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Analytical Essay Rubric: Grading Criteria

Analytical Essay Rubric
Has no analysis
Develops the main idea
with convincing,
supportive analysis that
go beyond the obvious
Develops the main
idea with specific,
relevant, analysis
Develops the main idea
with generally accurate
and relevant analysis
Attempts to develop or
support the main idea
with limited, repetitious,
faulty, and/or unclear
information and/or
Conveys a clear, focused,
substantive, and original
thesis that drives the piece
Has a clear, focused
Suggests a thesis, but the
direction of the piece is
still unclear
Focuses on a general
topic, but does not
convey a main idea
Has no
thesis or main idea
Includes comprehensive
evidence (quotes) from
source that is smoothly
Provides adequate
evidence (quotes)
from source and/or
includes paraphrased
Has weakly integrated
and/or incomplete
evidence (quotes)
and/or includes
paraphrased evidence.
Has vague, imprecise,
and/or weakly integrated
evidence (quotes) and/or
includes paraphrased
Has no evidence
Intro and Conclusion
Has an inviting intro that
draws reader in and
creates a strong sense
of anticipation; includes
satisfying conclusion that
conveys a powerful sense
of closure and resolution
Features an intro that
creates anticipation
and a conclusion that
ties up loose ends
with a satisfying sense
of closure
Contains a recognizable
intro and conclusion but
they may be formulaic or
Includes an intro that
does not adequately
establish purpose and/or
a conclusion that fails to
provide closure, leaving
the reader with questions
Includes little no
introduction or
Uses clear, thoughtful
transitions, showing the
reader how ideas relate
and enhancing meaning
and progress throughout
the piece; includes
paragraphs that ensure
ideas build throughout the
piece to create a unified
Features logical, varied
transitions; uses
sequence and transition
words/phrases effectively;
orders paragraphs to
support development
of ideas
Includes transitions that
connect ideas though
they may be formulaic or
predictable in places; has
paragraphs with topic
sentences and support
Uses transitions
inappropriately, resulting
in weak chunking of
paragraphs or ideas
Has no transitions
Sequencing and
Uses highly effective
sequencing, making best
choices for progression
and enriching the reader's
understanding. Uses
analytical writing
structures to best use.
Employs sequencing that
moves beyond the
obvious, building
connections between
ideas. Uses analytical
writing structures.
Provides logical and
helpful sequencing with
ideas placed in an
understandable order.
May use analytical
writing structures.
Includes sequencing that
fails to showcase ideas or
takes over so completely
it is formulaic. Mostly
ignores analytical writing
Uses sequencing
that does not
make sense
and does not
use analytical
writing structures
Word Choice
Features precise, accurate
vocabulary, chosen to
enhance purpose and
meaning; has author's
message that's easy to
understand. Uses words
that are natural, original,
and suited to purpose and
audience; features effective
word choice that enriches
the author's message.
Has vocabulary that suits
purpose well and clearly
communicates message.
Frequently chooses
creative, precise words to
clarify and enhance
Features vocabulary that
works to clarify meaning/
purpose and begins to
shape a unique piece.
Demonstrates willingness
to stretch and grow with
attempts at creative
word choice
Employs vocabulary that
is correct in a general
sense; includes message
that is emerging or can be
inferred. Chooses words
that are functional but
limited, conveying only
a basic message
vocabulary for a
formal essay.
Uses accurate and
occasionally refined
parts of speech that are
functional and start to
shape the message. Uses
sentence structure that is
correct and smooth, but
mechanical in places;
sentences hang together
and are structurally sound
Includes mechanical parts
of speech that reflect a
lack of craftsmanship;
relies on passive verbs,
overused nouns, and
lack of modifiers that
limit the message and
make the piece
uninteresting. Uses
technically correct
sentence structure, yet
sentences are frequently
not smooth
Includes multiple
Spanglish errors
and is difficult to
Grammar and
Sentence Structure
Crafts parts of speech to
best convey message; has
Carefully chooses correct
lively verbs that energize
and varied parts of speech
the piece and precise
to effectively
nouns/modifiers that add
communicate message and
depth, color, and specificity.
clarify and enrich writing.
Uses strong sentence
Has sentence structure
structure, underscoring and
that flows well and moves
enhancing meaning while
reader fluidly through
engaging and moving the
the piece
reader fluidly from
beginning to end
Has way too many errors
Has some errors in spelling, Has many errors in spelling,
Has correct spelling,
Is a mangled mess
Writing Conventions
in spelling, punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization, punctuation, capitalization, punctuation, capitalization,
of spaghetti
and Formatting
capitalization, font, margins,
font, margins, etc.
font, margins, etc.
font, margins, etc.