Fasciolopsis buski Echinostoma ilocanum Shape Elongate-ovoid Flat, elongated (attenuated ends) Ceca paired, simple w/lateral indentations Excretory Bladder Suckers Unique Feature Metagonimus yokogawai Paragonimus westermani (narrow anterior, broadly rounder posterior) Pyriform Minute Egg-shaped, coffee-bean Thick, fleshy paired, simple Paired, simple Paired, simple Paired, simple - - - - Long, slightly convoluted pouch OS is smaller than VS OS smaller than VS VS (deflected to the right of midline) OS and VS equal size Circumoral disc OS – small VS – larger, thick, muscular Genital sucker Collar w/2 alternating rows of spine (left posterior border of VS) - Heterophyes heterophyes Adult Pyriform - - Male Reproductive System Testes Cirrus Sac Cirrus Organ Ovary Vitellaria Uterus Laurer’s Canal Paired in tandem Highly dendritic Paired in tandem Deeply lobed - - single, branched Single, branched Finely granular @posterior end Paired Oval Absent Absent Female Reproductive System @posterior ¾ of lateral fields Medium sized follicles @lie obliquely side by side Paired Oval - Paired Deeply lobed Absent Absent @anterior to testes @middle @lobed to the left of VS small, subglubose single, globose Large Coarsely granular Parallel fan-shaped Extensively branched follicles - Tightly coiled rosette - @posterior 3rd of lateral fields, 14 each field Large, polygonal follicles Ovum short, no seminal receptacle - Ellipsoidal, large hen’s egg Ovoidal Straw-colored Minute Light brown Minute Operculum Small Operculated Indistinct Slightly distinct shoulders Oviposition - - fully embryonated when laid fully embryonated when laid - Lophocercous Opthalmolophocercous - Lophocercous Opthalmolophocercous - Microcercerous-Xiphidio (w/spines-minute) Ellipsoidal Shape Broadly ovoidal Thickened posterior end Minute Flattened distinct Cercaria Commonly Used Term - - Shape - -