Uploaded by Mohsin Ali

Product Development Process: A Comprehensive Overview

Presented By: Mohsin Ali
Supervisor: Dr. Nazeer Anjum
• Introduction of Topic-Product Development
• Product and Process Cycles
• Organization for Design and Product
• Markets and Marketing
• Technological Inovation
Product Development Process
1- Planning
2- Concept Development
3- System-level Design
4- Detail Design
5- Testing and Refinement
6- Production Ramp-up
Product Development Process
• Factors for Success
Cost vs Price
Profit = Product Price - Product Cost
Key Factors for Success of Product in Market
• Quality, Performance and Price
• Cost to manufacture over its life-cycle
• Cost of product development
• Time required to bring the product to the market
Product Development Process
Factors for Success
Product Development Process
• Static Vs Dynamic Products
Static Products
Design Change v Long Time (Automobiles)
Dynamic Products
Design Change
Short Time (Mobiles/Software)
• Variants of PDP
Market Pull
Technology Push
Product And Process Cycles
Product And Process Cycles
• Technology Development and Insertion Cycle
Product And Process Cycles
• Process Development Cycle
• Can be classified in 03 x classes based on number of parts that can
Uncoordinated development: The process is composed of generalpurpose equipment with a high degree of flexibility, similar to a batch
Segmental : The manufacturing system is designed to achieve higher
levels of efficiency in order to take advantage of increasing product
standardization. This results in a high level of automation and process
Systemic: The product has reached such a high level of standardization
that every process step can be described precisely, as on an assembly
Organization For Design And Product
An important aspect of how an enterprise should be organized is concerned with
the links between individuals. These links have to do with:
Reporting relationships: A subordinate is concerned about who his or her supervisor is!
Financial arrangements: Another type of link is budgetary. The source of funds to
advance the project, and who controls these funds!.
Physical arrangement: Studies have shown that communication between individuals is
enhanced if their offices are within 50 feet of each other.
Organization For Design And Product
• Organization Types based on Product
Organization by Functions
Organization by Projects
Hybrid Organization
Organization For Design And Product
Organization by Functions
Organization For Design And Product
Organization by Projects
Organization For Design And Product
Hybrid Organization
Organization For Design And Product
Concurrent Engineering Teams
The conventional way of doing product design has been to carry out all
of the steps
serially. Thus, product concept, product design, and product testing
have been done
prior to process planning, manufacturing system design, and
Starting in the 1980s, as companies met increasing competitive
pressure, a new
approach to integrated product design evolved, which is called
concurrent engineering. The impetus came chiefly from the desire to
shorten product development time,
but other drivers were the improvement of quality and the reduction
of product lifecycle costs.
Markets And Marketing
• Marketing is concerned with the interaction between the
corporation and the customer.
• Customers are the people or organizations that purchase
• Customer Vs Product User
• Marketing is concerned with the interaction between the
corporation and the customer. Customers are the people or
organizations that purchase products specification for a
highly weldable grade of steel is the end user
Markets And Marketing
• Market
The market is an economic construct to identify those persons
or organizations that
have an interest in purchasing or selling a particular product,
and to create an arena
for their transactions.
Multinational Market Models
Ford Vs Toyota/Hunda
Markets And Marketing
• Market Segmentation
Which segments of the total market the product is
intended to serve. There are many ways to segment
a market.
Markets And Marketing
Market Segmentation
Cooper suggests that four broad categories of variables are useful in segmenting a market.
State of Being
Sociological factors—age, gender, income, occupation
For industrial products—company size, industry classification (SIC code), nature of the buying organization
Location—urban, suburban, rural; regions of the country or world
State of Mind—This category attempts to describe the attitudes, values, and lifestyles of potential customers.
Product Usage—looks at how the product is bought or sold
Heavy user; light user; nonuser
Loyalty: to your brand; to competitor’s brand; indifferent
Benefit Segmentation—attempts to identify the benefits people perceive in buying
the product. This is particularly important when introducing a new product. When
the target market is identified with benefits in mind, it allows the product developers to add features that will provide
those benefits.
Markets And Marketing
Functions of a Marketing Department
The marketing department in a company creates and manages the
company’s relationship with its customers. It is the company’s window
on the world with its customers
preliminary marketing assessment
a quick scoping of the potential sales
market share at the very early stages of the product development
Technological Innovation
Many of the products that engineers are developing today are the result of new
What You thing Is biggest Invention of 19th Century!
Generally, the advancement of technology occurs in three stages:
Invention: The creative act whereby an idea is conceived, articulated, and
Innovation: The process by which an invention or idea is brought into successful
practice and is utilized by the economy.
Diffusion: The successive and widespread implementation and adoption of successful
Technological Innovation
Business Strategies Related to Innovation and Product Development
A common and colorful terminology for describing business strategy dealing with
innovation and investment was advanced by the Boston Consulting Group in the
1970s. Most established companies have a portfolio of businesses, usually called
business units. According to the BCG scheme, these business units can be placed into
one of four categories, depending on their prospects for sales growth and gain in
market share.
Star businesses: High sales growth potential, high market share potential
Wildcat businesses : High sales growth potential, low market share
Cash-cow businesses : Low growth potential, high market share
Dog businesses: Low growth potential, low market share
Technological Innovation
• Characteristics of Innovative People
There are five behavioral types of people who are needed in a
product team devoted to technological innovation.
• Idea generator: The creative individual
Entrepreneur: The person who “carries the ball” and takes the risks
Gatekeepers: People who provide technical communication from
outside to inside
the product development organization
Program manager: The person who manages without inhibiting
Sponsor: The person who provides financial and moral support,
often senior management or a venture capital company
Technological Innovation
• Types of Technology Innovation
Need-driven innovation, where the development
team seeks to fill an identified gap
in performance or product cost (technology pull)
Radical innovation, which leads to widespread
change and a whole new technology, and arises
from basic research (technology push)