Why Time to Time AC Maintenance & Servicing is Important INTRODUCTION The majority of business owners choose a central AC system, to offer a comfortable, cozy, and cool environment to the employees. To provide cool air, the central AC is installed inside the building. To maintain the temperature of a place, it is composite arrangement of components and energy sources that endeavor simultaneously. It is crucial to maintain the indoor temperature inside the office in Dubai during the summer months. You must take good care of your air conditioning unit to be assured of utmost efficiency. It leads to difficulties for the employees, when the performance of your AC goes down, which can influence the productivity of the employees. However, such circumstances and difficulties can be prevented very easily. Inadequate routine maintenance is one of the most popular reasons behind the poor performance of the central AC system. UNDERSTANDING THE MECHANISM OF YOUR AIR CONDITIONINGSYSTEM It is essential tofirst understand how your AC works, to understand the necessity of regular AC maintenance in Dubai. You just turn the system at and set it on aparticular temperature keeping in mind surface temperature when you want tocool air. However, it introduces a series of tasks that generate cool airinside the office, the moment you hit the button of your AC system. Initially, theindoor air is immersed through an emitted record and transported to the furnacefor air conditioning that is taming. Consequently, Air passes through a groupof ducts as it has been conditioned; in each extent usually found in the atticof your place and bestows itself across vents. The processes of meeting indoor air and sharing out air are straightforward, but the actual air conditioning is a very advanced practice. It passes through afilter that turns the air of airborne components and pathogens when the airgets in touch with the furnace. The fresh air is powered via the furnace by theblower motor to be acclimated, although these elements are confined in thefilter. After that, from the compressor air travels to the evaporator loops that further accept compacted refrigerant that is set up outside the home. IGNORING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INDICATES HUGE TROUBLES As the air conditioning process is very complex and each component is connected to the other. Any inequality and trouble with any element or component can influence the working effectiveness of the AC. At times, as well as vibration, voltage differences, temperature hangs, dust, and mold growths; people overlook a few molding that is alarming, etc. When neglected for long, these small problems can lead to a greater problem. According to several research because of lack of regular care and maintenance best AC systems breakdown everyone year. CONUCLUSION Ac servicing and maintenance is important and required because it increases its durability and functions nicely. Slow speed, poor performance, and diminished cooling productivity are some common problems people experience with their central AC Sources of :- https://altaeafatechnicalservices.mystrikingly.com/blog/whytime-to-time-ac-maintenance-servicing-is-important CONTECT US FIND US www.altawafatechnicalservices.com