Once you finish proving ‘Q’, close the subproof and add ‘P --> Q’ as a new line to the main vertical line of the proof o Extra assumption P has been discharged Nothing inside a subproof is available outside as a justification, since it depends on the extra assumption made Rules for ‘--->’ Implication Elimination Recognize as Modus Ponens - Rule is --> -E and it requires two lines to justify its use As long as you have the conditional and the antecedent of the conditional, you can conclude the consequence of the conditional Site the line of conditional and the line of the antecedent Implication Introduction - Rule is --> -I and requires one range of lines to justify its use Example: - Start a subproof where the assumption is the desired antecedent EVERYTIME YOU WANT TO INTRODUCE A NEW IMPLICATION, YOU NEED TO OPEN A NEW SUB-PROOF Chapter 16 Formal proof: sequence of sentences, some of which are marked as being initial assumptions (or premises) and the last line is the conclusion - Start the proof by writing the premise Number each line of the proof A line is drawn after the premises, everything above the line is an assumption; everything below the line is either a new assumption or something following the assumption Conjunction Perhaps we are working through a proof, and we have obtained ‘R’ on line 8 and ‘L’ on line 15. Then on any subsequent line we can obtain ‘R ∧ L’ thus Every line of proof must either be an assumption or must be justified by some rule Ex. ‘∧I 8, 15’ represents that the line was obtained by conjunction introduction from lines 8 and 15 Conjunction Introduction Rule: Conjunction Elimination Rule: YOU CAN ONLY APPLY THESE RULES WHEN THE CONJUNCTION IS THE MAIN OPERATOR Conditional Conditional Elimination Rule (modus ponens): - In the citation for -->E, always cite the conditional first followed by the antecedent Example: P → Q,Q → R ∴ P → R Tuesday—Week 2 Chapter 16, 2, 5 (Remaining Sections) Chapter 19 of IV Week 2 Practice problems 2, 3 4 - Tomorrow helpful for strategy for complex proofs Practice Questions at the end of Chapter 16 and Chapter 19 Rules for ‘<->’ Introducing ‘<->’ - Equivalent to ((P->Q)/\(Q->P)) There can be as many lines as you like between i and j and between k and l Can come in any order, the second subproof doesn’t have to come immediately after the first Rule is <->-I and it requires one range to justify its use Eliminating ‘<->’ - Can have the antecedent or the consequent, whichever side we have, we can get the other side Can be as many lines between m and n and n and k Use sentence P <->Q once with P to get Q and use it again with Q to get P Rule is <-> -E and it requires two ranges of lines to justify its use Reiteration - Rule only requires one line You just have to have a sentence Can introduce the important sub-species of proofs with no premises Ex. Can show that Example: With no premises, you need to always start with the subproof; cannot start without making an assumption And then discharge the subproof by using the ->-I rule EVERYTIME YOU PROVE A SENTENCE WITH NO PREMISES, PROVING THAT THAT SENTENCE IS A TAUTOLOGY Example: Because B is not part of the subproof, and you need B because it’s a conditional, the only way to introduce B is to open up a subproof and have that subproof start with an assumption that corresponds to the antecedent of the desired conditional When P can be proved from no premises, write as Something is a tautology if it is derivable from anything with no premises - Known as the tautological completeness of the fitch system Completeness - Completeness of the Fitch System with Respect to Validity Whenever an inference is valid, then there exists a Fitch proof of the conclusion from the premises Converse to the claim of the soundness of the system This shows that the Fitch system not just respects valid inference – recall soundness expresses Subproofs - When a rule calls for a subproof cite it as n-m with first and last line numbers of the subproof After subproof is finished, cite the whole thing and not any individual lines Subproofs can be nested Once the surrounding subproof is finished, you can’t cite the subproof again after you close it Rules for ‘V’ Introduction Rule for ‘V’ - Given that P entails P \/Q Q can be anything Rule only cites one line No real conditions for using it, just need to have some sentence Example: - The order which your introduce (B \/ A vs. A \/ B) doesn’t matter Eliminating ‘\/’ - Justifying using disjunction P\/ Q If both P and Q separately entail some third sentence R, then we know that R follows from the disjunction - Need two subproofs that show R but in each proof, we are allowed to use one of P, Q as assumption Proof by Cases - Order of subproofs does not matter NEED TO CITE 3 THINGS: The line where the disjunction is and the two ranges Example: A \/ B |- B \/ A Example: A\/B, A-> B |- B Contradictions - In proofs, we use premises, sentence we’ve proved (new sentences) and extra sentences we’ve assumed Sometimes assumptions we have to make are incompatible with the premises EXAMPLE: to prove the Fitch version of the Disjunctive Syllogism ‘ A\/ B, - B |- A o Using \/ E o The assumption of ‘B’ for the second subproof conflicts with the main premises of –B o We have to use the disjunctive information given so proceed to get A that way Contradictions – Eliminating ‘¬’ (negation) - Negation needs to be the main connective and two contradictory sentences The order does not matter The upside down T flags a contradiction Named ‘-E’ ; cites two contradictory lines the rule works as long as the upside down T is entered in the same (sub-)proof that P is in; you can use the rule without reiterating from the column on the left (you can move stuff from the left column to the right but not the right to the left) Explosion - ‘from a contradiction, anything follows’ (Ex Falso Quodlibet) - Once you have a contradiction, you can prove anything you like Whenever we can justify *the upside down T* in a proof, we should be able to justify anything - Rule called X, cites one line and this line can only be *the upside down T* Example: Disjunctive Syllogism Introduction Rule for ‘¬’ - An argument is valid iff the premises together with the negation of the conclusion are jointly unsatisfiable To justify ¬P, show that P (together with other premises) is unsatisfiable - rule cites only one range of lines Subproof must end with *upside down t* (contradiction) and in the same subproof (column) as the initial assumption o only then you are licensed to conclude the initial assumption is unsatisfiable, hence the contrary must be true Example: Indirect Proof Rule - Reductio or reductio ad absurdum Idea is to prove the claim P by beginning a argument/proof with its opposite, ¬P and showing that this leads to a contradiction (opposite of negation introduction) Example: Chapter 16 Reiteration rule allows you to repeat it on a new line Chapter 19 A is a theorem iff ⊢ A (represented with a single turnstile) - There is a proof of A with no undischarged assumptions Example: showing that ‘¬(A ∧ ¬A)’is a theorem Example is an instance of Law of Non-Contradiction Two sentences A and B are provably equivalent iff each can be proved from the other; i.e., both A ⊢ B and B ⊢ A. The sentences A1,A2,. . . ,An are provably inconsistent iff a contradiction can be proved from them, i.e., A1,A2,. . . ,An ⊢ ⊥. If they are not inconsistent, we call them provably consistent. Week 2 Wednesday Chapter 17 of Textbook (Good Supplement!) - Handout in the Handout Tab Exercises on Carnap Exercises on 16, 19 in Textbook Regular Rule: one that involves no subproofs; either in the same column or in any column to the right, of all the lines you cite to justify your use of the rule Escape Rule: involves a subproof; only be used in the context where you have opened a subproof but the rule is closed to close the subproof; exactly one column to the left of the subproof(s) that you must cite to justify your use of the rule Working Backward from a conclusion (goal) means: - Find main connective of goal sentence Match with conclusion of corresponding I rule Write out (above the goal!) what you’d need to apply that rule Working forward from a premise, assumption or already justified sentence means: - Find main connective of premise, assumption or sentence Match with top premise of corresponding E rule Write out what else you need to apply the E rule Constructing A Proof 1. Write out premises at the top, write conclusion at the bottom Strategy 1. Look at the conclusion; narrow the last step down to 3 possibilities a. The I rule associated with the main connective of your conclusion b. \/E c. IP (excluding the case where the main connective of conclusion is negation) 2. If an I rule that is a candidate for your last step involves opening a subproof, opening that subproof should be your first move 3. Look at your premises, if there are no disjunctions in the premises, rule of \/ E 4. Look at your premises, the main connective of each corresponds to the E rule that you can first use 5. Unpack and evaluate what new E rules you can use 6. Tweak result as you go 7. If you keep hitting dead-ends, you most likely need IP; happens when the argument depends on hidden assumption or hidden equivalence, such as LEM Example: LEM (Law of Excluded Middle) A \/ ¬A 1. The main connective of the conclusion is \/; so the last step can either be \/I, \/E or IP 2. No premises; no disjunctions in premises so last step cannot be \/ E 3. Assume the last step is \/ I, the rule doesn’t involve a subproof but no premises so a subproof is necessary - Trapped within the subproof 4. If IP is the last option, then the first step is to open up subproof with the negation of the desired conclusion The structure of this proof is important!! REMEMBER THE STRUCTURE Example (A -> B) \/ (B->A) 1. Main connective is \/ so the last step can either be \/I, \/E or IP 2. No premises, no disjunction so last step cannot be \/E 3. Assume last step is \/I, since the rule doesn’t include a subproof, but no premises so need to start with subproof No clear path from A to B 4. Two ways to approach this when you know law of excluded middle exists De Morgan’s Law - One of the instances of De Morgan’s Law is The main connective is /\ so the options for last step are /\I, \/E, and IP Premise contains disjunction but main connective is negation so rule of \/E Could be IP but the main connective is negation; the only way to get information from premise is to build. Contradiction (what you need to do for IP) One of the ways: De Morgan’s Law framed as a Tautology - - Main connective of conclusion is -->, so option for last step is -->I, \/E and IP No premises, so not \/E Could be IP, more of a last resort the main connective of the consequent is a negation, so possibilities for the last step are ¬I or \/E The second main connective of the consequent is a disjunction, given the before last step is ¬I, which means the second step should be A\/B, then the before the last step may well be \/E Chapter 17 (Good Supplement!) Working Backwards from a conjunction 1. If we want to prove A/\B, that means trying to prove it using /\I 2. Prove A first and then prove B Working Backwards from a conditional 1. Use --> as the end; this requires a subproof starting with A and ending with B Working backwards from negated sentence 1. Ends with –I, and start with subproof with assumption A 2. Last line of subproof has to be ⊥ Working backwards from a disjunction 1. Work forward, apply the \/I strategy only when working forward Week 2 – Thursday Chapter 18 of IV Simulating the Explosion X - You can derive X from the rules we already have A way to simulate Disjunctive Syllogism is what we need Example: Example (Will not get this long proof on assignment): Week 3 – Monday Chapter 22.1-3, Chapter 22.4-5 Problem with TFL is that it does not recognize inner structure of these atoms Names are used to single out objects and use predicates to refer to properties of objects A particular sentence can be separated into a name and what’s left when removed is the predicate - ‘Common Nouns’ -- so pick out collections of objects, unlike proper names which pick out single object Every time we substitute a name to fill in the blank, we get a sentence that is either going to be true of false Example: Socrates is older than Plato - Two objects are mentioned using proper names Stated that in some way these objects are related Same can be done with many relations (two different specific objects), each time we do this, a sentence which is either a true or false but where the relation on its own _____ is older than ____ is neither true nor false - With the subscripts, the larger of the two numbers indicates how many name places there are The numbers also indicate the order in which they are to be considered - - Important because the order of the names make a difference in truth-value to what we want to say, carries a difference One place predicates – expresses properties (ex. Property of being a whale, property of being a wizard) Two place predicates—expresses ordinary relations (ex. Is older than, younger than, is the mother of, etc.) You can turn relations into properties - - - Ex. ____1 is older than Plato o The property which some objects have and other’s don’t of ‘being older than Plato’ There can be relations between more than two objects o Ex. ‘Betweenness’ is a standard one ▪ Barbara sits between Adam and Claire - Predicate is ‘between Can call all these relations ‘predicates’ but can be distinguished by the number of place (or gaps) they contains called arity -- ‘n-ary’ (replace n with the number of gaps) o The places which have to be filled in a predicate are called arguments Symbolization 1. Names: lowercase letters for proper names of English 2. Predicates: uppercase letters with the blanks marked 3. Ex. - Putting names in any of the ‘gaps’ will generate atomic sentence o Atomic sentences are not given, generate atomic sentences by combining names and predicates You can make use of connective structure to form sentences such as Be Careful of: - Pronouns (The failing New York Times is fake news) Combined predicates Tracking pronouns Proper Name: to pick out a single specific thing Common Nouns: ‘hero’ or ‘rock’ which single out collections of things Only consider names that pick out actual objects in the domain we choose to consider (Ex. Not Sherlock Holmes in the domain of actual human beings) Names pick out uniquely and there can be different names for same objects With predicates, all properties/relations is determinate - When we put a name ‘a’ into a predicate ‘B(-)’, what results is always a sentence ‘B(a)’ with a truth value Example: Assignment of truth-values to the sentences, atomic sentences (sentence formed with specific names and predicates) will change Assigning Truth-Values Depends on: 1. ‘Domain/Universe of Discourse’ a. Ex. The domain of all mammals, domain of all wizards, domain of all natural numbers – domains can be infinite or finite 2. The selection of objects within that domain to be named by the names given a. Ex. The name ‘m’ will name Mandy in the domain of all mammals, the name ‘h’ will name Hermione in the domain of all wizards, etc 3. The selection of properties and relations over this domain to be singled out by the predicates given 3 things combined are called ‘Interpretation’ of a particular FOL Variables in FOL - Object Variable o Usually using ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ as our object variables o Can change the earlier formats by using variables instead of gaps with numerical subscripts - Using different variables to stand for the different numerical subscripts H(g) is a sentence; but H(x) is not a sentence because it is a placeholder (doesn’t specify anything) o ‘H(x)’ it is a formula (proto-sentence) Existential Quantifier Ex. ‘something’ ‘someone’ ‘there is..’ - Often go where names and pronouns also go which is why we can mistake that quantifiers like this functions as names Quantifiers works differently from names A quantifier expresses something about the property Ex. ‘There is a hero’ says something about the property ‘hero’ namely that there is at least one thing which has that property Quantifiers provide answers to “How Many” Questions; about the extent of the property: the number of objects which have it, the 'quantity’ - ‘There is’ Symbol o Combine it with some formula/proto-sentence (containing a variable) that it modifies o Put the variable in question (and which marks the gap) after the symbol o Is important when there is more than one variable as in ‘A(x,y)’, useful to know which one of these variables is being picked by the quantifier ▪ Ex. Not making it clear whether we’re going to speak of someone who admires or someone who is admired 1. In the first case, the same person must be a hero and wear a cape 2. In the second case, one person can be the hero, and yet another can wear a cape Multiple ‘Ex’ are independent even if they use the same ‘x’ No difference in meaning between When considering names and predicates, the assignment of truth to those sentence involves specifying a domain Existential quantifier as ranging over the domain The word ‘some’ on its own is a determiner and needs a complement - For Example, ‘some hero’ a common noun o A noun phrase ‘some admirer of Greta’ ‘Some F is/has/does G’ OR ‘Some Fs are/have/do Gs’ Week 3—Tuesday Chapter 22.4-5 of Part V and Chapters 23-25, Chapter 27-28 The Universal Quantifier - ‘Every’ o With the variable it refers to written after it as in - Mnemonic for ‘all’ The quantifier qualifies the predicate that the variable ‘x’ is part of English has many determiners that express universality such as ‘all’, ‘every’ and ‘any’ o All true in the same case ‘Every F is G’ is true iff everything which is F is G o The same for ‘All Fs...’ and ‘Any F...’ ‘Every F is G’ - Symbolizing that if it is F then it is G, not that everything has to be F and G - This also covers ‘All Fs are Gs’, ‘Every F is G’ ‘Any F is G’ Examples: ‘No Fs are Gs’ Two ways of interpretations 1. There does not exist an F which is also G 2. Whatever F you take, that will not have G - There are actually both equivalent Examples: ‘Only Fs are G’ Example: Quantifier Equivalences Other Equivalences: - There are going to be systematically two ways of formulating things, one with ‘all’ and one with ‘exists’ assuming that the negation is put in the right place The indefinite article of ‘a’ 1. If ‘a’ is used to claim existence for example with a. ‘Greta admires a hero’ 2. If ‘a’ is used as a generic indefinite article it is closer to the universal quantifier a. ‘A hero is someone who inspires’ ‘someone’, ‘something’ can require a universal quantifier - If these occur in the antecedent, with a pronoun referring back to it in the consequent For example: - ‘any’ occurring in the antecedent but without pronouns referring back to them is existential Mixed Domains EXAMPLES LOOK OVER Identity - a 2 place relation which always symbolized with ‘=’ Distinction between what the world is like and what we are able to assert about the world One thing can possess two different names but be equal Everything is identical to itself (Law of Identity) - Principle of the Indiscernibility of Identicals - Tells you if the two things are identical, then what predicate you can assert as ‘one’ of them must also hold when you refer to another Another of seeing this is - If two things are different, then must be some property which marks the difference Logical Particle - Essential component of FOL, connective, two quantifiers, identity Identity is logical particle, it is something we adopt in all our FOL Identity -- ‘Else’ - In a domain consisting of only people, everyone observes everyone not everyone observes everyone ELSE, observing itself is included Can make ‘else’ explicit by using the identity predicate (‘x observes everyone who is not x’) Example: There is someone who observes every person other than them Uniqueness - To say that at least one person satisfies a certain thing or there is exactly one person that satisfies a certain thing and no one else does ‘No one other than x is a hero’ - All equivalent, choose one that feels the most natural ‘Only’ - ‘Greta is the only hero’, ‘Potter is the only wizard’ o No one other than Greta is also a hero Only is really ‘exactly one’ If just using the first part it translates to ‘at least one’ ‘At Most’ - There are distinct heroes of a certain account - If we say there is at most one heroes, you can deny that there are at least two - If x and y are heroes, x and y are the same o True when there are 0 heroes, true when there is one hero fail when there are two or more heroes - If there are at most two heroes o Have to deny there are at least three heroes o Three existential assertions so will involve (three distinct ones) o Deny the sentence that there are at least three heroes OR ‘Exactly’ - To say there are exactly two heroes is to say both that there are at least two and there are at most two OR - By increasing the number, the sentences will become very long ‘The’ - Used to phrases called definite descriptions such as ‘the hero’ or ‘the youngest villain’ ‘The A is B’ should be represented in such a way that it is true iff exactly one thing is A AND that thing is also B Singular Possessive - Example: ‘Autumn wears Greta’s Cape’ which translates to ‘Autumn wears the cape that belongs to Greta’ OR ‘Both’ ‘Neither’ - Used as determiners Example: ‘Neither villain is younger than Greta’ Week 3 – Wednesday Chapter 29-31 and Chapter 32-33 Term Bound/Free Formula Sentence FOL - Consists of the following For the predicates, the first number is how many elements it takes, the bottom is the number of that element in the list Name + Predicate == Atomic Sentence (no free variables) Variable + Predicate == Atomic Formula (free variables exist) If A is a sentences/formulas then B is a sentence/formula, etc If A is a formula which contains a free occurrence of the variable x (and no other free occurrences of a variable), then ∃xA is a sentence If A is a formula which contains free occurrences of the variable x (and no other free occurrences of a variable) then ∀xA is a sentence Denote the assignment of an object to a variable ‘x’ by ‘o(x)’ which we can reads as ‘the object temporarily assigned to ‘x’ - These assignments are called satisfaction functions ‘o(x) satisfies ‘H’ Truth of Quantified Sentences with Existential Quantifier Truth of Quantified Sentences with Universal Quantifier First Order Valid Example: To show if it is valid or not, change the predicate and objects to see if it is still valid Set the domain for counterexample If the domain has a counterexample, it has a counterexample in the domain that is finite, it’s good to restrict the domain (ex. Not just all planets, inner planets) First, second and third premises are true but the conclusion is false, inner planets don’t have rings, so we provided a counterexample by specifying the interpretation Produced a counterexample by specifying an interpretation Extensions--> Example what we have to put on Carnap Because Carnap isn’t flexible, we need to make our domain only have finitely many numbers which each number potentially standing in for the name of an object (Usually no more than 5 objects) - Associate a with 2, then 2 just is a Draw Venn Diagrams to know if the counterexample interpretation is correct Making “Some As are Bs” True - Extension of A and B must have something in common (filled area must contains at least one object) A and B can overlap, be equal or be contained Making “Some As are Bs” False - Extension of A and B must have nothing in common A and B don’t overlap, or one or both is empty Making “All As are Bs” True - Extension fo A must be contained in extension of B Extensions of A and B are the same OR Extension of A can be empty Same situations make... o “Only Bs are As” True o “Some As are not Bs” False Making “All As are Bs” False - Extension of A must contains something not in B Extension of A cannot be empty but B can be empty Same situations make o “Only Bs are As” false o “Some As are not Bs” true Semantic Notions in FOL What you can and cannot show in FOL Week 3 Thursday Chapter 29-33 Practice Problem 1-7 Dependent On Interpretation First Order Truth First Order Truths (First Order Validities) == ‘always true’, ‘true in all cases’ - All possible cases are substituted for some selection of an interpretation First Order Equivalence - Can't be a situation where one is true and one is false Example: Equivalent - Example: Equivalent Validity of Inference in FOL - - If an inference has a first order truth as its conclusion, it will be valid, regardless of what the premises are o Cant find an interpretation and an assignment over it which makes the conclusion false If an inference where all the premises are jointly unsatisfiable, then that inference is valid o Cant make all premises true no matter how we choose the interpretation and assignment In FOL, there are too many interpretations and impossible to look all possibilities Counter-interpretations Interpretations in which certain formulas fail to be true under a carefully chosen assignment while others hold: - In first-order truth, Looking for an interpretation/assignment where a single sentence fails, showing that the sentence can’t be first-order truth In first order equivalence, looking for interpretation/assignment where one sentence is true and the other is not, showing that the sentences can’t be first-order equivalent In validity, looking for interpretation/assignment in which the premises are true but the conclusion is false Producing a Counter-Interpretation - - a simple way is to choose the natural numbers as domain and interpret the predicate ‘A’ by ‘is even’ and the predicate ‘B’ by ‘is odd’ Example: First sentence will turn out true with ‘All numbers are even or odd’ while the second is false with ‘All numbers are even or all numbers are odd’ Thus. Counter Interpretation needs to specify 1. Number of objects in the domain 2. Which objects have whichever property a given predicate represents 3. Which objects stand in whichever relation a given relation symbols represent All these are answered in a way of lists 1. 2. 3. 4. List of objects in domain List of constants noting which object of the domain they pick out A list of the properties which predicates represent List of relations which relation-symbols represent Example: For an Interpretation you need: 1. 2. 3. 4. Domain—collections of objects that aren’t empty Referent for each name (which object it names) Properties, list of which object has which property, which object has property B, H, F Relations, which property has relations, pairs of objects standing in the relation, E Strategy: Example Continued Another Example: Week 4--- Monday Section1,4 of Chapter 34, parts of Chapter 25 and all of Chapter 37 Extension of the Fitch System for TFL (things such as IP, X, R still apply) - The basis of the Fitch proofs is still used, the system of old rules we have for the connectives To be able to apply the rules, get down to formulas with connective structures – so ‘\/’ or ‘-->’ and this is what the quantifier rules help us do - Quantifier Rules either 1. Strip off the quantifiers to get the structures 2. Restoring the quantifiers to make sure we have the right form of sentences/formulas we want to derive Identity Introduction - No conditions to derive it - All first order truths Identity Elimination - Represented by ‘=E’ - Once you have the two conditions, you can replace some or all of the s/t with the other The place-holder A stands for Formulas/Sentences Two names of ‘d’ and ‘e’ for example can name the same thing (d=e) - Any case where ‘d’ is used is also true stated with ‘e’ - If something is true when stated using ‘d’ but false when stated with ‘e’, then ‘–d=e’ Example: - ‘My baby is me’ can be symbolized as ‘b=I' Equivalent to ‘I am my baby’ so to ‘i=b’ o Referred to as the symmetry of identity o Can prove it through: Transitivity of Identity Universal Elimination (Universal Instantiation) - The simplest formula close to ‘AxA(x)’ is ‘A(t)’ where ‘t’ is any term-- ‘A(t)’ can be called instance of the universal Can now complete the example from before - The ‘b’ goes in for ‘x’ in 1 and the same for 4 using line 2 *LOOOK AT LAST LINE* YOU CAN REPLACE* Universal Introduction/Generalization - - Have to impose certain restrictions Two conditions in order to guarantee that the use of the name ‘c’ is arbitrary (nothing specific be known about the object named) enough 1. The name ‘c’ must not appear in any premise or any assumption of a sub proof not already ended a. If ‘c’ does appear in any assumption of a sub proof, that assumption must be discharged by the time the ‘AI’ rule involving it is applied 2. ‘A(x)’ must be obtained from ‘A(c)’ by replacing all occurrences of ‘c’ by ‘x’ AND this variable should be new to the formula a. ‘x’ must not appear at all in the formula ‘A(c)’ b. C must be fully taken out of the formula This is correct usage: - Cannot generalize on a name introduced by universal elimination if that name also appears in the premises or a sub proof that is not concluded yet Can generalize on a name introduced by universal elimination if the name does not appear in the premises and it does not appear in unfinished sub proof ‘All A’s are B’s’ - Assumption is already discharged, sub proof is over by the time that ‘AI’ is used Example: Example: Week 4 – Wednesday Remaining Chapters of 34-35 3 is Easy, 4 is something you SHOULD COMPLETE, 5 is something that is hard not necessarily for assignment Existential Introduction/Witnessing - Can replace one or more occurrences of ‘c’ by the variable ‘x’ You can use ‘AI’ as many times as you want, but ‘EI’ you can’t use as many times as you want Example: - But you can use ‘EI’ as many times as you like on what is ultimately the same statement with different instantiations Existential Elimination/ Instantiation - The rule Several Conditions are needed 1. REPLACE ALL INSTANCES OF ‘x’ BY THE SAME ‘c’ 2. ‘c’ must NOT occur in ANY PREMISE or ANY DISCHARGED ASSUMPTION OR IN a. To guarantee it, the name ‘c’ introduced in line ‘i’ is NEW to the proof at that point 3. ‘c’ also must NOT occur in the conclusion of the subproof; ‘B’ must not contain the new name introduced specifically for using Example: Example: THE ORDER THAT THE QUANTIFIERS APPEAR IN MATTERS AS WELL AS THE ORDER YOU EXECUTE ‘AI’ AND ‘EI’!! TIPS: Strategy: Quantifiers interchanges Example: Harder Example: IP is the candidate for the last step All of De Morgan’s Law Equivalences are still valid (tautologies)-Example: (Universal Qualifier Version) Example: (Existential Edition): Week 4 – Thursday Example: Example: Example: FOL is important for expressing claims involving quantities Example: Drinker’s Paradox is first-order validity (One of the examples on Carnap) If someone is drinking, then everyone is drinking