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Applied Social Science Exam: Counseling, Social Work

Mid-Term Examination
SY: 2019 -2020
Grade & Section:_______________________________
A. Directions: Read the questions carefully and identify what is being described/asked by the following. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided for each number.
_____1. This discipline of Applied Social Science offers guidance to individuals in varying situations of conflict, confusion,
and crisis and provides the tools for the individual to address issues of self-development.
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____2. This discipline of Applied Social Science offers a wide range of services, particularly in aid of emancipating the
marginalized individuals and facilitating participation in the public goods and services that are necessary for selfdevelopment.
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____3. This discipline of Applied Social Science empowers the individual with listening and speaking skills in order for
them to be effective. The individual has to be sure that the message comes across accurately by considering the
message itself, the audience or receiver, and how the message is likely to be received.
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____4. Which Applied Social Science is best applicable in proper use of media?
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____5. The following situations calls for the need of Applied Social Science EXCEPT __________.
a. Bullying
c. Child Development
b. Media
d. Disease
_____6. Which among the Applied Social Sciences would best deal with concerns about life?
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____7. The following are goals of counseling EXCEPT____________.
a. Development
c. Enhancement
b. Preventive
d. Cure
_____8. Which of the following is not part of the scope of counseling?
a. Psychological aspect
c. Mental illness
b. Behavioral aspect
d. Social aspect
_____9. Which of the following doesn’t call for the services of a guidance counselor?
a. Cases of students suffering from physical violence
c. Students suicidal attempts in school
as a result of bullying in school
b. Students who were victims of a typhoon
d. Choosing a career track in SHS
_____10. This is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental
health, wellness, education, and career goals.
a. Counseling
c. Social Work
b. Communication
d. Politics
_____11. Why is there a need for an organization to establish its core values?
a. For management
c. It will make the clinic more reputable
b. It will encourage more clients
d. It will serve as a guiding principle
_____12. The following are core values of a counselor EXCEPT ___________________.
a. Responsible caring
c. Listening Skills
b. Partnership
d. Respect for human dignity
_____13. This means that the counselor must provide a client unconditional positive regard, compassion, non-judgmental,
attitude, empathy and trust.
a. Respect for human dignity
c. Autonomy
b. Partnership
d. Responsible caring
_____14. This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a relationship
a. Respect for human dignity
c. Autonomy
b. Partnership
d. Responsible caring
_____15. This primarily means respecting the potential of every human being to change and to continue learning throughout
his/her life.
a. Respect for human dignity
c. Autonomy
b. Partnership
d. Responsible caring
_____16. Counselors must reflect honesty, and truthfulness with clients.
a. Respect for human dignity
c. Social Justice
b. Personal Integrity
d. Responsible caring
_____17. This means accepting and respecting the diversity of the clients and individuals.
a. Respect for human dignity
c. Social Justice
b. Personal Integrity
d. Responsible caring
_____18. Without ____________, clients cannot trust the counselors and therefore make the profession impossible to
a. Confidentiality
c. Generosity
b. Integrity
d. Wisdom
_____19. Which of the following is not in accordance to the code of ethics of counseling profession?
a. Counselors must not expose anything they hear
c. Counselors should be people of high moral
from their clients
b. It is ok for romantic relationships to exist between
d. Counselors should live and work in accordance
the counselor and the client
with the professional standards of set conducts
_____20. Guidance counselors honor and promote the fundamental rights, moral and cultural values, dignity and worth of
clients. Which code of ethics is being described?
a. Competence
c. Integrity
b. Respect for the rights and dignity of the client
d. Responsibility
_____21. These professionals offer a wide range of services for couples and families.
a. Marriage and Family Counselors
c. Rehabilitation counselors
b. Addictions and behavioral counselors
d. Mental health counselors
_____22. These professionals work with people suffering from mental or psychological distress such as anxiety.
a. Marriage and Family Counselors
c. Rehabilitation counselors
b. Addictions and behavioral counselors
d. Mental health counselors
_____23. These professionals are engaged with individuals suffering from physical or emotional disabilities.
a. Marriage and Family Counselors
c. Rehabilitation counselors
b. Addictions and behavioral counselors
d. Mental health counselors
_____24. These people aim to protect vulnerable people from abuse, neglect, or self-harm to enhance their well-being.
a. Counselors
c. News Reporters
b. Social Workers
d. Journalists
_____25. Which of the following is NOT a main goal of Social Work?
a. Care
c. Change
b. Converse
d. Cure
B. Directions: Identify which principle of Social Work is being described by the following items. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and right it on the space provided before each number.
_____26. Social workers should be prepared to account for and justify their judgements and actions to people who uses
services .
a. Being Professionally Accountable
c. Maintaining Professional Boundaries
b. Being trustworthy
d. Making Considered Professional Judgements
_____27. Social workers should make judgements based on balanced and considered reasoning.
a. Being Professionally Accountable
c. Maintaining Professional Boundaries
b. Being trustworthy
d. Making Considered Professional Judgements
_____28. Social Workers should establish appropriate boundaries in their relationships with service users and colleagues.
a. Being Professionally Accountable
c. Maintaining Professional Boundaries
b. Being trustworthy
d. Making Considered Professional Judgements
_____29. Social workers should work in a way that is honest, reliable, and open, clearly explaining their roles.
a. Upholding the values and reputation of the
c. Maintaining Professional Boundaries
b. Being trustworthy
d. Making Considered Professional Judgements
_____30. Social workers should act at all times in accordance with their values and principles of the profession
a. Upholding the values and reputation of the
c. Maintaining Professional Boundaries
b. Being trustworthy
d. Making Considered Professional Judgements
_____31. Social workers should ensure that resources at their disposal are distributed fairly.
a. Working in Solidarity
c. Distributing Resources
b. Recognizing diversity
d. Challenging unjust policies and practices
_____32. Social workers should recognize and respect the diversity of the societies in which they practice.
a. Working in Solidarity
c. Distributing Resources
b. Recognizing diversity
d. Challenging unjust policies and practices
_____33. Social workers, individually, collectively, and with others have a duty to challenge social conditions that contribute
to social exclusion.
a. Working in Solidarity
c. Distributing Resources
b. Recognizing diversity
d. Challenging unjust policies and practices
_____34. Social workers have a duty to bring to the attention of their employers, policy makers, politicians and the general
public the situations where practices are oppressive, unfair, harmful, or illegal
a. Challenging discrimination
c. Distributing Resources
b. Recognizing diversity
d. Challenging unjust policies and practices
_____35. Social workers have a responsibility to challenge discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as ability, age,
culture, gender and sex.
a. Challenging discrimination
c. Distributing Resources
b. Recognizing diversity
d. Challenging unjust policies and practices
_____36. Social workers should focus on the strengths of all individuals, groups, and communities.
a. Identifying and developing strengths
c. Promoting the right to participation
b. Respecting the right to self-determination
d. Creating each person as a whole
_____37. Social workers should be concerned with the whole person, within the family, community, societal, and natural
a. Identifying and developing strengths
c. Promoting the right to participation
b. Respecting the right to self-determination
d. Creating each person as a whole
_____38. Social workers should promote the full involvement and participation of people using their services in ways that
enable them to be empowered.
a. Identifying and developing strengths
c. Promoting the right to participation
b. Respecting the right to self-determination
d. Creating each person as a whole
_____39. Social workers should respect, promote, and support people’s dignity and right to make their own choices.
a. Upholding and promoting human dignity and wellc. Promoting the right to participation
b. Respecting the right to self-determination
d. Creating each person as a whole
_____40. Social workers should respect, uphold, and defend each person’s physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual
integrity and well-being.
a. Upholding and promoting human dignity and wellc. Promoting the right to participation
b. Respecting the right to self-determination
d. Creating each person as a whole
C. Directions: Identify which principle of counseling is being described by the following items. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and right it on the space provided before each number.
_____41. A counselor makes judgements about a counselee’s problems and lays out options for a course of action.
a. Reassurance
c. Release of emotional tension
b. Advice
d. Clarified thinking
_____42. This principle encourages client to accept responsibility for problems and to be more realistic in solving them.
a. Reassurance
c. Release of emotional tension
b. Advice
d. Clarified thinking
_____43. It provides the opportunity to get emotional release from their pent-up frustrations and other personal issues.
a. Reassurance
c. Release of emotional tension
b. Advice
d. Clarified thinking
_____44. This is giving the client courage to face a problem or confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of action.
a. Reassurance
c. Release of emotional tension
b. Advice
d. Clarified thinking
_____45. A change in the client’s emotional self through a change in basic goals and aspirations.
a. Reorientation
c. Clarified Thinking
b. Advice
d. Listening Skills
_____46. The counselors’ attempt to understand both content of the clients’ problem as they see it.
a. Reorientation
c. Clarified Thinking
b. Advice
d. Listening Skills
_____47. In all circumstances, clients must be treated with _______________.
a. Empathy and positive regard
c. Clarification, confrontation and interpretation
b. Respect
d. Transference and countertransference
_____48. The principles that should go along with respect and effective listening.
a. Empathy and positive regard
c. Clarification, confrontation and interpretation
b. Respect
d. Transference and countertransference
_____49. Clients are empowered to gain understanding of important aspects of their emotional life
a. Empathy and positive regard
c. Clarification, confrontation and interpretation
b. Respect
d. Transference and countertransference
_____50. An attempt by the counselor to restate what the client is either saying or feeling.
a. Empathy and positive regard
c. Clarification, confrontation and interpretation
b. Respect
d. Transference and countertransference
D. Directions: Read the items carefully and identify the specific work areas where counselor are usually employed.
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided for each number.
_____51. Make an inventory of students’ behavior profile.
a. School Counselling
c. Mental Health Counselling
b. Career Counselling
d. Group Counselling
_____52. Conduct and develop the criteria for the screening of applicants.
a. School Counselling
c. Mental Health Counselling
b. Career Counselling
d. Group Counselling
_____53. Provide a diagnosis of a person with personality problem.
a. School Counselling
c. Mental Health Counselling
b. Career Counselling
d. Group Counselling
_____54. Provide assistance through group counselling and group guidance.
a. School Counselling
c. Mental Health Counselling
b. Career Counselling
d. Group Counselling
_____55. Consider diversity in enhancing educational perspective.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling
_____56. Emphasize on educational placements in course and programs.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling
_____57. Aid individuals on decisions and planning concerning their career.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling
_____58. Manifested in the challenges posed by its clientele with mental disorder.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling
_____59. Refers to the process of reaching out to students with concerns on drugs, family, peers or gang involved.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling
_____60. These professionals offer a wide range of services for couples and families.
a. School Counselling
c. Marriage and Family Counselling
b. Mental Health Counselling
d. Career Counselling