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Pronoun Agreement Rules Worksheet

Please fill out your outline using the pronoun presentation.
Rule 1
a. A pronoun must agree with its…
b. The antecedent is …
c. Use a singular pronoun with a …
d. Use a plural pronoun with a…
e. Singular Pronouns:
f. Plural Pronouns:
a. It’s means…
b. Its means…
c. Possessive pronouns do NOT need…
Rule 2
a. Part 1:
i. When you join two (or more) singular nouns with AND, you create a…
ii. The new puppy AND kitten have destroyed ______ owner’s sofa.
b. Part 2:
i. When you add EACH or EVERY in front of nouns joined by AND, you make
ii. EACH new puppy AND kitten destroy ______owner’s sofa.
Rule 3
a. Use caution with these three correlative conjunction pairs:
i. ___...___
ii. ___...___
iii. ___...___
b. The pronoun must agree with the…
i. Not only Louise but also the Smiths fixed ___ famous stew.
ii. Not only the Smiths but also Louise fixed ___ famous stew.
Rule 4
a. Indefinite Pronouns that are always SINGULAR:
b. Singular Example:
i. Neither of my two brothers show much sense when ____ dates women.
ii. When correcting an agreement error, avoid sexist language that might
offend your readers.
1. Instead of… Someone left their lights on.
2. Try… Someone left his or her lights on.
3. Side note: *The English language is morphing at this moment,
with “they” becoming socially acceptable to use as a pronoun that
is genderless; however, this is not used in academic writing yet.
c. Some indefinite pronouns are ___ or ___, depending on context.
i. Indefinite pronouns that could be singular or plural:
ii. Examples:
1. ALL of Beverly’s hair gets ___ color from a bottle.
2. ALL of Beverly’s fingernails get ___ color from a bottle.
Rule 5
a. Collective nouns are…
b. If all members are acting in unison (together as one), the collective noun is ___
and uses a ___ ____.
c. If all members are acting individually (arguing, disagreeing, in different places at
different times) then the noun is ___ and uses a ___ ___.
d. Examples:
i. The team celebrated ___ win.
ii. The team changed into ___ street clothes and went home happy. (street
clothes is a clue. The team would not have one set of clothes they’re all
iii. Trick to help your brain: insert “members” after the collective noun.
Rule 6
a. Businesses, organizations, and schools are ___ and require ___ pronouns.
b. Example: One urban legend is that Tito’s Taco Palace makes ___ burritos with
Practice- Directions: Find and fix the pronoun agreement errors in the sentence.
Write the antecedent (or word that dictates whether the antecedent is singular or
plural) and the correct pronoun. If the sentence is correct, label it as Correct.
1. Every, its
2. __, __
3. __, __
4. __, __
5. __, __
6. __, __
7. __, __
8. __, __
9. __, __
10. __, __