Sections of The Periodic Table Notes The periodic table is a systematic arrangement of the elements by __________________________ (______________) Use crayons to color the following types of elements in the periodic table: a. Vertical Columns = __________________________ g. b. Horizontal Rows = ___________________________ h. c. Line between the METALS and NONMETALS = RED i. d. What type of elements border the stair step line between metals and nonmetals? _________________________ j. e. ALIKALI METALS = GREEN = Group # ____ k. f. ALKALINE EARTH METALS: BROWN= Group # ___ HALOGENS = BLUE = Group # ____ NOBLE GASES = PURPLE = Group # ____ TRANSITION METALS = YELLOW = Group #s _________ INNER TRANSITION METALS = ORANGE CIRCLE the Group #s of the REPRESENTATIVE ELEMENTS NEARPOD: What was your total correct over total possible on the matching on slide 5? __________________