Any child below eighteen years old who committed an offense should be regarded as children in conflict with the law. – International Rights of the child Refers to anyone under 18 who comes into contact with the justice system as a result of being suspected or accused of committing an offense. EXAMPLE AGGRAVATED ASSUALT - The unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury • Striking or threatening to strike a person with a weapon or dangerous object VANDALISM Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property ROBBERY AND STEALING - Is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, treat of force, or by putting the victim in fear Causes • Meeting • •Family Basic Needs The need to have a parental care Problem •Influence • Peer Pressure of Alcohol CHILD AT RISK Refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances. CAUSES • being abused by any person through sexual, physical, psychological, mental, economic or any other means and the parents or guardian refuse , are unwilling, or unable to provide protection for the child • being exploited including sexually or economically • being abandoned or neglected and after diligent search and inquiry, the parent or guardian cannot be found. •coming from a dysfunctional or broken family or without a parent or guardian • being out of school • being • a street child being a member of a gang • living in a community with a high level of criminality or drug abuse • living in situation of armed conflict AGENCY Objective of Agency to CICL and CAR : • Rehabilitate, reintegrate into the mainstream of society and facilitate their accesse to development opportunities CENTER BASED: 1. CASEWORK/ GROUP WORK SERVICES The focus is on treatment and rehabilitation of children who have undergone traumatic experiences that may affect their growth and development as human beings 2. ORGANIZATION OF SUPPORT GROUPS Examples are survivor groups or parent groups , etc to assist in the rehabilitation efforts of children victim. 3. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC INTERVENTION Refers to test and other models of assessment as well as therapeutic session extented to the child to determine aptitutes, capacities, interest and behavioral problems to facilitate treatment in accordance with the individual needs. 3. MEDICAL SERVICES In the form of referral for medico- legal examination, hospitalization and medical; treatment if indicated. 5. LIVELIHOOD SERVICES Refers to the provision of akills training and grant of capital assistance to enable to child and family to engage in income producing activities to alleviate their financial difficulties and improve their economic condition 6. GROUP LIVING SERVICES/ HOME LIFE SERVICES The provision of well balance organizes and non-formal activities to the children which are geared towards achievement of treatment/ rehabilitative goals for the child and the group as a whole 7. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Provides opportunities for the continuing education of the children through formal and non- formal education in cooperation with the department of education and NGO's 8. SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES Attendance at church. Bible studies and fellowships that would bring the children to the knowledge of the creation. 9. Functional literacy Provides alternative education, cultural activities such as art and music session, theatre work shops, turoring, spiritual guidance to develop creativity and critical thinking 10. PROVISION OF LIMITED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE To meet needs for food, clothing, foot wear, transportation assistance, school supplies and emergency needs for medicines. 11. ISSUANCE OF TRAVEL CLEARANCE To minors travelling alone or with only one parent 12. RECREATIONAL, SPORTS AND OTHER SOCIO-CULTURAL ACTIVITIES The provision of a wide range of both indoorand outdoor activities to encourage and motivate the children to participate on the basis of their interest and needs. As much as possible, community facilities can be used. HELPING PROCESS A. COMMUNITY BASED 1. After Care Services 2. Conduct of Critical Incidence stress Debriefing (CISD) 3. Family Reunitification and Counseling SOCIO-LEGAL SERVICES 1. Diversion/Mediation 2. Release on Recognizance 3. Custody Supervision PERTINENT LAWS INTERNATIONAL UN CRC – ARTICLE 37(b) “No Child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawful or arbitrarily” PHILIPPINE LAW RA. 9344 – THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006