Orscyete metric space: Lat if olt) Re Suts: i In Evermetric cx sel +anc be a y+ x 7 R Sueh if- cliscvete topolojn ever sel is open space is a topolojicalSpace buL the m47 ma nol be 2 tnu anc 9 ol x-R i )= 1x-lisusual metric space Discrele lopoloi: Px) is also a topoloj on X anc is Calleo a oliscrete topelo . Tncliscrete Calleo anc topolojn x on Lopaleu, is also a is inoliscrele topolo *j3 T Open Ball: BLdo, Y)=zey ollz,Zo)LYj,wheve o eTPCK Closecl Ball exol na)Y B) sphere: So, ) ey = dz, Theorem: Ever open ball in Open set; i Because e0t, 16 A= s 2 )cA m: Ever Result: 9n Remayk: Ever ii = (I-o.S, 2 is an open intenal that e BlY)CA 12 usual melic space) Such 1-Ss) metric ? A . space ,becaus 2]CA open is cliscrete metic open ball is an open sei oliscrefe metric Ever metric space tt o.J) = (o:S, open in dliscrete Eyample: B-3)s heoYe Y7o ZotY) BMo)=2-Y, not open in t,2s o.5) vj = usua neA, 3 a real number Example: H-{t, 7) open ball space are in BoY) space metric space ( o)) Y x Singleton sets in oliscvete Subset in oliscvete metric space is Y2 metie space both open ancl closecl Resulf: Sinltons sets in uual metnc space are close = 1R x = because Let A-, x)UNi ) A open A i A1s closed Scanned with CamScanner 6uestion:iiy+ ol M,7)= olX) LD Y4 iv yt9, = max ola) +13 b| lx| lql3 l) l)i -) dl)=Jx- space not melric space is is metnc nol is nolmelnc cl) V I olis ametic metmc space isnot me tric space l) then space space olx)- min (1, olLu)) s So ol)is an space anol cl,)bn 14 metnc oltx)).then (, space Xol) is nol metic A seuence in y is a space (Xl). metnc Consiclen a Seyuence: oleno te b is usuall Sevuence ils vane functionw * nisseyuence x in X set.e X-Remark: I n is Finite number then nis inite othenis X. x, n inhnile Convexjent Sevuence: sevuencen A Convev{ent in X if va val numbe natu Such nalu oltn, x) Callec n Remavk:)U Lm n n2 n Example:x- 1R, Lim Xn = ne olu,) tov that a space in a meic (X,ol) iven o there exist n is Converjen is a vnzn. E B(X, €)then = lx-z| ol(An,X) = Take Xna E= too nz 96 htS Remavk: Limit ot Seyuences alwa unvu is nol Converse but Seyuence Ever isbounoleo i) Ever Convejent not Converjent bounolecd is but n n ,neN i 7 E fov =- tnue space (X, ol) is metric Sevuence {n Caucha Seyuence: a nalural number o exist there Called Cauch f for a fiven o Such that for all m,n2 no is a A n Exampl ov -) olln, Ol2n,Zm) E Xm) x min Xm) = b 1R as nm ollxr)= 1x-j n is a cauchy Kn=CoSnA n sevuence Scanned with CamScanner n oll 7) |*-al no 6 npmon. where ol(Xni Xm)n is a cauch sequnCe Re Sult: Even Convevfent Sevuenca is a Cauch1 Sevuen ce lonverse ma ov ma not be tvuL = a Cauch SeyunnCe Xn in k l-j, (o,1]c ola) 12, =is Xo (o, 1]. but 0 but nol Coniverfent in x, Nn Comp lete spacg: Amelric space Ko) is known aJ Complele metic ever cauch seuene is Converjenž in X Space Examplex: j 2, ct) ,lCid), (2.l), Ccel), (o,i),cd), U, el) are all Complete metnc space yaople = X X=2 a t iBut Bur (o,1), ort), la, b) ete are nol Complele wis not Comple te 10- set vational numberi) ol= 1X-] Continuotus function ={x: [4. b] cla,b) R,ir olcg)= max)-jco te Carb ContYacl1on; Let (x,el) be a bLalI . metric space A self mafp :X X Contraction mapfpin. if there exist a veal numbe a such to be saiol is S Complete. that ollfex, fe)) L ol ) g t) 6YoHa), cl1) Fixed poinz: Consiole a self map T: X X on d space Df X is Callec ixec poinl of TfT=X heorem Everq Contraction map is unifsmn Conbiuous X A poinZ Continuous metric space: Let (x,cl),ly, ') be metric space and a Continuouus function.Then an fov a y anc/ aEX be t:K there is a rea numbev -SCaE) Yeal number Eo, Such thati that xEX d'f), Continuous metnc space: A olXa) Unilorm unifoml Continuos on number if ven olepenols on Such thal xEX CE),shich DavticulaY poinl eneralieol X a triangular Inesualit z: Foy space Then metic oltxZ)L oltX2a)++ol(%0 )+-_- fea)) e & anj y saicl to be these is a rea nol on the fx function , o eonlzanc o is a) 28 X ntX,where Xa(n , n) Scanned with CamScanner X 1 Banach Fixeol point theorem: Let LXd) be anc T be a Contya ttion map on x, lhen n x. poin 4 e Complete T has a Eyereise: Let x= clo, x cleine and TX i2 is exist Finel the xeol point of T Theotem: Let (X,ol) be a Complete metnic space self map If uniayue fineol i T x point is a Conlraction metic unnu space fixeol as Tt)- {(xlt) 4)) anc :X-x map, be a Then T hay a ADPLicotion of Bannach Contracion theorem: et F:Rxa. b] 2 be Conbinuous Funçhion. such that |EO,t)- FAt)1EL|x-a1 anc tela, bJ, then X anc e2 the diHerential euation cpt) subject to la)=has uniayu a solutiom where L an posibue rea number Note The inidial valeue problem has a univue Soltion i the a folloaing interal eyualion t) has univue Solution FCu,u) cleu BuPATion: Solve. oiHerential evuation by xeg point methoo (X+t)t Subjecl to tonolition lD) =o anc oLt42 t3 i clt 7+t)esubject to conolition xu)=4 ano 14tL3. R be Continueus anh Imptict Function theorem: Lt F:Rx(a,b] 12 G,t)= Fat)+ Fxa, b) be olehineoa Assume that there euisis a number kl such that o KL Then the euation Ft)=o lehine a uniuue Coninuols function o 1 tem uestion: Fl,t) t+ sinttx)that *shos nt) is Continuous and = à Satishe Suestion: FXit)= o F:2x1 thal Xlt) is RR d X-3+ d that Fx, t)- x(t-) + Shots Contintuotls anc satis fes Fx,t)=o Fx,t)=o BueSon:D Mappinp in elemenlarj jeome ty which hauve a single fined puoint such Dwhich hare in hnitel man1 tixeo Po ints Scanned with CamScanner bluestion: Let x={x tM 1x21jC 2 ancl let the mapping Txx a contrachon anc T be clehnec bj T = 4 then the b = point ixeol Bonach Remark; smallest In ano can nol 7:X If be omitleol X satis hes is essenbial Completeness theorem ol TT) dl7) when +1 ano) T ha is uninue point hnecl then Fineol point, pornt hmeol a hag Continuous funetion Eve functionrom a space v(a normet fbe Lineay Function : et F:NF space).nen veclor Flhelol of helo to space) and an 4 tor 1éw functio a Linear to nai be is saic bfCJ)=af)4 +bd) a.bEF space W M a norme0 fom operator: uneay T:w et Extension of Subspace "A" a Consicler rotov. ope lineay a space M be to a normeol H olehineo A function T:AM b of N. T1A olenoteal A b 7 to restncton ancis of Calleol Subsefž is 1 TA a for if of exlensiDn -Thu an 1 S The operaly aineay operatoT:AM,a anc funcion anol A of an edenSin then Ti's TR=T eh. that M is such a a ect ax a TT T:w of T ope rator is alwa binea Linear of Remayk: Therestnicton vestncl10n oF a Linea opermtoy a uniyue vatoy ope Lineay is alsa exzension ef a There one than more be iij There Can A function P:U space a uinea be v het xeu Finite Function: tov fov all xeU hnite is Convex to be Finile it a p is said function Funclion: A p:UPis Saio to be xeU Convex pu20 property) ous propet noTmf semi homejeneous o homeene function (+ve 0 a2 XEU = ap)b pLa)= +P) i)pLr)P) Rpd i where E Eyampl: The space (suba olotihve propert l-1:V funion Dom saCohve where Vis hunction Scanned with CamScanner a hormec Hahn-Banac h theoremfo real space et p be a inite Convex unction odehined on a real space (Lineav space) V anc let Ube a Subspace of U. Lat ,:U R be a Linear funcion S. )Plc) xetU-O Then Can be extended to a lineay function f olehned on t U Such that kx)pl) preper the set ilh oYn's emma: het y be a Daytially odereol that eve Chain in X has an upper bounol. Then x Contashg maxima element pavtial ordlered set: A Set M is Callecl partiall avclereo set velation pavlial is binay on M, that is a cleine oder ifa anol satishes the conolitions which is wntlen ) Reflexivilj a4a 9f aLb (Antisymmetnic) bea then a=b a tb be C then a L CCtransibive maximal element, of sep, where P, s) is 4 Nofe: B Partiall oderecl set,we mean an element me Ssuch thal anq SE Si mS spaces A topologica function be X,Y Let HomeomaYphism y is saio to be a homeomphism if hx Continuotus Continuous is F i f is isbijecbire aeM u a t is mapping the of properti mophism Homeo aiven b T(0) = odEF X Transtation Mappinj: 12:NT(0) Continuws Functhon in sContimwy on X it F 8en Zo X Da X,éd oixed Topolojical Spaces: A funchim fy v euey at point ol K is ConTihuos Scanned with CamScanner emm: ball inNThen Remavk space ond N be a nomed el B(o Y) = B(o,) be an open Zot YGloj t) Bo;v)v)-yBlo; /))=B( 0; 1) hemma: Le 7 be a surjecbive Continuous uineay operalr rom a Benach space to a Canach space M (i:e T:NM) to n hen 1 open bal BCo;I), the image TB(o; 1)) Contains an en ball in Mwith Center at the ori8ion The Open Mapping Theorem: het n and M be lanach spaces anol 7:N M be a Surjecbive Continuous Lineay operaloY 1 hen 7 is an open mapping CovolLan et N enod M be Bannach spaces and T: 5 M bea biiechve Continuous LineaY openalor.Then T is a homeomophisnm anc (M, -.) be notmeo spaces and Deknibions Let A,0) p-{) xeEM} on muliplicoD scala uestion: F a oblibim d(7)= loy CX1) EP space a o1mec Pal = Il-+- }|llo lCll, Garaph o T rom mapping da) qpll= (lIiz1P/l 1pt Ile P 2 llxql,=max(Iklllljllo) Anpther norm on P is n (J)+O7 )=+x"7)- ana spa ces N and M two normed an space M Danach (ATN-3M) to Banach Space w For vephafT callecl he dehne the set CaTO T)eNis ano spaces tnic So Gre me are M Remark: i since N and inelucecl metnc the under P= prodUCL wxM spaces, their HausclorH bb In space metic on nom Pis the M spcces n topuloical two 1eneral tr GT of aLgo 4 mapping T:N-3M G the the ph ph Subspact of closeo moy nol be M Scanned with CamScanner case a ot norme spaces ef the eph conbinu D the connibn exba some closeol ith is alwo ppnT:NM 9n we hae a maYe Complete resul spaces and M Banach be and Closeo raph Theorem: het N Continucus T operatoy is Then i£ Lineay M a be T:N The vaph of T is a closeod subspace3of Ny th and nameo spaes M be N and Opevatoy: at loseo Lineay operalor space ineav A nome a Subspace of X be a fo all Seruences . closeolit be to Sasol M is T:x X in hich to Convege to eN xe that Such jeM Conve3 M be and nw Theorem2: et Lineay operator T: X in XxM NA Theorem: het the seuence | Tnot x name M ano =T spaces ancl X be n image in M sub ace aSp o4 is Close GT iH closeo is anc spaceg and normeal ancd M be closec is T Then openalsY Lineay n T:W-5M T:N-SM bounlec opeator Linear closecl Surjecbve a M be Theorem: het TA bounclecl is it Texist, inverselT) of the vanant in is it i If if omeln Calleo is mapping then A ano 4.ol), ISomel map b(X,ol) a be S V olislance. isanisomel is a If oltfoo X feg))= ol) M of a metnic space X Subset RareloRNoLhere olensej:A closure X its olense) in noshere Raraloy be to is Sa no intenor poinlsS Mhas Mea jer (or 1SL be to said Cateior): A meaerin Subsel M x to l to Sal non-meajer be space is the union of Counlabl ifMis is are in x shich sets each ef many A Subset Me4qerl2CaLeag) Non in y ofa metic F M M of is space x metic not meajer a Scanned with CamScanner în is y spaces) Lamplote metie Baire 's Catejon Theoem it il is non- meage then at in X deast If ametic itself Herce U Ak is Complete, x d space if x+ i's Comple te an0 (Ak Close d) one A Conlalns a non-epty qpen Subet Unitovm Boundlecinesc Theolem Let (7,) be a seuence of Y fom a lanach Space K mo bounoled Lineay operalor n: K a nomec space y Such that T,is ever xe for bounolel where C nomsllUnll ,llC a is is n= v23 he seanuence ot real number. Then the C hal Such a is there is bounoleolthat n= \,2,3, IThll C Buestion: Shous that T: 2-2 TSopen Ls themapping R -- lehinecl ba G»&) given b Gr) R G) 1o) an oper mappi map closec nol open mappin need 6uestion: Shos thal an Sets onto close sets a nam on XxY dehines +llqll Buestion lCll= xll oehnec! are anol X Y XxY of nomeo space prooluct on the Question pl&)= buestion: show Ty 1lUag)ll max 1l, lgi Y = (li«e/ linear ofa that theraph GT) iS a vecto Subspace o la2 operat XxY. XxY with U=XxY V= ith Shos thal thal Shol spaces. Banach are Buestion: Tf x anolY space. Gannach a = llxll +lgll is nom lon)ll Eigenvalueg: An ejenvalue f SUUare malin t=Cogk) is a NX has Solution xao0 Ax= numbe Such thot thi's then Solution x ti's x#o, has Tf Ax= ELjenvec N eisenvelue to CoTesponalins otH egenvecloy an called is Eijen SpaceThe eijenvectors Covesponoling to ejenialuen ancd the tero vector tom a vector Subspace of y which is callecl the ejenspace et A Coresponoling to ejenvalue ^ x Scanned with CamScanner of Specturm The set ef specturm of A. It is notedb TA) Resolvent Sel: The Complement of spectum A all egenvalues Complex plane CA) eoYem ode ancd is the Caled the the in, ofA A-lenoteol b set of vesolvenl lalled the is as inePA)=-TUAJ Ejenvalues ofa matni 1 he ejen values t an soltiong the ot bj A=Ciy) iven are n-Yosed Svuare malrix the charactensbc evuation det(A- I) A. Hence A has Gt least one eitenValue (oncl al mest n-numemcally olHerent f senualues) Lheu1emEisenvatues of an Operator): All matrices represenb a iven lineaY operator T: y on a hinite limensiona x noY eo space Yelotive to Various bases for x x have the Sarne ejhenvalues Similay motricey An nyn matnx 12 is saol tu be Similay an nyn matrix 11, if there exisls to non- singular matrin C Such that T hen hulols. CTC T and T 12 are Calleol Similar matrice8. Remark i Two matriceg Yepresenting the Same Linea inear opesato 7 on hnile dimenSieinal nameo space Yelative ty ave X to an bas Similay a io Similay malice8 have Che Seme eijenuakies3 Basic Concepl T- Resdvent operator rs 2-T)= TAIJ Scanned with CamScanner X# of be a Complex homeol space and a lineay openalor with olomajin D CT)C A vejulay X. of Tis & Complex number Such that Regular value: Let T:DT) velue x R,UT) exists 2T) Gset shich is bouncleol uy RT) is olehineod on olense inx Resolvent set: The resolvent set T) of Tis the set of allYejulaY value8 of T Spectum: The complemend of resolvent set in the complex is Calle the spectrum of T ancd eC(T) is Calleo plane a speciyal value efT. PUT) TT)= spectrum cliscrete spectum Poin speclvum:The point A not exist. does RT) Such set that the pT) is of 7. eigenvalue an callec is EGp(T) is the sel Continuous SpecLrum: The Continuous spectum T) such that R,T) eists anol sabivhes R(T) iolehineo ona set shich is dense in x but nol satisfes RT) is bounoleo!. Resiolual Spectum: The resrolual Spectrum G(T) is the Set Such that Pa1)eisIS(anol may or mon not be bounoleol) bul not saiShe RT) is olehneol on a set which is olense iny Note The spectrum of a lineay operator on a hnite olimensiona space is Dure pvint spectum OCT)= TAT) = Q),where T ineay operato So everspecta value LS an eijenvalu an inhnite climensional, then Linear operatoy 9F is Can have speclral Values hich are nol eigenualues T X X boundeod OpenazoA Lineat openalor >M is Calleo T:N is - s boundlec if 3c7o Such thal l11Tl cllxl Scanned with CamScanner Remarks 9t T y Lineay and Kis Xis bounoleo anc Lineay Completer enol iF fov Some vesolvent RT) exist anol the isolehneol on the wholl Space Xthen tov thal thi Yesolvent is bounaled.. emmg: het y be a Complex Banach space 1:X operatoy ano PT)» Asume that is bTis e bounledThen RCT) space y ano aT is Xa eay Linea closecl on the shole olehned is bounolecl Theorem (Lnverse): et Te BCXx), wheve Xis a Canach spaxe. then (L-T)exists TIlL, as a bounoleol Lineay operatay on the hole Space x ano = (1-T) T +TT If TT here he sene on he izhl is Converzent in te nom on U%) Spectrum close Theorem: The esolvent set PT) of a boundlol linea operator 1 on a Complex Banach space X is open. hence the speclroum T) is closeol De0ye sentation 1 heorem Resalueni: For X and T as in pectum closedd theorem ancd eve N€ fT) the resolvent RT) has the represenlation Jo the seies being absbleilel Converjenl tr eve olisk iven bg I-ol in Thi's disk is a subset the of fuT) Spectum1heotem; The spectum T) ef operato T:x X on a Complex Ganngch und Lies in Hence the the olisk Yesolvenl iuen b I set gT) Tis in Ühe open Complex Plane a bounoleol space TI Kis Compacl not empt Scanned with CamScanner Linear Spectval vacius: The spectral vadius YgT) of an perator Te BlX, x) on a Complex anach space x is he vacius 1 T)=Sup eGT) the Smallest closeel ef cdisk centereod al the origin Complex plane and tontainint CT) Remavks T)IlTI Guestion: Let where VEX Anstwe: eestion X= Cc[o, ') S Hxed. specl rum Hinol 0C1) = vlo,ij Finc a Linear isa 3iven Answe anol olefine ef be (T)=mT n T:x (wole (hat (a, b] openalov T: inlenal la, b] bb Tx= Ux Vx TT) is Closeal) XK c[o,1]- clo,1] ,shoje T: CCo) Clo) S.t T= V. buestion: f Y ij the eigenspace Corvesoncling to an eenvaluk an operato T> wha is the spectrum of Ty? Anter: C(T)= Hermitian matrix: The enenvalues of a Hermibian matnx Azlj) are rea skes-Heamtian matrix: The eigenvalues ot a Skes- Hemban malri A=jik) ae pune imajinar or tero Unidar matriy: The eijenvalues of a unitaj malrin haue hane absolute value spectal Mappin 7heorem to polnomias Let x be a Cemplex Banach space, Te B(x,x) ano + Then PT)) of the openalov pT)= T+ PlaT)) that is (n t0) the spectum T(PT)) the n-) n- +t thove d,L 3L5 pveu'sel Consi sls consi of all values which the ponomial p assume on the spectvum aT) of T Scanned with CamScanner Theovem (Linea Convesponoling inoleperolune) Eigenvect rs to aliHerent eigenvalues N Lineay operatoY on a T anolepenolent set. vecto Space X -- X:, V2j -- " - n hn of a Constbtule a Linearly Scanned with CamScanner