OSHA 30 CONSTRUCTION TOPIC EXAM 1. TOPIC EXAM INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTI ON TO TO OSHA 1. When the emplo employer yer ree!" ree!"e# e# $n OSHA !t$t!on% !t$t!on% !t m&#t m&#t 'e( 'e( A. Contested and filed with the courts B. Copied Copied and mailed mailed to each each work worker er C. Posted Posted for 3 days days or or until until the violation violation is fixed fixed)orret )orret $n#*er+ D. Sign Signed ed and and ret retur urne ned d to S! S!A A ,. 3. The C-R P$rt#% P$rt#% #&h #&h $# P$rt 1,/ 1,/ or Con#tr& Con#tr&t!on t!on%% $re &rther &rther 'roen 'roen 2o*n 2o*n !nto % % *h!h *h!h 4ro&p to4ether #pe!! $n2 2et$!le2 #t$n2$r2#. A. Bullets B. Pieces C. Slices D. Su"parts )orret $n#*er+ Wh!h Wh!h o the the ollo ollo*!n *!n4 4 !# $ type type o OSHA OSHA "!ol "!ol$t! $t!on5 on5 A. #epeat B. Serious C. $illful D. All All of of the the a"ov a"ove e )orret $n#*er+ 6. Wh$t $re $re t*o US 4o"ernm 4o"ernment ent $4en!e# $4en!e# th$t $re $re 4oo2 re#o&r re#o&re# e# or #$ety #$ety $n2 he$lth he$lth !norm$ !norm$t!on5 t!on5 A. D%A and D& B. 'B( and C(A C. (#S (#S and and SC SC)*S )*S D. S!A S!A and and +( +(S! S! )orret $n#*er+ -or more !norm$t!on on OSHA 30 Te#t Te#t C7IC8 HERE AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%. 9. Wh$t #et!o #et!on n o the OSH OSH At At 2oe# 2oe# the Wh!#tle' Wh!#tle'lo*er lo*er Pro4r$m Pro4r$m reeren reerene5 e5 A. Section ,-a B. Section / C. Sect Sectio ion n 00-c 0-c )orret $n#*er+ D. /. Section 10 10 The re$t!o re$t!on n o OSHA OSHA pro"!2e2 pro"!2e2 th!# th!# !mport !mport$nt $nt r!4ht r!4ht to *orer#( *orer#( A. )he right to e2ual employment opportunities B. )he )he righ rightt to pen pensi sion on "en "enef efit its s C. )he )he rig right ht to to priv privac acy y D. )he righ rightt to a safe safe and healt healthfu hfull workpl workplace ace)orret )orret $n#*er+ :. =. . When yo&;"e yo&;"e 'een $##!4n $##!4ne2 e2 $ ne* ne* <o' or t$#% t$#% 'e #&re #&re to $# $'o&t $'o&t the( the( A. Additional pay and "enefits B. )ime )ime it takes takes to drive drive to to the nearest nearest S!A S!A office office C. edical edical expense expenses s that that all you co4wor co4workers kers may have D. $ritten $ritten procedur procedures es and any any additional additional training training that that may may "e re2uired re2uired)orret )orret $n#*er+ >o& $n re?&e#t re?&e#t to rem$!n rem$!n $nonymo&# $nonymo&# *hen OSHA OSHA pre#ent pre#ent# # $ ompl$!nt ompl$!nt to yo&r employer employer.. A. )rue )orret $n#*er+ B. 'alse Where Where there !# no #pe! #pe!! ! OSHA #t$n2$r2% #t$n2$r2% employe employer# r# m&#t omply omply *!th *!th the OSH OSH At;#( At;#( A. Catch4All Standard B. 'inal +o +otice C. 5ene 5enera rall Dut Duty y Clau Clause se )orret $n#*er+ D. 5ene 5enera rall (ndus (ndustr try y Stan Standa dard rd 10. Wh$t 2oe# 2oe# OSHA re?&!r re?&!re e employer# employer# to po#t or or 3 2$y#5 A. %mployee of the month recognition recognition B. 5ran 5rants ts rec recei eive ved d for for stud studie ies s C. S!A citations citations and a"ateme a"atement nt verifica verification tion notice notices s )orret $n#*er+ D. 6PP awards 11. 11. Wh$t 2oe# 2oe# OSHA re?&!r re?&!re e employer# employer# to po#t or or 3 2$y#5 A. %mployee of the month recognition recognition B. 5ran 5rants ts rec recei eive ved d for for stud studie ies s C. S!A citations citations and a"ateme a"atement nt verifica verification tion notice notices s )orret $n#*er+ D. 6PP awards AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%. 1,. Wh$t type o OSHA !n#pet!on !# on2&te2 on2&te2 *hen !mme2!$te !mme2!$te 2e$th or or #er!o&# h$rm !# l!ely5 A. Complaint B. (mmi (mmine nent nt dang danger er )orret $n#*er+ C. Programmed D. #eferral 13. Worer# Worer# m&#t m&#t 'e tr$!ne2 tr$!ne2 !n *h!h o the ol ollo*!n lo*!n45 45 A. 7ockout8tagout B. 'all ha ha9ards C. Bloo Blood" d"or orne ne path pathog ogen ens s D. All All of of the the a"ov a"ove e )orret $n#*er+ 16. Wh!h o the ollo*!n4 !# $ *$y th$t $n employee employee $n ont$t ont$t OSHA5 A. %mail B. (n per perso son n at at a loc local al off offic ice e C. Phone D. All All of of the the a"ov a"ove e )orret $n#*er+ 19. The OSHA OSHA #t$n2$r2# #t$n2$r2# or Con#tr&t!on $n2 @ener$l In2&#try $re o&n2 !n( A. Codes :;0 through 0;;; B. Constr Construct uction ion and 5( #egist #egisters ers C. Part Parts s 0<0 0<0: : and and 0<0, 0<0, D. Part Parts s 0<1 0<1= = and and 0<0 0<0; ; )orret $n#*er+ 1/. Employer# o"ere2 'y 'y OSHA;# #t$n2$r2# m&#t m&#t 2!#pl$y $n It;# the 7$* 7$* po#ter. po#ter. Wh$t 2oe# th!# po#ter $22re##5 A. %mployee dress code code B. !ourly wa wages C. !our !ours s of of ope opera rati tion on D. Safety Safety and health health inform informati ation on )orret $n#*er+ 1:. Wh!h o ollo*!n4 ollo*!n4 *o&l2 'e 'e#t to h$"e *hen on#&lt!n4 on#&lt!n4 $ me2!$l proe##!on$l $'o&t po##!'le eBpo#&re to $ h$rm&l hem!$l5 A. %ye witness accounts accounts of the exposure incident B. Phot Photog ogra raph phs s of the the che chemi mica call C. Safety Safety Data Data Sheet Sheet for for the the chemic chemical al )orret $n#*er+ D. Samp Sample le of the the che chemi mica call 1=. OSHA re?&!re# th$t employer# employer# p$y or *h!h o the ollo*!n4 per#on$l protet!"e protet!"e e?&!pment )PPE+5 )PPE+5 A. !ard hats )orret $n#*er+ B. 7ogg 7oggin ing g "oot "oots s C. *niforms D. $eat $eathe her4 r4re rela late ted d gear gear AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%. 1. Amon4 the r!4ht# rel$te2 to OSHA reor2eep!n4% *orer# *orer# h$"e the r!4ht r!4ht to re"!e*( A. All first aid treatment forms B. All worker worker>s >s compen compensat sation ion forms forms C. edical edical and and expos exposure ure records records for all workers workers D. S!A 3;; 7ogs 7ogs and and S!A S!A 3;;A Summaries Summaries )orret $n#*er+ ,0. Wh$t Wh$t !# OSHA;# OSHA;# m!## m!##!on !on5 5 A. )o prevent in?uries B. )o protect protect the the health health of Americ America>s a>s work workers ers C. )o sav save e liv lives es D. All All of of the the a"ov a"ove e )orret $n#*er+ ,1. Wh!h 4ro&p# 4ro&p# 2o NOT NOT ome &n2er &n2er OSHA;# OSHA;# o"er$4e5 o"er$4e5 A. Pu"lic workers who are employed "y state agencies B. Self Self4e 4emp mplo loye yed d work worker ers s C. $orkers $orkers employed employed "y construc construction tion companies companies D. Bot Both A and and B )orret $n#*er+ ,,. OSHA re?&!re# employer# employer# to m$!nt$!n ert$!n reor2# on $n2 report *orrel$te2 *orrel$te2 !n<&r!e# !n<&r!e# $n2 !llne##e#. Wh!h o the ollo*!n4 !# &#e2 or th!# proe##5 A. (n?ury and (llness #eport -'orm 3;0 B. 7og of $ork4# $ork4#elated elated (n?uries (n?uries and and (llnesses (llnesses -commo -commonly nly called called the S!A S!A 3;; 3;; 7og C. Summar Summary y -S!A -S!A 'orm 'orm 3;;A 3;;A D. All All of of the the a"ov a"ove e )orret $n#*er+ ,3. Who 2oe# OSHA OSHA reommen2 yo& !r#t 'r!n4 $ *orpl$e #$ety or or he$lth onern to5 A. S!A B. )he )he loca locall poli police ce dep depar artm tmen entt C. @our our empl employ oyer er )orret $n#*er+ D. @our our law lawyer ,6. A *orer *orer or *orer repre#ent$t!"e repre#ent$t!"e $n !le $ ompl$!nt $'o&t $'o&t $ #$ety or he$lth h$$r2 !n the *orpl$e. A. )rue )orret $n#*er+ B. 'alse ,9. One o the m$!n re#pon#!'!l!t!e# re#pon#!'!l!t!e# employer# h$"e% h$"e% $# re?&!re2 'y OSHA #t$n2$r2#% !# to( A. Conduct energy audits B. +otify +otify S!A S!A of any any workpl workplace ace in?ury or illness illness.. C. Prov Provid ide e trai traini ning ng )orret $n#*er+ D. #educe #educe air air pollu pollutio tion n in the the enviro environme nment nt AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%. ,/. Wh$t $re t*o t*o US 4o"ernment 4o"ernment $4en!e# th$t $re $re 4oo2 re#o&re# re#o&re# or #$ety $n2 he$lth !norm$t!on5 !norm$t!on5 A. D%A and D& B. 'B( and C(A C. (#S (#S and and SC SC)*S )*S D. S!A S!A and and +( +(S! S! )orret $n#*er+ ,:. Typ!$lly% yp!$lly% ho* lon4 2oe# $n employee employee h$"e to !le $ ompl$!nt ompl$!nt *!th OSHA% *hen *hen the employee h$# 'een 'een 2!#r!m!n$te2 $4$!n#t or report!n4 $ #$ety or he$lth h$$r25 A. 3 days B. 0; days C. 3; days )orret $n#*er+ D. =; days ,=. OSHA #t$n2$r2# $ll !nto o&r $te4or!e# )or P$rt#+( @ener$l @ener$l In2&#try% In2&#try% Con#tr&t!on% M$r!t!me% M$r!t!me% $n2 A4r!&lt&re. A. )rue )orret $n#*er+ B. 'alse ,. The r!4ht o *orer# *orer# to 'e #$e $n2 he$lthy *h!le *h!le on the <o'% *!tho&t e$r e$r o p&n!#hment !# #pelle2 #pelle2 o&t !n( A. S!A standards B. Sectio Section n 00-c 00-c of of the the S! S! Act )orret $n#*er+ C. State la laws D. )he )he 5en 5ener eral al Dut Duty y Cla Claus use e 30. D&r!n4 D&r!n4 $n OSHA OSHA !n#pet!on !n#pet!on(( A. %mployers determine determine which workers are interviewed interviewed B. @ou have have the right to talk talk to the inspec inspector tor private privately ly)orret )orret $n#*er+ C. @ou may not descri descri"e "e safety safety and health health concerns concerns you you have to the inspecto inspectorr D. $orker $orker represent representative atives s are not permitted permitted to accomp accompany any the inspec inspector tor 31. OSHA #t$n2$r2# $ppe$r !n the Co2e Co2e o -e2er$l -e2er$l Re4&l$t!on# Re4&l$t!on# )C-R+. A. )rue )orret $n#*er+ B. 'alse -or more !norm$t!on on OSHA 30 Te#t Te#t C7IC8 HERE AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%. AdvanceOnline – www.advanceonline.com www.advanceonline.com,, CareerSafe – www.careersafeonline.com www.careersafeonline.com (Youth), (Youth), ClickSafety – www.clicksafety www.clicksafety.com .com (also includes Roadway, Roadway, CalOS!A and S"anish), #ureSafety – www.#uresafetyondemand.com, www.#uresafetyondemand.com, Redvector – www.redvector.com, Summit $rainin% Source – htt"&www.hsi.comosha', *$rainin% – www.*trainin%.com, $urner Construction – www.turneruniversity.com, and +niversity of South lorida – www.usfoticenter.or%.