Chapter 1 Basic Probability Theory Dep An outcome specific result a is Def The sample space S Def An event A is is the set of all possible outcomes subset of outcomes a Def The events Ai Az in S partition of S if they mutually disjoint and their union is S Theorem If are RBs Bz is a a partition of S then for any event A YILANBi A S B are Bz B A AABst An Bat AnBz g Def A P function called which assigns a numerical value to events is probabilitypunction if it satisfies the Axioms of a Probability 1 PLA P s 2 3 P is O L If AsAz a PCAUB function are disjoint PffA from the space PlA PCB if A n B are disjoint ÉPLA of events to the real line Theorem Forevents A and B 1 PLAY I PCA 2 PCO O 3 PCA El 4 If p then PLA s PCB ACB 5 PLAUB 7 PLANB Z If likely Dep If PCB PCB PAIT PCB an experiment symmetric the in sense outcomes ai an that each outcome which are is equally IN P ai then L has N the conditional probability of A given B is 0 PLANB PCB PCAIB Dep PLANB PCA t PCB 61 PLAUB EP A Theorem probability Largersets have larger The events A and B are independent A and B have absolutely outcome of one has no no effect influence on if PCANB PCA PCB on each other the outcome the of the other Theorem If A and B then P AIB are independent with PCA PCA PCBIA PCB O and PCB o Theorem If Ba Ba then Theorem If is 0 of S and P Bi PCB a so P BIA P A P AIB P P BIA PCA PCBAc B of Def A collection O for all i É PLAIBIP Bi E P AMBI PLA PLA a partition sets is a pay sigma BIA PCA PCB field if it satisfies the following 3 properties HOEB 2 3 EB then A EB If As Az EB then QiAi EB If A Def The Borel Sigma field is the smallest sigma field on IR It contains all open intervals containing all open intervals at and closed intervals and their countable unions intersections and A of complements be generated from a finite collection by taking all unions intersections and sigmafield can events complements Chapter 2 Random Variables Dep A random variable is the sample real valued a S space outcome a ruction from to the real line IR Represent random outcomes numerically Think of value is number or Dep Dep X a random variable and unknown t is discrete if infinite number elements X there is is a with this realization a as a specific outcome The set it If as a random object whose of a discrete set it has It a finite such that or countably PEX et I then discrete random variable The smallest set It property is I The support is the positive probability Jt 3Taitz of try X the support range of outcomes which of receive occurrence support points Def The probability mass function of a random variable is ITA PK the probability thattherandom variable X equals a specific value x When evaluated at the suppoint points 4Function that gives the IT we write IT IT es probability that a discrete random variable is exactly equal to some value x If X is Theorem g It function random Def For the V g X for G C IR then Y is also expectation random variable X of series X a is X with 25 support is TT ETH While some variable a discrete if the and a random variable non convergent Etr is either infinite or notdefined is conveyed random If Ete is non random since itis a fixed feature of the distribution Theorem Proof For any Etat GH Etatbe IE at GEEK at bij IT FEET a a t Def The and b constant a b EEN distribution function CDF is a discrete random variable with FCT Cumulative sum of É TE the PLA E x the 3143 probability of the event For FL support probabilities less points than j I The CDF is constant between the support points faction with jumps at each support point Theorem If FA is CDF a s FG is 2 EM Feel 0 3 fits Fk L 4 Feel is right continuous At non decreasing right since If Xu Fk meaning fix FG Fk points where discontinuous Def step and FK has a step Feel is to the left but continuous t the FL Fk PIKE is continuous x then X is continuous random variable PH EM PEX x The probability that equal PUA to a big Fete X FA o a continuous random variable is be specific value must PLAS X PAIN PH exte FK L FK zero Def When FLA is differentiable its density Theorem A function fix a is density function PDF is fee if and only if I FCA 20 HX Ifield 2 Plaek b L Jab field The probability that X is in the interval ta b is the integral of the density over ta b This shows that the area underneath the density functions are probabilities Def The support It of a continuous random smallest set containing Reifel x Def If X is continuously distributed expectation is defined Def the is the with density feel its as Exfelde EFX when variable integral is convergent The mean of X The variance of X is is M ETX EE var X ETH ER 8220 X is degenerate ie X if for some is non random r 52 C 0 Pk c L dad The Theorem var ETH X For any random variable is X if get EIGHT g EEA function of an than the expectation of EFX then a concave function convex is a convex SEEK g ETA 4 A Vr o EEN function then If get is 62bark Theorem Var lat bl Theorem X standard deviation of expectation the is less transformation E ETXT Etlog KDE log EET exp EEN SETUP XD The moments of a the powers of X distributions are Dep The Mth moment of Def For Mm m I moment of X ETH ETHIm moments finite infinite finite or infinite values of ELI is M'm the mth central Odd moments Even X the expected or undefined is Def The moment generating function M The MGF is either finite or 4 Non negative Theorem If MIA finite for is O then D MIO L in OYE to iii 5Mt JE Itm in The the curvature of distribution or X is Jeep tx fade Etexplex t MOF to to Mct at of X t in a infinite neighborhood of ELF E x2 ETXm for any moment which is finite to encodes all moments of Chapter 4 Multivariate Distributions Dep A pair of bivariate random variables is numerical outcomes a function pair a of from the sample space to IR Dep A pair of bivariate random variables variables with a random distribution joint The joint distributionfunction of X Y is F x g PIX ex YE y P HEA n 38 93 F 4 weakly increasing in each argument and satisfies O E F x y 1 is Satisfies the following Plack sb C Y Ed Flak Y d F bd b FaC c Fla d F la c X F 6c C A pair a Fb F bd a Dep are two of random variables is discrete if there is discrete set 94112 such that Y ES L I PIG support of TEsTE XY and Rt's TY Dep The joint probability mass function ITCHY PEX x Def When F xy is Y y and differentiable its continuous density equals The b Flay Roy probability that the region in 1122 equals this Dep The Jfk Y ed c marginal in under the density area distribution PAIN of X PIX In the is ex YEA Fay lying continuous case Fx k lying I If uu The marginal densities of are density f x y the In dedy pair X Y lies random the g region Fx K Dep joint O fley L Plas is II fix practice we g dy treat du du X and Y Fy a y marginal Iff given curldudu a joint fay de PDF the same a over Def The expectation of real valued g K Y Efg X Y ay Ernay for the discrete case for the continuous case gk go y f I Ight X y de dy fay dxdy discrete distribution has a distribution function of Y given Fy lyin PLYEgl X For any e such Pl X that 4 Distribution function Def If Fuk lyk PLAe x given o X X on one variable Ig I Ix fee y dedy It E TX If x only depers E Ight Dep and II If 949 TWD o Efg X Y Note is x for the e e E x de the conditional K x is x o subpopulation where tix is differentiable withrespect to y and then the conditional density function of is FK y x de OFK GK Oy Y Density Def For Y for the of X and Y the continuous given X X is Fk for any subpopulation where x let A Hex tix conditional density or Y FS y x FK such that Fx t so B 31 193 The probability that they both occur is PLANB PLA e x Y Ey Flag The product of their probabilities is PCA and PIX Ex PLYEy PIB Def The random variables if for all k n are statistically independent Fy x Ffs probability is equal to the product of Def The discrete random variables X and if for all k n they Y are probabilities statistically independent y TK g Ip X and Y s y FG g The joint X and Y EG E Tx have are statistically x Ty y differentiable distribution function independent if for all k n y a x Theorem If X and Y are independent and continuously distributed f hey Fuld x FXIX K ly If X and Y FX x independent are the conditional density the marginal density i.e he does not affect the shape of the density of Y equals Theorem Bayes Theorem for Densities Fxx Fy k SK Theorem If X and Y rly FA x are fy y independent g IR IR and hi IR IR Eth Y Loo such EISK HH Def If X and Y have finite then for any that Efg X functions 200 and EIGHTEEN Y variances X and Y is Cov X Y ELK ELKIN EEN EEN EEN EEN the covariance between Def If X and Y have K and Y is finite the variances correlation between Cork Y Corr X Y varlet var Y Theorem X and Y are independent with finite variances then ETH ETH ETH and hence Cov X Y 0 Theorem If X and Y have If bark var Ktv Theorem For any variances finite var Y random variable X 2 Cov X Y and Y EVEENELT ETH Cauchy Schwarz inequality Dep The conditional expectation of expected value of the and is written as For discrete variables ELY he For continuous Y ELY Xx Ygiven Xx conditional distribution ETUI text me the is fuk lyk Y within Expected value on FEI Tx the subpop The population f which tee e Expectedvalue of g for fun Y within the infinitesimally small for which ye dy tax t Y flat dy Iffhs dy Remember Et VI X x is not random it is a feature of the joint distribution However Et VIX is a random variable a transformation of X In other words EE YIN is a function of the random variable X JEENA FAH de ELENA II Iffy Y FK lyk Exceldyde flay dydx E EY The average Theorem If ELY across Loo group averages is the grand average then ELETTIN EET conditional variance of Y given X x is the variance of the conditional distribution Fuk six and is written as var Y l x or 8241 It equals Def The var HK ETH ELINT ELVIRA Theorem vartl LELY Xx KIK EEYHtvarg.IE variance variance Dep A multivariate random vector is a space Dep to 112m written The joint distribution F PA x Def When FG is Xm Xm Xm the joint probability vectors mass P Xx IT e is ki ka sample function is PCIE Xs ex Def For discrete random function X as from the function continuous and differentiable its joint density feel equals F Def The expectation of its OMFG X ON of r X EIR OXm is the vector or expectations elements Eth EEK EFX Il Def The mem covariance varTX z matrix of Xt IR is ETH ETH X EEN I EE i i É One i one Z Theorem Any mem covariance matrix I Symmetric 2 Theorem Positive Z satisfies Z For any semi definite If X EIR with I Mtt ato a mass expectation M and mem covariance matrix I and A is gem then AX is a random vector with mean AM and covariance matrix AZA Dep The joint distribution function of X HE IRMARm FG g P XS x Y Ey Dep The joint density function of X HE IRMARm f x y datmy F Fx density functions Fy Def The conditional densities of Y y is OMy Jfk yldy x is xy DX Def The marginal of X and Y are fay de y Y given X x and X given are FK SK Def za z o Iff finely III The conditional expectation of Y given Xx ELY X X Syfy yle dy is Chapter 7 Law of Large Numbers Large sample asymptotic approximations Def A n has an sequence ou lying an oo a limit a Example for 0 tanks to 0 and 1 Fix 820 2 Find As such that Ian 3 If 2 can be done for converges to 0 n Let 8 If an a as there is some ng Coo n An as a Converges Ovitt solving written od to show an found by setting oo Ian al ES Mm Proof a if for all 8 such that for all n ng an as n 12 n 0 Is 8 In then Ian I S e s A ES n 8 for ne ng any 8 then an Def A sequence probability for all We call 8 c of random variables Zn e IR converges in to c as n soo denoted Play Zn c if 0 big PII Zn c hit Pt 4 s Zn L E8 or o the plim of Zn of random variables concentrating about a point For any Sso the event 312n c 283 Occurs when Zu is within 8 of C Pt Zn c les is the probability Sequence Pt Zn CI es approaches I as n Note The definition concerns the distribution variable not the realizations oo of the random Note The definition uses the concept of a conventional limit but applied to a sequence of probabilities not directly to Zn or their realizations Theorem For any random Chebyshev variable X and any 8 0 EtK EtX zgyevarty 82 4 The probability that the randomvariable differs fromitsmean by with finite mean me and finite variant Take any X PIK M1 We want to bond the probability distributions and all 8 Theorem For any sequence Vartzn 8 for all of random variables Zn such that Zn EEZn then O P O as N soo 0 oh is sufficient Chebyshev's for Inequality Theorem For any random variable X and any 8 Markov ETH1141412837 Et pix Theorem WUN gy ti If EIA 8 independent and identically distributed are then L OO Samplemeant sample expectation Proof Since mean approach the can PC converges 4 For any distribution Xi is use H M as I I Xi An The 0 a the E n 00 this equivalent to P ELK fit P o in probability to the population with a finite expectation thesample mean population expectation random variable in probability as with Chebyshev Inequality s Itn Mlse and Varlet where nooo ETH we Eiti In PL IE MI as n Varki NTI E o 850 of a parameter is consistent if 00 There is the f Eez E E É An estimator Dep Var In size n sufficiently large such that sample a I will estimator be arbitrarily close to the true 0 value with high probability Dep A function Ht CH E S A function hat is continuous that hall is continuous if at te if te o 78 o E E small changes in an input result the output small changes in r hidthe 1 I 414 ha E W e's Theorem CMT If Zn then Ig e c as h Zn P II Zn ell E E n P soo hic I and he is as n soo as n soo I P Ilh Zn h C 11 EE I as nooo continuous at C in Proof Let Eso hf is continuous at C that halls E 78 It 41 8 Since Evaluated at Zn x we Pliant hulled Zak Since This implies Theorem Let then C nan find PtyZn ell Pll Zn ell P se I se hic I denote the set of distributions for which ETH COO Then for any sample size n and any E so I For P PTIta ETH e L there is a probability distribution such that the probability that the sample mean differs from the any n population expectation by E is Failure one of Uniform convergence while ETA it does not converge L is for which ETA For any sample the sample mean In converges to uniformly across distributions size there is a distribution such that is not close to the population expectation Theorem I Let EB Var X N s distributions which satisfy of o as PIItn EEN O e A sufficient condition is to found a moment assume vark EB for some Boo greater than one this restriction the WUN across the set of Define 00 for all E o Xi kilo as n distributions and of surely to c random variables as Pfling Za It of 4 In computes a the c sic O ZuelR Zn converges c almos in L probability of a limit rather than probability a which tot In Eiti Then e denoted noo for oo FI PIIFT EEP sequence holds uniformly distributions Let It denote the set of 82 Def A Then for all E 00 00 Under Theorem B for some SEE 4 set denote the implies Zu P C the limit Theorem SUN If Xi ETA are then COO and identically distributed and independent noo as In a s Efx Chapter 8 Central limit Theory Def let Zn be a vectors of random variables or We that PEZ sequence with distribution Gn u need say Zn converges in distribution to Z as n soo denoted d Z Zn if for all u at which Glu PEZ u is continuous Gn A sequence of the sequence a write the equivalent WUN From the Since convergence in convergence To In to obtain Gulu we s know converges to is degenerate 1 d c which is Zn as PEZ 1 c that I s M probability to a constant is the same this in Glu convergence Zn in distribution a converges in distribution of distribution functions the limit distribution G we can n soo as Zn random variable distribution auction limit When Glu u means non degenerate distribution as In dm we need to rescale rn F M Itn q Zn ETZn Moments of m which means Vartzn O Zn as O Etzi 82 ELZA Kafir E IZ Yn 304 E Ksdk Efta As the of the Kofi 82 O 10km 384 h O 115Ky kit lousy 1582 155 sample increases these moments converge to those normal distribution If X has finite rth moment then EEZ where Zn No 04 a to EEZ d 02 n soo Elza Zn Ern Fyi Theorem Zn Theorem For random variable with Z if Eteeplezn Mn t Eterpltzn Etelp EZ a finite exp MGF E converges for every te IR If ti Theorem CLT d Tn ta gu where The simple M ETA ETA and i id are and Loo then as nooo N 0,04 82 ETH M of averaging induces normality The distribution of the random variable rn ti p approximately process the same as NCO 02 when is u is large Tna Nlm For ZuelR multivariate Theorem Zn d Z ipp t Zn d t Z for every HEIR with L Let Xi a vectorvalued observations Varix EFX M let Zn rn In M Theorem If Xi ER are and In sample averages n z i id rn In pi and d ETH NCO E Coo then as nooo Theorem CMT If Zn d and h km Z as noo IR has the set of discontinuity points Dh such that Pl Ze Dn then h Zn d h z as nooo If his Convergence d then h zu continuous h Z in distribution is preserved by continuous transformations Theorem Slutsky If 3 Delta Method d Z and Cn d I Zn t Cn 2 Theorem Zn Zn Cn d d In If F E oo ther Ze d differentiable in n n as Zte E o se Cto if 5 and heal is continuously neighborhood of a other oo Tn Where H u ha ha Juhu H and H H In particular if bunco rn ha d ha V d o then as noo NCO H'VA as 0