Uploaded by Jose Rodrigo Papa

Papa Abstract

Exercise: Qualities of a well-written scientific report
Name: Jose Rodrigo R. Papa
Section: 8A
Title of the scientific article: Antibody-dependent SARS coronavirus infection is
mediated by antibodies against spike proteins
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) continues to pose a
serious threat as it shows signs of resurfacing. This potential health crisis has to be
addressed through creation of vaccines for preventative and controlling measures. In an
attempt to find possible developments for these vaccines, SARS-CoV was observed by
utilizing the antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) mechanism which enables viruses
and bacteria to damage cells through the use of immune reactions. Based from
observations, SARS-CoV appeared to be utilizing ADE to boost the infectivity of an HLCZ human promonocyte cell line. SARS-CoV is capable of multiplication in HL-CZ cells,
as well as virus-influenced effects and elevated levels of TNF-a, IL-4, and IL-6 two days
after infection, based from quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence labeling findings.
Flow cytometry results revealed that HL-CZ cells additionally displayed angiotensin
converting enzyme 2 and greater amounts of the FccRII receptor. Greater doses of antisera against SARS-CoV neutralized infection, but extremely diluted anti-sera
substantially enhanced infection and produced higher levels of apoptosis. Infectivity tests
show that diluted antibodies against envelope spike proteins, rather than nucleocapsid
proteins, are largely responsible for SARS-CoV ADE. Monoclonal antibodies against
SARS-CoV spike proteins were also created and it was found that the majority of these
aided in SARS-CoV infection. Furthermore, findings show that antibodies against SARSCoV spike proteins may cause ADE manifestations. These research outcomes launch
higher possibilities for further inquiries about a possible SARS-CoV treatment, however
it also offers ideas on processes implicated in the origin of SARS.