AGE: 28
DATE: APRIL 10, 2021
Midterm Examination
Lang 601
April 1, 2021
1. Choose at least five approaches in teaching English and discuss what each approach is all about and
how you are going to do it in this new normal. (600 words)
The five approaches that I choose are Aural Comprehension, Total Physical Response, Communicative
Language Approach, Direct Method, Grammar translation Method. Aural Comprehension it is a new
approach in teaching English language it is an unusual teaching procedure since it doesn’t teach
students how to speak but how to hear. It doesn’t help them to express themselves but to listen to
others and understand. Aural Comprehension can best describe as the gradual improvement of the
students’ ability to understand a language in its spoken form. It analyses the learner’s listening needs.
Listening comprehension begins at a young age as babies interact with people around them. It develops
as they are read to and as they engage in conversation with their parents. Tone of voice, pauses
between words, where the emphasis is placed in a sentence, and the rhythm and pattern of speech all
have an impact on the meaning of the words being spoken and the message they are meant to convey.
Listening comprehension is the precursor to reading comprehension, so it’s an important skill to
develop. Aural comprehension isn’t just hearing what is said—it is the ability to understand the words
and relate to them in some way. In this new normal using online platform is an alternative learning
modality to utilize to observe health measures amidst this pandemic. I as a teacher will conduct my class
via zoom meeting a synchronous class for example, I will let them hear a story read aloud, good listening
comprehension skills enable them to understand the story, remember it, discuss it, and even retell it in
their own words. Total Physical Response (TPR) developed by James Asher, a professor emeritus
of psychology at San José State University. It is based on the coordination of language and physical
movement. In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language with body movements,
and students respond with whole-body actions. It is a method of teaching language or vocabulary by
using physical movement to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way that an infant will learn
their first language, and it reduces student inhibitions and lower stress. The purpose of Total Physical
Response is to create a brain link between speech and action to boost language and vocabulary learning.
To use this Total Physical Response in this new normal of teaching and learning processes again teachers
could use online platforms a synchronous class. Using hand gestures, TPR (Total Physical Response),
non-linguistic visual representations, kinaesthetic instruction, or ASL (American Sign Language) is a
wonderful way to make your teaching comprehensible to all students. Communicative Language
Approach .The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language
successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved
in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this
will allow them to learn to use the language. Using online platform with your students/ pupils
we could use question and answer portion or sharing life’s experiences as an activity to use this
communicative language approach. The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called
the natural method, and is often (but not exclusively) used in teaching foreign languages, refrains from
using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. It was established in England
around 1900 and contrasts with the grammar–translation method and other traditional approaches, as
well as with C.J. Dodson's bilingual method. It was adopted by key international language schools such
as Berlitz and Inlingua in the 1970s and many of the language departments of the Foreign Service
Institute of the U.S. State Department in 2012. Direct method of teaching languages aims to build a
direct way into the world of the target language making a relation between experience and language,
word and idea, thought and expression rule and performance. This method intends for students to learn
how to communicate in the target language. It is based on the assumption that the learner should
experience the new language in the same way as he/she experienced his/her mother tongue without
considering the existence of his/her mother tongue. In this new normal using a synchronous class to my
learners I could conduct new teaching points are introduced orally. Concrete vocabulary is taught
through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas. Both
speech and listening comprehension is taught. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.
In grammar-translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules
by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. Grammar–translation
classes are usually conducted in the students' native language. Grammatical rules are learned
deductively; students learn grammar rules by rote, and then practice the rules by doing grammar drills
and translating sentences to and from the target language. Teaching and learning processes with these
approaches that I choose can be conducted in a synchronous class in different platforms.
2. Make your own CLT classroom model and explain this model in the context of the new normal. (300
Communicate using the target language
Communicative Language Teaching
Know the importance of language
Conduct activities using role-plays
And dialogues
In communicative language teaching focuses on the teacher being a facilitator, rather than an
instructor. Furthermore, the approach is a non-methodical system that does not use a textbook
series to teach the target language but works on developing sound oral and verbal skills prior to
reading and writing. The main goal of communicative language teaching is the ability to
communicate using the target language. The teacher will have an activity like role-plays and
dialogues for the learners to be able to express themselves using the language. Most learners feel
comfortable working in pairs like making a dialogue, or even group activity, the main goal is to
enhance the learners’ ability to communicate and understand.
Let the learners understand the importance of using the language through communication for them to
have confidence, and become globally competitive. Allow students to share their thoughts, ideas and
feeling to others, let them discover a meaningful communication by themselves.
Successful communication in the target language is the main goal of communicative language
teaching. The focus, particularly in the beginning, is on the learners communicating an
authentic message in their individual context and making themselves be understood. Accuracy
is important but doesn't need to be the main goal. A student who communicates more information
with a few mistakes is more likely to communicate successfully than one who conveys very little with no
mistakes. Therefore, it's essential to use content that's relevant and interesting to the learners. Learners
are allowed to choose and prepare their own discussion topics, so that they can talk about the things
that really matter to them.
3. Design your own framework of English language instruction in this new normal. (600 words)
Reading Readiness
Vocabulary Instruction
The medium of instruction is the language used by the teacher to teach. English is used from the
beginning of a course as the main language in class. English serves as the medium of instruction in
our country. It is the language of the academe and therefore it has the ability to reach a great
number of people. As it is used in school, English is helping mold the minds of the children who are
to become the future of the Philippines. English can be used to promote and teach the Filipino ideals,
culture, and traditions which can imbed a love for one’s country in the young. It must become a tool
used in the schooling of young minds to see the potential and importance of the national language.
Communication makes learning easier, helps students achieve goals, increases opportunities for
expanded learning, strengthens the connection between student and teacher, and creates an overall
positive experience. Well-developed communication skills are vital to a child's academic success. At
all levels of education, students must be able to communicate effectively. Without welldeveloped communication skills, children run the risk of falling behind their peers or becoming
emotionally overwhelmed or withdrawn at school. Communication skills are most vital for
interactions with students, because the act of teaching itself requires them. ... However, this works
both ways: poor communication skills and thus poor methods of teaching – causes students'
comprehension levels to drop, and may affect their academic progress negatively. Vocabulary helps
students express themselves more precisely and sharpens communication skills it also requires
students to cognitive academic language proficiency. When students learn more of 90-95% of
the vocabulary words helps students to understand what other people are saying and what she/he
is reading. Since comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading, the importance of vocabulary
development cannot be overestimated. A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication —
listening, speaking, reading and writing. The 3 top benefits of having a good vocabulary base
are: Learners can express themselves better. Knowing more words allows a learner to choose their
words more precisely and so become more effective and accurate when communicating with
empowers learners academically.
grade has
as important to reading literacy because it is the final year children are learning to read, after which
students are “reading to learn.” If they are not proficient readers when they begin fourth grade, as
much as half of the curriculum they will be taught will be incomprehensible. Learning to read is
about listening and understanding as well as working out what is printed on the page. Through
hearing stories, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their
own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital as they start to
read. In this normal teaching English to the learners is challenging for us as teachers. Teaching in the
new normal, especially online, must allow students to be engaged. The challenge to teachers is to
make the instructional design meaningful, memorable, motivational and, in the end, measurable.
The use of different online platforms is ways to teach our learners, we have to prepare creative
instruction, preparation and strategies to our learners.
4. Narrate your experiences in teaching the five (5) language skills in the new normal classroom. (600
There are different ways of teaching the 4 language skills, which are Reading, Listening, Writing and
Speaking. Students can encounter various difficulties in these different skills. They will make mistakes in
English pronunciation, grammar, syntax, vocabulary usage, and spelling. By the beginning of third grade,
pupils are expected to be able to do basic writing, editing, and revising. They're also expected to have
mastered basic reading skills and start focusing on comprehension. To teach language skills to third
graders I as a teacher will make sure that learning must be filled with fun, exciting activities, make it
active, and do not put pressure on the pupils. Being at grade level is meaningful at any age, but third
grade is the crucial year when students make the leap from learning to read to reading to learn. Policy
makers note big ramifications beyond the classroom, too, since poor readers tend to have more
behavioural and social problems. In this new normal classroom teacher must have to practice,
practice like there’s no tomorrow, practice making videos to my classes, practice different
lighting and sound setups so my learners can get the most out of the videos presented, practice
having an online hours to speak with pupils , practice making a new curriculum that will teach
learners what they need to know amidst the crises the world is facing and practice using the
apps and teaching my pupils how to use the technology they will need to continue getting an
education amidst the pandemic.