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Travel Vocabulary List

Travel :
Snarl a drive to – to make or become stuck, knotted, or blocked, and so unable to move easily.
Creep up on- to approach someone quietly, so that the person is suddenly surprised. If an event, day, or
condition creeps up on you, you are surprised by its arrival, esp. because it has come gradually
Throw a wrench- to damage or change (something) in a way that ruins it or prevents it from working
Raging brush fire- continuing with great force or intensity fire involving low-growing plants
Notorious- famous or well known,typically for some bad quality or deed
Picks-the act or privilege of choosing or selected,one that is picked
Alternative routes-other possible ways
At the gate-stand at a part of airport where travelers are allowed to get on/off a particular aircraft
To be stuck in traffic-to be unable to get out of (traffic)
To lose its value- to be cheaper than it was before
Allocate- przeznaczyc,to give smth to someone as share of total amount
CEO- the highest-ranking person in a company
Hold the plane-to keep something(plane)
To be emblazoned with-marked or shown in order to be very noticeable,ozdobiony*
Use more common sense-the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us
live in a reasonable way(zdrowy rozsadek)
Check out-prove that smth is true or correct
Carrier contract with carriage-contract between a carrier of goods and passengers
Barefoot-without shoes
Offensive odor-annoyed,distinctive(charakterystyczny) smell,especially unpleasant one
Saggy pants-wearing pants below the waist
To be given a boot-to be told to leave job/school/airport
To be clad only in-to be clothed
At your peril-at ones own risk(used in warnings)
Prime time-the time when the largest number of people are somewhere
Getting stuck in airports-
To keep someone occupied-to give sb smth to do for a period of time,so that they won”t be bothered
Getting in the lineSuspect -to think or believe smth to be true or probably
Embassy-the official residence or offices of an ambassador representing some country
To get an replacement passport-to get another passport which could replace lost
To verify identity-to make sure that the fact of being a person that you are is true,accurate
To keep another on your person-to keep smth in a pocket,bag,or attached to you
To miss a flight-you arrive too late to catch it
To be not served byto provide with something
Snafu-Situation Normal:All Fucked Up-a situation in which nothing has happened as planned
To head for-to go,to be destined to go
Resulting confusion-to cause uncertainty about what is happening
To wait out of storm-wait till the end of storm(bed weather)
To be heading to-in the direction to
To examine –to study smth carefully
To check for updates-to check new information about something
Knowingly-in full awareness
To board a flight-to get on plane in order to travel
Itinerary-a planned route or journey
If the alternative is being delayed for daysReceipts-a piece of paper which proves that money/good have been received
To expense-to be given money back
To raise the bag fees-money that you pay for your baggage
To throw oneself on the mercy of –to beg someone for mercy
To mount a Facebook campaign-to organize and initiate a campaign or other course
To pry a refund-(zadac)to try to obtain a repaymenr=t of a sum of money
To have a credit card handy-(miec pod reka)close at hand
To take cash-to take money in coins or notes
Jokingly-in a humorous manner
To land in jail-end up in prison
Security checkpoints-a barrier where travelers are subject to security checks
Stunning-extremely attractive or impressive(beautiful)
Thriving(syn flourishing)-growing and developing /and very successful
Vibrant-full of life and energy
Cobbled streets-streets with the surface of old round stones
Remarkably-in a n unusual or surprising way
Diverse-of many different kind
Undergo sth-experience a process of change
Restoration-the work of repairing old buildings/paintings
Laze around-relax and do very little
Soak sth up-absorb or take sth into your senses/body/mind
Go for a wander(around/it)-walk slowly without a real purpose or direction
Retain sth-keep something(retention-noun)
Charm-a pleasant or attractive quality or feature
Off the beaten track-far away from other people and houses
Trek-a long hard walk,often in the mountains
Unique-being the only one of its kind
Get away from it all-go somewhere different to have a rest or holiday
Remote(syn isolated)-far from places where other people live
Unspoilt-beatiful because it has not been changed or built on
Unwind/chill out/take it easy/recharge your batteries
ExcitingSpectacularRuralBustling-full of activity and noise
Dark and dingy-dark and depressing(for rooms)
Drab-grey and depressing
Draughty-cold because cold currents of air continually enter it(under the door/through cracks in the
Dreary-boring and depressing
Gloomy-dark and depressing
Godforsaken-horrible/boring and depressing(for towns/cities)
Musty-old and damp-smelling
Damp-smellingPicturesque-very pretty(for buildings/towns/villages)
Plush-very comfortable and expensively decorated(For rooms/hotels/restaurants)
Pok(e)y-uncomfortably small
Seedy-dirty and untidy and generally connected with illegal/immoral activities
Remote-far away from others towns/villages/people
Sleepy-a very quiet place where very little happens
Spacious-very large
Stuffy-lacking fresh air and unpleasant as a result
Touristy-ldesigned to attract tourists(with big hotels/nightclubs/shopping centres
Unspoiled-has not lost its local character because of tourist developments
Above all-especially/in particular
An air fare-the money you pay for a ticket to fly on a plane
Attentive-helpful and polite
To boast-if place(hotel/resort) boasts a particular facility , it has this facility(brochure language)
To book in advance-to reserve a ticket/a hotel room some time before you travel/stay in a hotel
To confiscate sth-to take sth away from sb as a punishment
To consist of-to be made of
Crystal clear waters-transparent water
A custom officer-an official who checks your bags when you go through customs
Direct flight-not stopping anywhere on route
Discerning-sb who has got good taste and enjoys expensive things
To erupt-if a volcano erupts , it explodes
A five-star hotel-a luxury hotel
To get away from-escape from/leave behind
To haggle(over the price of sth)-to argue with sb over the price of sth you want to buy
High/peak season-the time of the year when most people take their holidays
To be jet-lagged-to feel very tired and disorientated as a result of having flown somewhere
To be littered with sth-to have been made untidy and unpleasant by sth
A local speciality-if a particular kind of food or dish is a local speciality,it is common and particularly good in
a certain area
To look onto-to have a view of
To be on offer-to be available to buy or use/be sold at a reduced price
Running water-water that comes from a tap
To soak up the sun-to sunbathe
A stopover-a short stay somewhere during a long plane journey
Stretch of beach-an area of beach
A tariff-the price you pay for a room in a hotel(formal)
To touch down-to land(for aircraft)
To while away the/your time-to spend time in a pleasant way doing sth that does not require too much
physical activity(+-ing form)
Camp site
Self-cateringGuesthouseYouth hostelHoliday campTome-share apartmentCot
VacatedSunbatheDo/go some sightseeingGo for a driveHikingTouringGo climbing/mountaineeringCampingGo on an excursionInjuriesSticky-fingered-a thief
Indicator-a thing that indicates a state/level(wskaznik)
AdventurousPerilous-full of danger or risk
Embassy-the official residence(ambasada)
Abducted-taken away illegally/by force
Cautious-careful to avoid potential problems/dangers
Striking-attracting attention by being unusual/extreme(uderzajacy)
Unscrupulous-having or showing no moral principles/not honest or fair
Lousy-very poor or bad/disgusting(parszywy/wszawy)
The latter-the second of two people/things(ten ostatni)
Downside-a drawback/minus
Overlooking-fail to notice or have a view of from above
ReportedAmenities-useful features or facilities(udogodnienia)
UnawareCommonplace-not unusual/ordinary thing(banal/powszechny)
Upheaval-a violent/sudden change(przewrot)
Populous-having a large population(gesto zaludniony)
Murder rateInvigorate-to make someone feel fresher/healthier/more energetic
Inherent-existing in sth as a permanent/essential and natural part of it(nieodlaczny)
Petty-of little importance/trivial(drobny/malostkowy)
War-torn-severely damaged by a long war
Desperate-feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal
Marauder-a person or animal that goes from one place to another looking for people to kill or things to
destroy or steal
Crave –to have a very strong feeling of wanting sth
Casualty-a person injured or killed an a serious accident or war
Outweigh-be heavier/greater/or more significant
Payoff-a payment made to someone,especially so that they do not cause trouble
Stick around-to stay somewhere for a period of time
Barrio-a district of a town in Spain
Chasm-a very deep opening opening in rock/a very large difference between two opinions or groups of
Hotbed-a place or situation where a lot of a particular activity is happening or might happen
Foreseeable-able to predict
Terrain-an area of land
Rugged-not easy to travel/not delicate
Con men-a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to belive sth that
is not true
Swivel-turning around a central point to face in another direction
Scammer-someone who makes money using illegal methods,especially by tricking people
Grifter-someone who gets money dishonestly by tricking people
Nefarious-morally bad
Rife- widespread;very common or frequent
Flatly-showing little interest or emotion
Prohibit-to officially refuse to allow sth
Even from afar-from a great distance
Ascend-go up or climb(wspiac sie)
Trail-a path through a countryside/walk or move slowly
To reckon with-worth taking seriously because of being powerful/important/good(liczyc sie z)
Unrest-a state of dissatisfaction/disturbance typically involving public demonstration or
Harassment-behaviour that annoys or upsets someone(dokuczanie)
Extortion-the act of getting sth,especially money by force or threats(wymuszenie)
ThundersBe swept up-remove dust,dirt/to pick up someone or sth in one quick,continuous motion
Volatile-likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly(zmienny)
Genuine coup-an unexpectedly successful achievement
Carjacking-the crime of stealing a car
Mugging-an act of attacking someone and stealing
Buck-a dollar
HemisphereAbduction-the act of making a person go somewhere with you ,using threats or violence
Be cautioned-be warned
Extremist-a person who holds extreme political or religious views/advocates illegal,violent action
Yield-produce or provide sth
RiddenAssailant-a person who physically attacks another
Gripped-to hold very tightly
Escalate-to become or make sth become greater or more serious(zwiekszac)
Militant-active/determined/often willing to use force(wojowniczy)
Proprietor-the owner of a business or a holder of property
To operate-control the functioning of a machine/process/system
Behold-to see or look at sth or someone
Abound-exist in large numbers or amounts
ChasmRampant-getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way(nieokielznany)
Afar-at or to a distance(daleko)
Rustic-relating to the countryside/rural
Cobblestone-small/round stone used to cover road surfaces
Superpower-a very powerful and influential nation
To stroll-to walk in a slow/relaxed way,for pleasure
To take one’s toll on sth-to have a serious/bad effect on sth,to cause damage or harm
To down(a beer/a sandwich)-to consume/eat/drink sth
To dine-to eat a dinner(in a restaurant)
Daunting-seeming difficult to deal with(zniechecajacy)
Prospect-the possibility of some future events(perspektywa,przyszlosc)
Laneway-a narrow road or path(pas ruchu)
Splendor-a great beauty(przepych)
Cultural legacy-heritage of culture
To hold a candle-to not be as good as the person or thing mentioned/compare to someone or sth
Spectacular-beautiful in dramatic and eye-catching way(popisowy)
Come armed withDeceptively-misleading impression(zawodniczo)
Straightforward-uncomplicated/easy to do and understand
Piazzas-a public square
Trattorias-Italian restaurants
Ad hoc urban-created for the purpose of the city
Masterpiece-a work made with great skill
Spot-a particular place or point
Pilgrim-a person who travel for religious reasons
Revelation-a surprising and previously unknown fact
Gelato-ice cream
Come up with-to suggest or think of idea or plan
To market-advertise or promote
Exclude-to intentionally not include smth
Creche-a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day(zlobek)
Incorporate-to include smth as part of something larger
Inaugural-making the beginning of an institution,activity
Tackle-to try to deal with smth or someone
Joint-smth belonging/shared between two or more people
Quiant-attractively unusual/osobliwy
Breed-a particular type of animal or plant
Offset-to balance one influence against an opposing influence
Signage-signs collectively,especially public display signs
Floor barReception desk- desk at which a receptionist works
Impairment-act of making smth weaker so that less effective
Hand-rail-a rail to posts or a wall for people to hold on or to support
Ramp-a surface joining two different levels
Motorised buggy-a small motorized vehicle designed for a particular purpose
Signs in Braille-a tactile sign that can be reached by touch
ProviderProvision-the action of providing or supplying something for use
Grant-a sum of money given by government for particular purpose
Voucher-a piece of paper that allows you to pay less than ususal price
Handout-smth given free to a needy person
Interest-free loan-borrower does not have to pay interest(procent)
Carrier-a company that operates aircraft
Do/study subjects
Go to/enter university
Pass examinations (A levels)
Get/obtain a place at university
Get-receive a grant (money paid for living expenses, food, accommodation)
Tuition-the money paid for teaching ;teaching
Undergraduates-a student at a university who is studying for 1 degree
Testimonial-a statement from employee which explains what they like about their job/company
Courses last/go on for/continue for
A degree-qualification when you complete the university course successfully(BA/BSc)
Graduate-someone who completed the first degree
Postgraduate course/degree=postgraduates(MA/MSc,MPhil,PhD)
Conduct/do/carry out research into/in
To give/do a lecture
Remuneration-money paid for work
Manual-relating to or done with the hands
White-collar-it a work performed in an office or other administrative setting
Blue-collar-work performed by a manual labor
Arduous-requiring effort; difficult and tiring
Fulfilling –making someone satisfied or happy
Administrative-relating to the running of a business, organization,
Glamorous job- attractive in an exciting
Stimulating job-o stimulate something means to encourage it to begin or develop further
Mind-numbing-extremely boring
Gruelling-extremely demanding and tiring
Hazardous-risky; dangerous
Mundane-lacking interest or exicitement
Secure-safe ;positioned firmly
Strenuous-needing or using a lot of effort or energy
Civil servantExecutive-a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business.
Viable-capable of being done
Go on strikeWork to rule-Work-to-rule is a job action in which employees do no more than the minimum required by
the rules of their contract
Assembly-line-a line of machines and workers in a factory
Credentials/references/application-a qualification, achievement, quality, or aspect of a person's
Testimonial-an official statement from an employee which explains what they like about their job or
Vocation-a strong feeling that you are especially suited to do a particular job
Employment-the state of having paid work
ProfessionGrantTradeOccupation-a job or profession/zawód
Be expelled-officially make (someone) leave a school or other organization
To be laid off-to leave their job,especially temporarily
To be made redundant-your employer tells you to leave bcs your job is no longer needed
Perks-something extra you get, in addition to a salary, in exchange for working
Bonuses-a sum of money added to a person's wages as a reward for good performance
BenefitsGo on the picket line-go and stand outside a factory
Salary/wages/profits-get at the end of month/week,depend on hours worked/financial benefit realized
when revenue generated from a business activity
Trainee/apprentice/recruit-a person undergoing training for a particular job/a young person who works for
someone in order to learn their skill/a new member of an organization, especially the army
Head office/department/boardroom- the most important office of a company / a separate part or branch
of a government,business /a room in which a board of directors of a company meets
The paper-shuffler-a person who pretends to be working
The strirrer-a person who intentionally causes problems
The slave driver- someone who makes another person work very hard with little or no help or
The techno-freak-into electronic gadgets
To apply for a job- you write a letter or email, or fill in a form in order to ask formally for it
To land a job-to find a job and be hired
The yes-man-a person who always agrees with boss ,likes to please the boss
The wizz-someone who does the work very quickly
A wet-blanket-a person who spoils other people’s fun
Maternity leave-time off from a job given a mother to take care of a newborn child
To be away on sick leave-a period of time that a worker is allowed to be away from work because he is ill
To be made redundant-your employer tells you to leave bcs he no longer needs you
To make/earn one’s living-to earn the money one needs to pay for food , etc
Work shifts-work in turns , at different times on different days
Incentives-something that encourages a person to do something
Trade union-an organized association of workers
To quit one’s job-to give up a job or position, especially when you have had it for a long time
Forensic-relating to courts of law
Reciprocal-given, felt, or done in return
Run own business-to operate the company , business
Abodes-the place where someone lives
Rehearsal-a practice or trial performance of a play
To add up toPlasterer-tradesman who works with plaster (interior wall)
Hauliers-a person or company employed in the transport of good/materials
Tipper-a large truck for transporting heavy loads
Rewarding-providing satisfaction
Faint with envy-jealous
To have the patience of a saint-to always be calm and never allow anything to upset you
Unheard of-surprising or shocking because not known about
Dead beat-a person who is not willing to work and does not behave in a responsible way/completely
Inflamed-red, painful because of infection
Chopsticks-a pair of sticks used for eating especially by Japanese
Utensils-a tool/container or other article for household
Hangover-a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol
In the dim and distant past-a time in the past that is not clearly remembered
ScrubbingDung-the excrement of animal
Trays-a flat container – taca
Template-a pattern made of metal/plastic/paper used for making copies
Pint-a measure for liquid/half a litre
Greenhouse-a glass building in which plants are grown
Spiky-covered with spikes/easily annoyed and not polite
Splinters-a small piece of wood/glass/plastic- drzazg
Sting- żadlo
Vaguely-in a way that is not clearly expressed/a little
To go to the expense of-to spend money on something
Telesales-selling of goods over the telephone
Yellow pages-telephone directory listing business and other organisations
Lingerie-women’s underwear
Civil serviceMaggot-small worm
Stench-unpleasant smell
Appalling-causing shock or dismay
Film Buff-a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about films.
To be in seventh heavenClairvoyant-a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events
To acquire-buy or obtain
Candyfloss-fluffy,machine spins it
Spun sugar-hardened sugar syrup
Duster-a cloth for dusting furniture
Civvy street-ordinary life
Hangar-a large building for housing aircraft
Bridal shopBride-to-be-a women who is soon to be married
Fluff-soft fabrics such as wool
Threads-a long thin strand of cotton
SpatulaCongenital-something present at birth but not necessarily inherited from the parents
Haulage-the commercial transport of goods
Deputy- the second most important person in an organization such as a business or government
Invariably- things that don't change and never vary — they're predictable
Sod-used to refer to a person, especially a man, that you are annoyed with or think is unpleasant.
Retirement-to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
To be on secondment-an assignment of a member of one organization to be temporary transferred to
another company
Relocation-the action of moving to a new place and establishing one's home or business there
Transferable skills-qualities that can be transferred from one job to another/ helpful across different
areas of life: socially, professionally and at school
A glass ceiling-referring to an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from being
point after which you cannot go any further, usually
in improving your position at work:
Advancement-promotion, as to a higher rank
Corporate culture- a set of beliefs and behaviors that guide how a company's management and
employees interact
Red tape-Red tape is defined as a lot of official forms and procedures that are involved before
something is accomplished
Staff turnover-the number of employees that leave your company and need replacing in a set amount
of time
Clock in and clock out- to record your time of arrival at work, usually by punching a time clock; to
begin work. To clock out is to record your time of departure from work; to end work.
A pecking-order-the way that the positions people have are arranged according to their status or
power within the group.
To talk shop-re talking about their work, and this is boring for other people who do not do the same
Job-sharing-an arrangement in which two people share the work and pay of a single full-time job
Hierarchical-arranged in order of rank,position
Repetitive-happening again and again
To knock off-stop working
A dead-end job- a job where there is little or no chance of career development and advancement into a
higher paid position
Allowance-a sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses
Pension-a regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to
some widows and disabled people
Expenses-the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something
Holiday entitlement-the number of days of paid holiday in a year that a worker is entitled to
Comprehensive healthcare provision- covering completely or broadly money, staff, equipment and
drugs are combined to deliver health interventions
Subsidized canteen-canteen where the company bears a certain amount of the food expense and the
rest is paid by the employees of that organisation.
Encounter-experience/meet unexpectedly
Degree of stress=amount
Be not accountable to anyone but yourselfLucrative-producing a great profit
To juggle-to balance
Encroach upon-to gradually cover more and more
Solely-only/not involving anyone else
Insight into-accurate and deep understanding of something
Foster-to encourage the development or growth
Pooling-collect together for shared use(people/money)
Mutual-given and received from two sides/towards the each other
Undermine-to make someone less confident/powerful
Stifle-stop oneself acting
Enterprise-eagerness to do smth new and clever
Initiative-the ability to give new ideas,solutions before others do
Toll-pay to use road or bridge
Labour-work hard making physical effort
The board-top management/zarzad
Deposed-remove someone important from a powerful position/removed from office forcefully
Meet a deadline-to finish work on time
Teleworker-work from home
Stuck in a rut-too fixed in one particular type of job
Plant manager-the head of a factory