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Romans and Galatians Exam: BI 311 Study Questions

NAME _________________________________
DATE ___________________
1.___T/F The book of Romans shows the negative aspect of righteousness.
2.___ T/F Paul started the church in Rome.
p. 1
p. 1
3.___ It may be said of the church in Rome that
A. Paul had been there
B. many of Paul's converts were there
C. Peter had been there
D. it was started by John
E. all of the above
p. 1
4.___The city of Rome was
A. the center of the Roman empire
C. the place of Paul's imprisonment
p. 1
5.___ Paul was concerned mainly with
A. rural missions
B. a good place for mission work
D. all of these
E. none of these
p. 1
B. urban
6.___ T/F The writer of Romans was a Roman citizen.
p. 2
p. 2
Paul's Jewish name was ____________________
8.____Which chapter in Acts records Paul's salvation?
9.____Paul's ordination was
A. through Ananias
B. completed in Damascus
C. by men
D. all of the above
p. 2
p. 2
E. none of the above
10.___Scripture which shows Paul's desire to go to Rome is
A. Acts 9:15
B. 2 Cor 11:22
C. Rom. 1:12
p. 2
D. Acts 16:21
11.___T/F Paul arrived in Rome about 3-4 years after he wrote the book of Romans.
p. 2
Romans was written from the city of ______________________________.
13.___Paul's host when writing Romans was
A. Titus
B. Ananias
14.___The book of Romans
A. took three years to write
C. was written from a very sinful city
15.___II Cornithians was written
A. before
p. 3
p. 3
C. Aquila
D. Gaius
p. 3
B. was written in 47 AD
D. all the above
p. 3
B. after Romans
16.___Which is a purpose of the book of Romans?
A. to show God's wrath
B. to emphasize faith's importance in all aspects of salvation
C. to show that man is responsible for earning righteousness
D. to teach church leaders what they ought to be preaching
p. 4
17.___T/F The theme of Romans is justification by faith.
p. 4
18. The key verse(s) to Romans is _____________________ (chap. and verse)
p. 4
19.___In his salutation to the Romans, Paul calls himself
A. one set a
B. a bond slave of Christ
C. an apostle
p. 5
D. all of the above
20.___Paul's apostleship was
A. a necessity if he wanted to set forth doctrine to the Romans
B. a necessity if he wanted to relate personal experiences
C. the same as the apostolic gift of today
D. a position almost as good as the other apostles
E. all of the above
21.___Paul was set apart
A. before his birth
C. at his conversion
E. all of these
p. 5
p. 5
B. unto service
D. unto the gospel of God
"Gosepl" means ___________________________.
p. 5
23.___T/F Paul's salvation message was foretold by Old Testament prophets.
p. 5
__________________________ is a typical Greek greeting.
p. 6
__________________________ is a typical Jewish greeting.
p. 6
26. ___ Paul's desire to "impart some spiritual gift" meant he wanted to
A. give them the gifts of the Spirit
B. give them money from other churches
C. be a spiritual benefit to them
D. make them into apostles
27.___ In Rom. 1:13, "let hitherto" means
A. planned to
C. allowed until now
p. 6
p. 6
B. hindered from
D. none of these
28.___ T/F Paul felt he was indebted to preach only to the Greeks, but he occasionally spoke to unschooled barbarians
as well.
p. 7
29. ___ The "righteousness of God" (Rom 1:17) is
A. an attribute
B. forensic
p. 8
30. ____"To the Jew first" (Rom. 1:16) most likely does not mean:
A. we are expected to preach to Jews before gentiles
B. geographically, Christianity began in Jewish areas
C. chronologically, the Jews found out about salvation first
D. Paul's ministry was aimed at Jews, then gentiles
p. 7
31. ___ Forensic righteousness refers to
p. 8
A. inherent righteousness
B. declared goodness
C. mental understanding of what is right
D. righteousness which God provides
32. "The just shall live by faith" is a quote from _________________ Old Testament book, chapter and verse) p8
33.____ Which of the following does not point out mankind's guilt?
A. their suppression of the truth
B. the fact that creation reveals salvation
C. their elevation of their own minds
D. their perversion of God's revelation
p. 8-9
34.___ T/F Idolatry is both a current and a historical problem.
p. 9
God's retributive judgement on unrighteous man (Rom. 1:24-32) is shown in what four ways?
35. _____________________________________
36. _____________________________________
37. _____________________________________
38. _____________________________________
p. 10
39._ T/F The heathen can be saved through observing creation even if they never hear of Jesus.
40. ___ God's judgment is
A. according to works
C. according to truth
p. 11,12
B. impartial (fair)
D. all of these
E. none of these
41.___ T/F There will be equality of persons in hell, just as all will be equal in heaven.
p. 11
42. ___ Which is not a proof that the heathen are lost?
A. The Great Commission
B. Rom. 1:20
C. Acts 4:12
D. The "second chance" principle
p. 11
43.___ T/F The Jews did not live up to the privilege they were given.
p. 12
44.___ T/F God's name was blasphemed in spite of the Jew's obedience
p. 12
Match the following:
45. ___ Hebrew
A. national term
46. ___ Jew
B. philosophic term
47. ___ Israelite
C. theocratic term
D. language term
p. 12
48. ___ Keeping the law is
p. 12
B. less important than circumcision
49.___ T/F One becomes a Jew by keeping the law
p. 12
50. ___ Regarding salvation, Jews have an advantage because
A. they lived in a close-knit community
B. they were given the scriptures
C. they weren't as sinful as others
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
p. 13
51. ___ Revelation comes to the moralist through
B. scriptures
p. 13
C. conscience
D. other people
52.___ T/F When man is unfaithful, God is freed from keeping his promises.
p. 13
Rom. 3:10 says there is "none righteous." Give four other statements regarding God's judicial verdict about the whole
p. 13-14
53. _________________________________________
54. _________________________________________
55. _________________________________________
56. _________________________________________
57. ___Which is NOT a verdict of "God the Physician"?
A. Their tongues cut like swords
B. Their throat is an open sepulchre
C. Their feet are swift to shed blood
D. Their mouth is full of cursing
p. 14
58. ___ Which is true regarding mankind, proving his guilt?
A. Creation reveals his sin and condemnation
B. He causes destruction and misery
C. He generally has peace
D. He reverences God
p. 14
59.___ T/F If the Jews couldn't keep the law, no group of humans could
p. 14
60.___ Justification is _____________ by God.
A. denied
B. encouraged
C. imparted
D. imputed
61. ___ Which statement is true?
A. Mankind is continually coming closer to the glory of God
B. Jews become righteous in a way separate from Gentiles.
C. Righteousness is separate from the law.
D. The "faith of Christ" refers to Christ's belief that we are righteous.
E. None of the above
Match the following:
62. ___ Redemption
63. ___ Propitiation
64. ___ Justification
65. ___ Remission
p. 15
p. 15
A. being declared righteous
B. becoming righteous
C. satisfaction
D. to pass over
E. being circumcised
F. being "purchased"
Choose from the following:
A. justification
B. redemption
66. ___ II Cor. 5:21
67. ___ Acts 17:30
68. ___ mercy seat
C. propitiation
D. remission
69. ___ "Sins that are past" (Rom. 3:25) refers to
A. all of the sins which were placed on Christ at the cross
B. the sins an individual commits prior to conversion
p. 15
C. sins committed under the Law for which animals were sacrificed
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
70. ___ Which scripture corresponds to Romans 3:27-28?
A. Eph 2:8-9
B. Rom. 3:23
C. Heb. 10
D. Jn. 15:25
Fill the blanks with either "source" or "means":
The Jews were concerned with the ______________ of salvation, while the
Gentiles were concerned with the ______________.
p. 16
72.___ T/F Because faith came, the law became void.
p. 16
73.___ T/F Abraham was justified by works.
p. 16
74.___ T/F If one could work for righteousness, he would put God in his debt.
p. 17
75. ___ Belief that leads to justification refers to
A. mental assent
B. hope
C. acting righteously
p. 17
D. placing trust in
76.___ T/F David is an example of one on whom sin was not in any way punished.
p. 17
77.___ T/F The promise of Israel's inheritance rights came through the law.
p. 18
78. ___ Which is true regarding Abraham?
A. Circumcision was a seal of his faith.
B. Circumcision conferred righteousness.
C. He was circumcised before he was justified.
D. He was baptized after his justification.
p. 17
79. ___ Faith is
A. believing without question B. believing in God's power C. believing in a person
D. believing in spite of natural improbabilities
E. all of the above
p. 18-19
80.___ T/F Christ's resurrection is what brought justification.
p. 19
81. ___The peace spoken of in Rom. 5:1 is
A. peace with God
C. the peace of God
p. 19
B. a tranquil feeling
D. that which we will receive in heaven
82.___ T/F The "hope" of Rom. 5:2 is of standing in the position God has provided.
p. 19
p. 19
______________________ brings patience
A. hope
B. experience
C. love
D. tribulation
84.___ T/F A "righteous" man is the same as a "good" Man.
85. ___Christ died for us when we were
A. righteous B. friends
C. good
p. 20
p. 20
D. enemies
Reconciliation is the _____________ aspect of atonement.
p. 20
A. Godward
B. manward
C. sinward
D. heavenward
A better word for "atonement" is Rom. 5:11 is______________________.
88. __ Which of the following is true?
A. From Adam to Moses, people died for personal sins.
B. We were participants in Adam's sin.
C. God imputes sin to us.
D. We were participants in Abraham's tithe to Melchizadek.
p. 20
p. 20
89.___ T/F The certainty of the benefits of Christ's death is proved by the certainty of the results of Adam's sin.
90. ___The view which says that we really sinned in Adam is the
A. headship view
B. seminal view C. genetic view
p. 22
D. Adamic view
The appropriation of righteousness is called _____________________.
92. ___ Romans chapter six refers to
A. water
p. 21
p. 23
p. 23-24
B. spirit baptism
93. ___If we're preaching the same gospel as Paul, which of the following should NOT be a normal response?
p. 23
A. Should we disobey more to enhance God's faithfulness?
B. Should we keep sinning so grace can
C. If we're not under the law, are we free to sin?
D. Should we work at earning God's love?
94.___ T/F It is possible for the believer to live in sin.
p. 23
To which of the following does each of these terms relate?
A. will
B. mind
C. soul
D. heart
95. ___ know
96. ___ reckon
97. ___ yield
p. 25
98. ___The "old man" of Romans 6:6 is
A. old in point of use
B. the old nature
C. the human body
D. old in point of time
E. the body of sin
p. 25
99. ___The "body of sin" in Romans 6:6 is
A. a mass of sin
B. the old man
C. the human body
D. the body as a servant of sin
p. 25
100.__ T/F Reckoning something true causes it to be so.
p. 25
101. __We yield to God
A. to get a blessing
p. 25
B. because of what he has done
1. Explain the purpose of the book of Roman.
p. 4
2. Discuss the meaning of Rom. 1:4, using at least two other scripture references.
p. 5
3. State and briefly explain four reasons for the occasion of the letter to the Romans
p. 6
4. Give the three views of the heathen’s salvation, and list at least four statements supporting the one you believe to
be true.
p. 11
5. Discuss the meaning of justification, and include its grounds, means, evidence result, principle and sphere. p.15
6. Discuss Romans 5:12. Did all mankind sin individually or in Adam? Include at least four statements of support.
Based on the chart on page 22, compare/contract five aspects of Christ and Adam.
8. State three reasons why the believer should not continue in the sphere of the sin nature.
9. What sort of baptism is referred to in Romans 6? Give five statements of support.
10. List four reasons why we know it is possible for a believer to sin.
11. True/False I have completed the assigned reading. (-10 points for a false answer).
p. 23
p. 23-24
p. 26
NAME _________________________
DATE _________________________
1.___ T/F Christians are able to choose to whom they want to be servants.
p. 27
2. ___ "Ye were free from righteousness" (Rom. 6:20) means
A. you were God's servant
B. you were no one's servant
C. you weren't able to choose righteousness D. you loved sin
p. 27
3. The fruit of sin is ____________________ and _______________.
p. 27
4. The fruit of righteousness is ________________ and _________________.
p. 27
5. Which is earned, eternal life or death?______________________
p. 27
6. ___ In Romans 7, Paul uses what as an analogy to freedom from the Law?
A. master/slave
B. the two "Adams" C. Abraham and Issac D. marriage
p. 28
List five things about sin which the Law reveals.
7. ____________________8 _________________________9 ________________
10.______________________________11 __________________________
p. 29
12. In Romans. 7, "I" can mean flesh or _________________.
p. 29
13.___ T/F In Romans. 7:17, Paul is giving his excuse for sinning.
p. 29
14. ___ The "law of sin in my members" is that "law" which says,
A. "I want to do good but evil is always with me"
B. "My flesh wants to do good but my mind does not"
C. "My flesh wants to sin but is thwarted by the Holy Spirit in me"
D. none of these
p. 30
15.___ T/F Jesus provides salvation; once saved, we work for our own sanctification.
p. 30
16. ___ The experience described in Romans 7:15-25 is most likely that of a/an
A. believer
B. unbeliever
17.___ T/F The Holy Spirit is mentioned 20 times in Romans 7.
p. 31
Match the following chapters with the phrases describing them.
18.___Romans 6
A. union with Christ by death to the law
19.___Romans 7
B. union with Christ by crucifixion of the old man
20.___Romans 8
C. God moved in such a way as to bring salvation to Gentiles and Jews
21.___Romans 9
D. God has the right to deal severely with Israel if necessary
22.___Romans 10 E. shows that dealing severely with Israel was necessary
23.___Romans 11 F. power source for union and bearing fruit
24.___Romans 12 G. Christian walk
25.__ According to Rom. 8, Christians do not have this judicial term applied to them.
A. justification
B. absolution
C. emancipation
D. condemnation
p. 32
26. Being carnally minded leads to ______________. (Chap. 8)
p. 32
27.__ T/F All Christians have the Holy Spirit.
p. 32
28__ T/F The Holy Spirit is a person.
p. 33
29. ___ A word which means "son placing" is
A. inheritance
B. acceptance
p. 33
C. adoption
D. transformation
For the next three questions, choose from "God", "Adam", "Satan" or "creature".
30. The one who subjected the creation. ____________________
31. The one behind creation's subjection. __________________
32. The one who had creation's subjection in his plan. ______________
p. 33
33. "For we are saved by hope" (Rom. 8:24) would better read "we are saved ____________."
p. 34
34. ___ "Hope" in Romans 8 means
A. earnest expectation
B. wish
p. 34
C. desire
D. possible outcome
35.___ T/F The Spirit's intercession for us refers to speaking in tongues.
p. 34
36.___ T/F Only if we continue to feel love for God will all things work out for good.
p. 34
37. ___ A scripture supporting the fact that "those who love God" are believers is
A. James 2:5
B. I Cor. 2:9
C. James 1:12
D. all of these
p. 34
38.___ T/F "Foreknow" always means to know about ahead of time.
p. 34
39. In our justification, God can be likened to the _____________ in a courtroom.
p. 35
40. In our justification, Jesus can be likened to the _____________ in a courtroom.
p. 35
41. In our justification, Satan can be likened to the _____________ in a courtroom.
p. 35
42.___ T/F Once justified, we are the only ones who can separate us from God.
p. 35
43___ T/F Paul was glad about Israel's rejection because it was deserved.
p. 36
44. ___ A good verse to support Christ's deity is
A. Romans 9:20
C. Romans 9:5
p. 36
B. Romans. 8:39
D. all of these
Romans 9:4-5 lists items which are uniquely the Israelites'. Give four of these.
45. ____________________________ 46. _________________________
47. ____________________________ 48. _________________________
p. 36
49.__T/F All of Abraham's physical seed, as well as believers, are included in the promise
50. ___ God chose Jacob (not Esau)
p. 37
A. for no apparant reason
B. to make Esau jealous
C. because he had proved himself
D. because God knew he'd be more righteous
51.__ T/F God had an intense hatred for Esau.
p. 37
52. ___ Pharoah
A. hardened his own heart
C. was shown mercy by God
p. 37
B. was rejected by God because of his wickedness
D. was raised up to show God's power
53. Paul uses what occupation to illustrate the fact that we have no right to question God?
p. 38
54. ___ From which two Old Testament books does Paul quote in Rom. 9?
A.Sodom and Gomorrah B.Isaiah and Jeremiah C.Hosea and Isaiah D.Jonah and Joel
p. 38
55.__ T/F The subject of Romans 9 is salvation.
p. 39
56. ___ When you explain the Gospel
A. people should not question God's righteousness
B. people should question why God finds fault with those who are part of His plan
C. people should understand the compatibility of free will and sovereignty
D. none of the above
p. 40
57. ___ The nation of Israel stumbled because
A. they recognized Christ as God
C. they didn't seek the righteousness of God
p. 41
B. they weren't given a fair chance
D. they didn't follow the Law
58. The Israelites had zeal but not _________________, according to Romans 10.
p. 41
59. ___ When Paul says Christ is the end of the law, "end" means
A. source
B. goal
C. termination
D. fulfillment
p. 41
For each of the following, match with either
a) bringing Christ up from the dead
60. ____ resurrection
62. ____ testing Christ's person
64. ____ incarnation
66. ___ In Romans 10:9, the term "Lord means
A. the one in charge of your life
or b) bringing Christ down from above.
61. ____ descending into the deep
63. ____ testing Christ's work
65. ____ ascending into heaven
p. 42
p. 42
B. Savior
C. God
D. master
67.__ T/F The universal preaching of the gospel is supported by the fact that some from Israel were to be "sent" to
p. 43
68.__ T/F According to Rom.10:19,Israel had heard, but not under-stood, the gospel.
p. 43
69. ___ Which does not support the fact that Israel's rejection is not complete?
A. the meaning of foreknowledge
B. Elijah and the 7000 righteous
C. Israel's sin
D. Paul himself
p. 44
70.___What human does God use between Jews and Gentiles to make them desire Him?
A. jealousy B. hatred
C. love
D. pride
p. 45
71. ___ Paul's apostleship was to the
A. Jews
p. 45
B. Gentiles
Match the following
72. ____ lump
73. ____ branches
74. ____ firstfruit
75. ____ root
p. 46
a. individual Israelites
b. all Gentiles
c. remnant
d. Abraham
e. all Israel
76. ___ The Olive Tree stands for
A. Israel
C. the Church
p. 46
B. Christian Jews
D. place of privilege/blessing
77.__T/F A Christian's position in the Olive tree is more secure than was the Israelites'.
78.__ T/F God deals with one group at a time.
p. 46
79. ___ The Old Testament revealed
A. Israel's blindness
B. the Church age
p. 47
C. Israel's salvation
D. all of these
80.__ T/F In Romans 11:26, all Israel means that every remaining Jew will be saved.
p. 47
81. ___ The covenant of Rom. 11:27 is which?
A. The New
B.. The Davidic
p. 47
C . The Abrahamic
D. The Mosaic
82.__ T/F Though Israel rejected God, they will still receive God's promises.
p. 47
83. ___ A doxology
A. is found in Romans 11
C. is not found in Romans 9
p. 48
B. often follows some special truth
D. all of the above
84.__ T/F God does everything for us (not we for Him) but "creature comfort" is not His main objective.
p. 48
Match the following phrases from Rom. 11 with their meanings.
85. ___ through him
a. meaning
86. ___ of Him
b. source
87. ___ to him
c. purpose
d. agent
88.___ "Present" in Rom. 12:1
A. means to place alongside
B. is a means of receiving further blessing
C. is not logical
D. is a general time period
E. all of the above
p. 49
89. ___ The transformation of Rom. 12:2
A. leads to knowledge of God's will
C. takes place by the renewing of the mind
p. 49
B. is the opposite of conforming to the world
D. all of the above
90. ___ Our overall attitude regarding our conduct in the assembly should be one of
A. transformation
B. humility
C. joy
D. praise
p. 49
91. ___ To think soberly does not mean
A. sensibly
B. in your right mind
C. without joy
D. realistically
p. 49
92.__ T/F Everyone in the church has a gift or gifts.
p. 49
93. Receiving a special message from God and giving it to men is the gift of __________________.
p. 50
94.__ T/F Prophecy is a gift commonly used today.
p. 50
95.__ T/F The proportion of faith referred to in Rom. 12:6 is subjective and refers to how much a person thinks he has
been given.
p. 50
96. ___ The motivation of our conduct toward other believers is
A. unity
B. gaining rewards
C. love
97. ___ Spiritual gifts are for the good of
A. ourselves
p. 50
D. humility
p. 50
B. other people
Preferring one another is one attitude we should have. List three others from Rom. 12:9-12.
98. ___________________________________________
99. ___________________________________________
100. ___________________________________________
p. 50
101. ___ Christians are primarily responsible for the needs of
A. the world in general
B. Jews, God's chosen nation
C. other Christians
D. all of the above
p. 50
102.__ T/F There should not be differing opinions between Christians who are of
the same mind.
p. 50
Please answer the following discussion/essay questions on the back of these pages. Remember that the words
"Essay and "Discussion" normally indicate that at least a paragraph is needed in order to receive full credit.
1. Is Rom. 7:15-25 describing a believer's or an unbeliever's experience? Give at least five reasons, using scripture
p. 31
2. Give an outline of Romans 3 (D., 1,2,3, E., 1,2 from p. 32-34) and also list the 3-part outline of its beginning, ending
and "in-between".
3. List the three items shown as suffering in Romans 8:18-27. With each, briefly explain how this is presently
p. 33-34
4. Discuss whether Romans 9 teaches double predestination, including 5 items to support you answer.
p. 38
5. List the principles of election with their corresponding references in Romans 9.
p. 39
6. Explain the four views which are commonly used in making sovereignty and human responsibility compatible. p.
7. Is it necessary to receive Jesus as "Lord of your life" in order to be saved? Give three views and support for the
proper view.
p. 42
8. Outline Romans 9-11 stating Roman numeral and capital letter headings along with scripture references.
9. What two questions does Paul raise in Romans 9? What are his answers?
10. List at least four of the gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8 along with an explanation of each.
11. True / false --- I have completed the assigned reading . (-10 points for false answer.)
p. 39-40
p. 50
NAME _______________________
1. ___ Government leaders are
A. ordained by God
C. used by God to judge evil doers
DATE _______________________
p. 51
B. to be obeyed and respected
D. all of these E. none of these
2.__ T/F We should obey civil authority both to escape punishment and to keep a clear conscience.
p. 51
3.__ T/F Because we're of a heavenly kingdom, we don't need to pay taxes to an earthly kingdom.
p. 52
Match the following:
4. ___ dues
A. personal or property taxes
5. ___ custom B. an indirect tax on goods
6. ___ fear
C. debt; something owned
7. ___ tribute
D. veneration of the chief authority
8. ___ honor
E. respect to subordination
p. 52
9.__ T/F Rom. 13:8 prohibits the borrowing of money.
p. 52
10. What one thing fulfills the law? ______________________
p. 52
11.__ T/F All Old Testament commandments are repeated in the New Testament.
p. 52
12. ___ The salvation mentioned in Rom. 13:11 refers to
A. the redemption of our bodies
B. our sanctification
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
p. 53
C. our trust in Christ
Based on Rom. 13:11-14, match the following:
13. ___ wantonness
A. immorality
14. ___ time
B. lust
15. ___ chambering
C. season
16. ___ walk
D. daily life
17. ___ honestly
E. act of the will
18. ___ put off/put on
F. decently
p. 53
19. ___ The weak/strong brother problem in Rom. 14 dealt with
A. clothes
B. drinking
C. food
D. circumcision
20.__ T/F Sexual sins lead to drunkenness.
p. 53
21.__ T/F In exercising our freedom in Christ, we should refrain from judging.
p. 53
22.__ T/F It's okay for me to eat meat even if I'm not sure it's okay (Rom. 14:5)
p. 54
23. The weak brother has a problem in ____________________ the strong, and the strong one may be tempted to
_________________ the weak.
p. 54
24.__ T/F The Judgment Seat of Christ is where Christians are judged for their sins.
25. ___ A weak brother can be defiled by
A. meat
B. observing special days
C. a stumbling block
D. his conscience
26. T/F The main principle to remember in dealing with weaker brothers is to follow love.
p. 55
p. 55
27. Righteousness, _________________ and ________________ are examples of the attitude that are an integral part
of God's kingdom.
p. 55
28. ___A passage corresponding to Rom. 14:19-20 is
A. Gal. 6
B. I John 1
C. I Cor. 3
p. 56
D. Heb. 3
29. Whatever is not of faith is ______________________.
p. 56
30. Our example in bearing other's infirmities is whom?
p. 56
31. T/F The scripture is meant to give us hope.
p. 56b
32. Rom. 15 shows that the result of hope is __________________.
p. 56b
33. T/F Jesus is more the hope of the Jews than he is of the Gentiles.
p. 56b
Match the following New and Old Testament references:
34. ____ Rom. 15:9
A. Isaiah 11:1,10
35. ____ Rom. 15:11
B. Ps. 18:49
36. ____ Rom. 15:10
C. Deut. 32:43
37. ____ Rom. 15:12
D. Ps. 117:1
p. 56b
38. Paul was certain that his readers were full of ______and ______(Rom. 15:14)
p. 57
39. ___ Paul's ministry to Gentiles was commissioned by
A. the scriptures
B. the apostles
D. all of these
E. none of these
p. 57
40. ___ Paul's message was the gospel of
A. God
B. the Holy Spirit
C. God
p. 57
C. the kingdom
D. reconciliation
Use "sign" or "wonder" to answer the next two questions.
41. What authenticated a message? ______________________
p. 57
42. What made people marvel? __________________________
43. ___ Paul was planning to stop to see the Romans on his way to
A. Jerusalem
B. Spain
C. Egypt
D. Greece
p. 58
44. ___ In Rom. 15:27, carnal means
A. spiritual
B. cheap
p. 58
45. ___ All spiritual promises are through
A. Paul
B. Israel
C. physical
D. ugly
p. 56
C. Christ
46. __T/F Paul preached where no one else had been.
D. the Church
p. 57
47. ___ The "fruit" of Rom. 15:28 is
A. insight
B. joy
48. ___ Paul asked his readers to pray
A. for a joyful visit with them
that the saints accept his service
E. all of the above
p. 58
C. love
D. money
p. 59
B. earnestly
D. for his deliverance
49. ___ The woman who some think was a deaconess was
A Aquila
B. Mary
C. Priscilla
p. 59
D. Phoebe
50.__ T/F Paul was delivered from the unbelievers in Judea.
p. 59
51. Paul told his readers to salute each other in what way? _________________________________
p. 60
52.__ T/F Divisive people should be avoided.
p. 61
53. ___ Two men Paul greeted who were of note among the apostles were
A. Luke and Barnabas
B. Gauis and Erastus
C. Andronicus and Junius
D. Priscilla and Aquila
54. ___ The person who penned the letter to the Romans was
A. Timothy
B. Tertius
C. Gauis
p. 61
D. Paul
55. Glory to God only be given through ________________________.
p. 61
56. ___ The letter to the Galatians centers on Christian
A. license
B. liberty
C. service
p. 63
57. ___ The author of Galatians is
A. Galatia
B. Paul
D. sacrifice
p. 64
C. Peter
D. Luke
58.__ T/F The recipients of the letter to the Galatians probably lived in South Galatia.
p. 65
59. ___ The issue about which Galatians was written was settled at
A. the Nicene Council
B. the Day of Pentecost
C. the ascension
D. the Jerusalem Council
p. 66
60. ___ Galatians was most probably written from
A. Antioch in Syria
B. Corinth
C. Ephesus
D. Jerusalem
61.__ The date for the writing of Galatians is __________________.
p. 67
62.__ T/F Galatians is a "group" epistle.
p. 67
63. ___ Which is not a characteristics of Galatians?
A. The salutation omits "thanksgiving"
B. It is very autobiographical
C. The author contrasts love for Christians with hate for Judaizers
D. All of these are characteristics
p. 67
64.__ T/F Judaizers said circumcision was necessary for salvation.
p. 68
65. ___ The purpose in writing Galatians was
A. to warn of God's judgement
B. to establish a local church
C. to ask for gifts of money
D. to protect the churches from the Judaizers
p. 68
66. Two greetings, __________ (Greek) and ______________ (Jewish) open the epistle to the Galatians.
p. 69
67. ___ In the opening to Galatians, the writer stresses his
A. apostleship
B. servanthood
C. heritage
p. 69
D. citizenship
68. In Gal. 1:4, the word "world" could better be termed _________________
p. 69
69.__ T/F "God and our Father" of Gal. 1:4 really refers to only one person.
p. 69
70. ___ How long had it been from the Galatians' time of conversion to the writing of this epistle?
A. close to a century B. several days C. one generation
D. less than a year
p. 70
71. ___ The legalists of Gal. 1:7 were
A. commissioned by the apostles
D. all of the above
p. 70
72. ___ The "we" of Gal. 1:8 means
A. Paul and Luke B. Paul
73. ___ Paul's revelation was
A. not by men
B. sent by angels
E. none of the above
C. perverting the gospel
p. 70
C. Paul and Barnabas
D. Peter
E. all of the apostles
p. 71
B. divine
C. not taught
D. all of these
74__ T/F Prior to his conversion to Christianity, Paul was a devout Jew.
p. 71
75.__ T/F After his conversion, Paul consulted the apostles in order to assure sound doctrine.
p. 72
76. For how long was Paul alone with the Lord in the desert? ____________
p. 72
77. ___ Which verse shows the concern of the writer of Galatians for giving a complete and accurate account? p. 72
A. 2:15
B. 5:3
C. 2:2
D. 1:20
Put the following in chronological order (number 1-4, with one occurring first).
78. _____ first missionary journey
79. _____ Jerusalem Council
80. _____ famine visit
81. _____ Galatians written
82. ___ If a late date for Galatians is considered, then the "famine visit" is
p. 72
A. included
B. omitted
Put the following in chronological order by labeling from 1-4.
83. ____ Roman imprisonment
84. ____ Paul's 2nd missionary journey
85. ____ The writing of Galatians
86. ____ Peter's death
87. ___ To which of the following places did Paul not go?
A. Spain
B. Ceasarea
C. Jerusalem
p. 75
p. 75
D. Rome
88.__ T/F Titus was compelled to be circumcised.
p. 76
89.__ T/F Timothy was compelled to be circumcised.
p. 76
90. When the pressure was on, who separated himself from Gentile believers?
p. 77
91. ___ "Justified" means
A. delivered from sin's presence
B. free
C. declared righteous
D. all of these
p. 77
E. none of these
92.___ Yes/No Is Christ the "minister of sin"?
p. 78
93.___ T/F Since leaving the Law is sin, and salvation by grace means leaving the
p. 78
94. ___ The purpose of the Law was
A. to protect from sin
C. to save
D. all of these
Law, sin is part of salvation.
p. 78
B. to condemn
E. none of these
Please answer the following discussion/essay questions on the back of these pages. Remember that the words
"Essay and "Discussion" normally indicate that at least a paragraph is needed in order to receive full credit.
1. Explain Paul's plans for the future as given in Rom. 15:22-29.
2. To what group of people was the letter to the Galatians written? Give at least five reasons and two scripture
references to support your answer.
3. Give the outline of Galatians, using the five main points with chapter and verse breakdowns.
p. 63-64
4. In what year was Galatians written? Give a five-item order of events to support this date.
p. 67
5. What was the appeal of the Judaizers? List at least three reasons and two of their major beliefs.
p. 68
6. Give at least five reasons to support the time of the writing of Galatians in relation to the Jerusalem Council.p. 72-73
7. What are the principles of "giving no offence"?
p. 55
8. Give five characteristics of the book of Galatians.
p. 68
9. List five events that occurred in the life of Paul between 48 and 62AD.
p. 75
10. How are we to act toward rulers? Include at least five ways.
p. 51
11. True / False --- I have completed the assigned reading .
(-10 points for false answer)
NAME _________________________
DATE _________________________
1. ___ The purpose of the Law was to
A. show the results of obedience
C. bring righteousness
p. 78-79
B. lead us to Christ
D. conceal our sins
2.__ T/F The Law provided a remedy for sin.
p. 79
3.__ T/F Paul's body was crucified at the same time as Jesus' body (Gal. 2:20)
p. 79
4. ___ The means of sanctification is
A. works
B. grace
C. obedience
D. enlightenment
5.__ T/F The "children of Abraham" are those who have faith in Christ.
p. 80
6. ___ Gentiles share in which part of the promise to Abraham?
A. blessing
B. nation
C. land
p. 80
D. all of these
7. ___ The man who lived under the Law was cursed because
A. it was too lenient
B. it had no purpose
C. he couldn't keep it
D. he trusted Christ
p. 80
8. The just shall live by ______________________.
p. 80
9.__ T/F One can serve Jehovah God without believing in Jesus Christ.
p. 80
10. "Redeemed" (Gal. 3:13) means
A. bought out
B. cursed
p. 80
C. in place of
11. "Annul" (as in "disannuleth" - Gal. 3:15) means
A. make void
B. curse
C. buy out
D. exchanged for
p. 81
D. break
12. ___ The Law
A. was given to the people directly by God
B. changed God's promise (to Abraham)
C. was instituted because of the people's obedience D. all of the above
E. none of the above
p. 81
13. ___ Paul's emphasis on the word "seed" in Gal. 3:16 shows that
A. all of Abraham's descendants are unified
B. only Abraham's descendants will be blessed
C. all the promises to Abraham came through Christ D. all of the above
E. none of the above
p. 81
14. ___ The mediator in the giving of the Law was
A. David
B. Moses C. Abraham
p. 81
D. no one
15.____ How many participated in making the Abrahamic covenant?
p. 82
16.__ T/F The Law is against the promises of God.
p. 82
17.__ T/F One under the Law cannot become mature.
p. 83
18. ___ The Law can be likened to
A. a liberator
B. tutor
p. 83
C. a slave
D. justification through faith
19. ___ Which is not true of us who are in Christ?
A. we are sons of God
B. we are one
C. we all serve God in the same way (same position)
D. we are Abraham's seed
p. 83
20.__ T/F The Church, as Abraham's seed, has become "Israel".
p. 83
21. ___ Galatians 4 likens those under the Law to
A. children
B. fathers
C. governors
p. 84
D. none of these
22.__ T/F We are adopted into the family of God.
p. 84
23. ___ The "adoption" of Gal. 4:5 refers to
A. officially declaring an heir
C. coming of age
p. 84
B. son-placing
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
24. The only qualification for receiving the Spirit, according to Gal. 4:6, is becoming _______.
p. 84
25. ___ "Abba" means
A. righteous
p. 84
B. holy
C. thank you
D. father
26.__ T/F Paul was afraid the Galatians would turn back to a system of works.
p. 85
27. ___ In Gal. 4:8 "gods" refers to
A. Jehovah
B. the Trinity
p. 85
C. the gods of the heathen
D. none of these
28. ___ In Gal. 4:9, Paul emphasizes "are known of God"
A. to show how much God cares about them
B. to establish their Jewish identity
C. to point out that their own knowledge came from God
D. to remind them that their escape from bondage was through their knowledge
29. ___ Paul's infirmity was probably
A. eye problems
B. lust
p. 85
p. 86
C. a bad temper
D. paralysis
30.__ T/F The Judaizers were zealous.
p. 86
31. ___ Paul hoped to "change (his) voice" regarding the Galatians. This could mean
p. 86
A. he wanted to whisper instead of shout
B. he wanted them to have stayed the way they were
C. he wanted to hear that what he'd previously heard wasn't true
D. all of the above
E. none of the
Match the following:
32. ___ comparison of two objects by using one to name the other
33. ___ story whose meaning is different from its literal one
34. ___ comparison of two materially un- related objects
p. 87
A. simile
B. allegory
C. metaphor
D. anecdote
35.__ T/F The historical facts of an allegory are true.
p. 87
36. ___ Who made an allegory of the Hagar/Sarah story?
A. Hagar and Sarah
B. Abraham
C. Paul
p. 87
D. Moses
For each of the following, write "Hagar" or "Sarah" showing with which each is associated.
37. bondwoman ________________________
38. Ishmael __________________________
39. promise __________________________
40. Paul _____________________________
41. Abrahamic Covenant _______________
42. Mt. Sinai ________________________
43. Judaizers ________________________
44. Jerusalem ________________________
p. 87
45. ___ The conclusion to the Hagar/Sarah story is that
A. we're all equal, as were Isaac and Ishmael
B. we ought to "cast out" the Judaizers
C. Christians have a right to persecute legalists
D. none of the above
E. all of the above
p. 87
46. "Therefore" (Gal. 5:1) refers to the fact that __________________ failed.
p. 88
47.__ T/F Being "in grace" is the same as being saved.
p. 88
48. ___ "Christ shall profit you nothing" (Gal. 5:2) means
A. monetarily, you'll not earn as much as you would have
B. you'll lose your salvation
C. your day-to-day life will be no better than before
D. none of the above
49.__ T/F Blessing is not available when one works for righteousness.
p. 88
50. ___ The leaven of Gal. 5:9 is
A. the kingdom
B. the word
p. 89
C. wealth
D. false doctrine
51.___ Even though Paul was confident the Galatians would agree with him, he still was sure the false teachers would
A. rewarded
B. judged
C. ex-communicated
D. all of these
52. ___ The term "cut off" (Gal. 5:12) means
A. without help
B. castrated
53. ___ Liberty is
A. bounded by love
p. 89
C separate from other Christians
D. circumcised
B. an "occasion to the flesh" C. the same as license
54.__ T/F Rules of all sorts constitute legalism.
55. ___ To walk in the Spirit means
A. to walk by means of the Spirit
C. to depend upon the Spirit
p. 90
D. none of these
p. 90
p. 90
B. to walk in the sphere of the Spirit
D. all of the above
56. The Holy Spirit gives us both the ________ and the power to do God's will.
p. 90
57. ___ The result of walking in the Spirit, according to Gal. 5:16, is
A. not bringing to fulfillment the "lust of the flesh"
B. liberty
C. maturity
D. having a guide
Match the following
58. ___ illicit sex, with one married partner
59. ___ all unlawful intercourse
60. ___ worshipping something other than the one true God
61. ___ outrageous indecency; that which shocks the public
62. ___ sexual impurity; unclean works, thoughts or desires; unnatural things
63. ___ sorcery, connected with drug mixing
Match the following:
66. ___ rivalry; a heart attitude
67. ___ jealousy of one another
68. ___ fear of losing what one has
69. ___ resisting lawful authority
70. ___ parties; involves false doctrine
71. ___ selfish ambitions; sects, divisions
72. ___ outbreak of hate; hostility
73. ___ outbursts of anger; rage
74. ___ orgies; loss of inhibitions
p. 90
A. uncleanness
B. adultery
C. witchcraft
D. pornography
E. fornication
F. covetousness
G. idolatry
H. licentiousness
64. Which chapter of Romans carries the same idea as Gal. 5:17? Chap. _______
65. ___ A person led by the Spirit
A. guides himself
D. all of the above
p. 90
p. 90
B. is not responsible for his actions
E. none of the above
C. is under Law
p. 92
A. revelings
B. wrath
C. factions
D. strife
E. envyings
F. seditions
G. heresies
H. drunkenness
I. hatred
J. jealousy
K. murders
75.__ T/F Alcoholism is a disease.
p. 92
76. ___ Not inheriting the kingdom of God (Gal. 5:21) means
A. loss of reward
B. not being a son C. loss of salvation
p. 92
D. none of these
E. all of these
77. Which fruit of the Spirit can be considered the "foundation"? __________
p. 93
78. Which fruit of the Spirit can be considered the "superstructure"? _________
p. 93
79. Which fruit of the Spirit can be considered the "capstone"? ___________
p. 93
Three parts of the fruit of the Spirit classified as actions toward neighbors are:
80. ________________
81. ________________
82. ________________
p. 93-94
Put the following fruit of the Spirit in order from the least active (passive) to the most active:
patience, kindness, goodness.
83. _______________________
84. _______________________
85. _______________________
Match these "inward graces".
86. ___ meekness
A. gentleness
87. ___ toward God
B. faithfulness
88. ___ trustworthiness
C. self control
89. ___ toward man
90. ___ control in all areas
91. ___ "Temperance" means
A. meekness
B. gentleness
p. 93-94
p. 94
p. 94
C. self-control
D. patience
92. ___ Crucifying the flesh (5:24) is
A. a process
B. a second work of grace C. done at a particular point in time
D. all of the above E. none of the above
p. 94
93. ___ The "walk" of Gal. 5:25 does not mean
A. to "walk" in a straight line
C. to walk through one's own ability
p. 95
B. to conduct oneself rightly
D. to walk by means of the Spirit
94. The liberty group should not __________ the Law group and the Law group should not
____________the liberty group.
p. 95
95. ___ Being caught by a fellow Christian or being "caught" by the fault are two interpretations of
A. being overtaken in a sin
B. restoring the fallen brother
C. proving one's work
D. challenging to contest
p. 96
96.__ T/F Bearing one another's burdens and bearing one's own burdens are both biblical commands.
p. 96
97. ___ We are primarily responsible for the physical needs of
A. the heathen
B. anyone in need
C. the Church
p. 97
D. Jews
98. ___ Paul probably closed his epistle in large letters
A. to call attention to his message
B. because of his bad eyesight C. both of these
p. 98
99. ___ Which is not true of the Judaizers?
A. They were selfish
B. They were more concerned for themselves than the Galatians
C. They were consistent
D. They tried to avoid persecution
p. 99
100. ___ The object of Paul's glorying was
A. circumcision
B. his heritage
C. the cross
101. The Israel of God is _____________ from the Church.
A. . the same
B. different
D. baptism
Please answer the following discussion/essay questions on the back of these pages. Remember that the words
"Essay and "Discussion" normally indicate that at least a paragraph is needed in order to receive full credit.
1. Paul uses five main points in his "theological argument". State and BRIEFLY explain each of these.
p. 79-85
2. From Gal. 3:25-29, state and explain in detail what we are in Christ.
p. 83
3. Use Gal. 4:1-7 to compare/contrast our position under Law vs. in Christ.
p. 84
4. Give at least three items on each side of the Hagar/Sarah allegory and explain its application.
p. 87
5. State and discuss the three consequences of legalism found in Gal. 5:2-12.
p. 88-89
6. Choose five works of the flesh and contrast them with five fruit of the Spirit. Explain why one is considered
"works" and the other "fruit".
p. 91-94
7. From Gal. 6:1-5, state and explain how Christians should treat each other.
p. 96
8. Discuss the meaning of Gal. 6:6 and give support for both sides of the argument.
p. 97
9. Explain what is meant by the "Israel of God". Support your answer.
10. Discuss how Christians should act in all their obligations (Gal. 6:7-10).
11. True / False --- I have completed the assigned reading. (minus 10 points for false answer )
p. 100-101
p. 97